Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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Wow. I can still comment on this post. Why the racism?
lol, there is not much to be honest. He posted something from a white rapper who was crying about be labeled a racist because he's white. I said typical white person response. Not shocking. It's the same entitled crap we see all the time.
lol, where did I write I hate white people? I'm mixed race, my father is white. All of my children are therefor white as well. Don't be silly. The idiots who say "Blue lives matter" are the same kind of idiots who cry about poor white people being blamed for racism, they can't get past their own nose because they lack understanding, compassion and vision. That's who you decided to share with the world, putting out more ignorance. I get the appeal to people like my friend, he can understand it. That's why he liked Trump, somebody he could finally understand. "Bad people" "wall" "it's them not us." "Ghina."

You never said you hate all white people

You said you hate "those" white people.

But - racist is racist there are no increments
It's yes or no

And you said yes numerous times in this thread.


Plain and simple
Why can't you just accept that?
lol, there is not much to be honest. He posted something from a white rapper who was crying about be labeled a racist because he's white. I said typical white person response. Not shocking. It's the same entitled crap we see all the time.

And you responded with racism

It's THAT simple
And you responded with racism

It's THAT simple

Go find the quote that you think I was being racist towards you. It's not THAT simple, unless you are a simpleton and don't get it, although that might be the case, my young friend who is against BLM keeps telling me there is not a racist bone in his body.
lol, what's funny is that I didn't even call you racist, I said you were posting white boy angst videos. Although I am sure that you have questionable believes as you came across that artist. probably on some right leaning proud boys circle jerk type of "real" news site.
Seems like I struck a nerve with some of y'all.
Racism is a euphemism for whyte world supremacy.
Racism has always benefited wyte folks, since the english invented the concept!
To call people with melanin racist shows your understanding or lack thereof.

Religion? Fool please. The point was that the info was being shared in the 70s. Magic.

Just admit that while enjoying the privilege of your ancestors crimes you don't wanna be accountable.

If you don't understand whyte world supremacy look into new zealand or canada or Hawaii.

Jk. No need to look anything up. Just talk to your kids.

Seems like I struck a nerve with some of y'all.
Racism is a euphemism for whyte world supremacy.
Racism has always benefited wyte folks, since the english invented the concept!
To call people with melanin racist shows your understanding or lack thereof.

Religion? Fool please. The point was that the info was being shared in the 70s. Magic.

Just admit that while enjoying the privilege of your ancestors crimes you don't wanna be accountable.

If you don't understand whyte world supremacy look into new zealand or canada or Hawaii.

Jk. No need to look anything up. Just talk to your kids.


Huh - I don't need to respond at all.

Very good demonstration of racist thinking - racist. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
To call people with melanin racist shows your understanding or lack thereof.

Yes, you did touch a nerve when you made racist statements... on a thread that had NO racism until you and your racist bud brought it with you.
You just aren't diggin' being called out - hopefully part of you growing up a bit.
- I don't like racists at all and feel strongly that there should be no tolerance for that brand of hate here.
- But then again, having you exposed for what you are and able to see something different is probably better in the long run.

Melanin content is a part of us as humans and changes as we age*.
Interesting criteria for hating people...
- explain how melanin content defines your ability (or not) to be racist. (this should be great!)
- you are suggesting that you could me more - or less racist if your skin changes shade?
- what level of melanin draws the line?

*What about albinos?
- They have NO melanin - are they perfect non-people for you to express your hate-problem? (which is the root cause of [your] racism).
- Your rules, not mine - I'm secure with the knowledge that color means NOTHING - it's all about CULTURE.


White-supremacy is the yin to your yang - the equal/opposite.
Hate is hate - period.
Racism is racism - period.
You judge people based on the melanin content of their skin - therefore - well, you know - racist. (the word SHOULD be made small - just like you)

You should really meet and study this man - seriously, he could teach you to have the courage of your convictions:

It's because of antivax losers like those assholes that mandates are needed. I'm generally a very understanding and compassionate person but I got nothing but disgust for pricks like that. They should be made to pay for every bit of treatment they get if it's for Covid and they aren't vaccinated. End of the line for ICU beds too. People are dying from having surgeries cancelled because the ICU beds are full of these freedumb loving covidiots.

Fuck them and the horse they rode in on! bigbird.gif
how hard is it to understand the concept of "the good of the many outweigh the good of the few" ?...the virus is contagious, anyone who has it, even asymptomatic people, that come in contact with other people, have a good chance of spreading it, then those people keep spreading it...i feel like this has been explained enough times that even the densest fucking morons should have gotten the point by now. anyone trying to claim personal privilege, personal choice, is basically saying "fuck everyone else in the world, i don't want to take the vaccine, and i don't give a fuck if i make you, and anyone you come in contact with, sick, possibly fatally"...people who refuse the vaccine are murderers...cowardly, self absorbed, ignorant murderers...
there will be a backlash when this is all over...antivaxxers will become social outcasts, deservedly so...they will become pariahs, hated by all those who lost people to the virus, and all those who did take the precautions they could to prevent the deaths of everyone they came into contact with.
If this was something that was disfiguring, rather than just deadly, and highly contagious those knuckleheads would be first in line for the vax.
Funny how image driven alot of people are.
Permanently scarred, or handicapped, no problem i will get the vax.
Protect myself, friends, and family.. Fuck that shit
Bullshit. You can still contract and transmit covid with or without vaccines and boosters. If you think the jab protects you, then get it. No need to make others get something which only protects the user, as advertised.
you're not even fucking trying is the're all just saying fuck everyone matter what you say in defence, thats what it comes down to, all antivaxxers are cowards who could give a fuck less about anyone else in the world...fuck each and every one of them in the ear...
you're not even fucking trying is the're all just saying fuck everyone matter what you say in defence, thats what it comes down to, all antivaxxers are cowards who could give a fuck less about anyone else in the world...fuck each and every one of them in the ear...
My 18 year old son doesn't want to get it, but that's his choice. I've told him he should, and I could issue a mandate but I wouldn't do shit like that.
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