Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I was told today my hospital is one of the first places chosen here in Canada to be pumping out this stuff so I will be asked to take one long before most of the public. I have no interest in this vaccine and have concerns about what it could do down the road. That said I will still get it. I worry more about those I might kill giving them covid than I am about the vaccine. I still don't want it mind you but will take it for the greater good. It just sucks that we are all in this position now.
Believe what you want man.

Up until now anti vax people havent needed to be vocal about it. Why would we, its a fundamental human right what we do with our bodies. But now we have the brainwashed sheep jumping in telling us we have little choice.
Fuck anyone who says i have no choice.

The theory of a vaccine is to stimulate your immune response so you yourself do not become seriously ill..thats what it is and always has been, therefore it should not in any way be forced or coerced onto anyone who would prefer to take their chance with their own immune system

Thats not whats happening , they are twisting it around now to get everyone to think they have to get it or they will make others sick.

This is b.s on a few levels.
First they have already stated it doesnt prevent transmission anyway and all previous measures need to seriously wtf?

Second, if the people who want it ,get it, then just tell me exactly what the problem is if x hundred thousand who would rather not get it, don't.

Remember it only stimulates your immune system, doesnt kill the virus or stop transmission.
Let the people who feel they need it have it..they then have that in place, the only people left to "suffer" the full effects are those that have objections ..
Simple as that.
No, fuck anyone that puts themselves above all others. You want to go without, no problem, don't live among other people. That's your right. You don't get it both ways. You don't get to stay around everyone else when you become a danger. You are right, it's your body, get it away from everyone else.
No, fuck anyone that puts themselves above all others. You want to go without, no problem, don't live among other people. That's your right. You don't get it both ways. You don't get to stay around everyone else when you become a danger. You are right, it's your body, get it away from everyone else.

If you have it and i dont, explain the danger please
I remember doing all this writing arguing conspiracy stuff when I was under 30, I should of done what I said yesterday ignored the wooly
Conspiracy or not though

Answer the question.

If we are standing in a room, you and your family have a vaccine ,mine dont.

Whats the problem ?
Simple, viruses mutate when allowed to live. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable you give the virus a chance to evolve to possibly not respond to the vaccine. Than you endanger millions working so hard to end it. As I said, you have every right to not take it, it's a choice, as is the rest us not allowing dangerous people to live among us.
But they have clearly said already the vaccine does not prevent this.

Therefore unvaccinated and vaccinated makes no difference to the lifecycle of viruses.

And to the original point the best it can do is lessen disease symptoms, if it even does that. Sogo get it if it makes you feel safer, the only danger is unvaccinated people dying from it , and thats their choice
With no unprotected hosts there is no place for the virus to mutate. I dont agree, you are just being selfish. Go live someplace by yourselves if you want to ignore what ot takes to stay with society, your choice and will stay that way until you decide to endanger me and my family. Than it becomes bigger than you
What part did you not like?

The truth that 99.5 percent of people recover with no vaccine?

Or the truth that they are lumping all respiratory disease deaths and then some as 1 big lie. ?

Or the truth that pharma wants to pump you full of poisons to continue milking money for another century to come?

Go look at the official death records. There is no excess deaths!

fact fact fact facts!!
And ancient aliens are real get over yourself
Its not just me . There are millions of people who reject john d rockefellers model of healthcare.
Pumping people full of vacinnes and pharmaceutical drugs is a new thing believe it or not..your ancestors managed to get your genes to about the 1930s ,through real pandemics, without a cocktail of drugs.
Maybe you will wake up some day and realise health is big business, and making people chronically ill is big profit. You think these people care about you? Anyone but their own, nope. Can guarantee you they don't inject themselves with that shit.
Our ancestors just died, plain and simple. They also had 1/3 the life expectancy. So do you think the vaccine started in 1967 that eradicated Small Pox was a scam? There is no arguing that big pharma are a bunch of leeches, that's no argument. Yes some of them care about you, not all, but some. I don't need to wake up, it's you that seem buried in conspiracy theories. I work in a hospital and get first hand knowledge, not just shit I read in the news or watch on tv. I know there are millions of people that don't believe but hey, there are also those who put gorilla glue in their hair and eat tide pods. It's the rest of us that protect those morons. You didn't think all human life was inelegant did you?
What part of 'they have told us the vaccine does not prevent tramsmission ' do you not get? Feel like im banging my head against a wall here. They are bringing out ridiculous new place name variants every few weeks.
that is in itself a joke.
What you are suggesting is i and millions of others dont deserve to live if we dont submit to a medical experiment. Because thats clearly what it is. You sound deranged tbh, completely mindfucked. But its ok i dont blame you. Youre in the majority unfortunately.

Its not just me . There are millions of people who reject john d rockefellers model of healthcare.

Pumping people full of vacinnes and pharmaceutical drugs is a new thing believe it or not..your ancestors managed to get your genes to about the 1930s ,through real pandemics, without a cocktail of drugs.

Maybe you will wake up some day and realise health is big business, and making people chronically ill is big profit. You think these people care about you? Anyone but their own, nope. Can guarantee you they don't inject themselves with that shit.
I feel like you have banged your head against the wall a ton, that might explain your thinking. Now you are taking about Bill Gates. Wow
I feel like you have banged your head against the wall a ton, that might explain your thinking. Now you are taking about Bill Gates. Wow

Oh wow imagine talking about the richest man on the planet who has hundreds of billions invested in the WHO , pharma, vaccine programs.
Go look at his record in india, or maybe have a look at the pandemic simulation carried out gates foundations john hopkins oct 2019

Too much reading, too much thinking, turn on the tv and let politicians tell you whats going on.

I took the vaccine a week ago.........................................and died later that night.

I came back the next a zombie. A weed smoking zombie.

I have eaten all of my neighbors right next door to me over the last 3 days.

...................................and I just smoked more weed. I'm hungry again :eyesmoke::shock:

The risk of immediate death is there and has actually killed a lot of people already.

The real danger is the changes the drugs make to your body over time.

There are actually real drs making videos about the real dangers.

One of the main risks is called immune super priming
There are also doctors turning womans breasts into giant fish tanks. Not all doctors are good doctors.
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