Creepy Uncle?

What does being black have to do with me voting for Biden. Do you not think I have a mind of my own ? The worst thing about living in America is the ignorance of some of its people. Biden nor Bernie has my vote in the primary. Warren is leading the pack for me. By the way, I get my news from different sources ...not just MSNBC. I suggest you do the same

Warren is my first choice if I were voting today.
Thanks for that @zeddd,

What motivated this rude and inconsiderate comment, I thought you a good and honorable man. What drives this malice?

Sick of white men telling me I’m rude
and inconsiderate when I’m schooling them on their white privilege. Go fucking meditate, cultural appropriation suits you.
Sick of white men telling me I’m rude
and inconsiderate when I’m schooling them on their white privilege. Go fucking meditate, cultural appropriation suits you.
Obviously past hurts and slightshave wounded you and you'd be right.almost 80% of white men in the states are racist, in fact they are so fucking racist, they are willing to fuck not just you, but everybody else including them selves, these are the people who support Trumpism. and the are your adversaries not necessarily your enemies, adversaries can be dealt with by skillful means, enemies must be thwarted or killed. Adversaries can change and evolve over time and experience, enemies cannot be and are treated in a different way.

The fist thing I used to look for in a student was a heart, no hope no heart, and you have one, I can assure you, and ya can call me anything ya want zeddd and I'll understand why or try to. The only thing I would take exception to though, was being told that I had a heart full of hate, for I try real hard not to hate any body, even if I say I do when playing the part or joking as I often do because I like to make people happy, give hope and lift spirits and there ain't much room in my heart for hate, cause that is filled with joy, and the more I help others, the more joyful I become and I won't mind explaining it to ya, if ya wanna read piss poor prose and bad grammar too. If a meditation teacher does not put his student before himself in all things, he is a pretty piss poor master and I would never sit at his knee, or advise anybody else too, cause the fucker doesn't have a clue as what the fuck the he is talking about and I'd tell em to their face, no bones about, read my posts.

I'd consider you to be my friend until you show me you have no heart, then I might just like ya.

Consider your response if yer gonna, and respond, don't react, there is a difference

One other thing zeddd, It's not what ya gain in a practice that counts, but what ya lose, yer baggage.
Obviously past hurts and slightshave wounded you and you'd be right.almost 80% of white men in the states are racist, in fact they are so fucking racist, they are willing to fuck not just you, but everybody else including them selves, these are the people who support Trumpism. and the are your adversaries not necessarily your enemies, adversaries can be dealt with by skillful means, enemies must be thwarted or killed. Adversaries can change and evolve over time and experience, enemies cannot be and are treated in a different way.

The fist thing I used to look for in a student was a heart, no hope no heart, and you have one, I can assure you, and ya can call me anything ya want zeddd and I'll understand why or try to. The only thing I would take exception to though, was being told that I had a heart full of hate, for I try real hard not to hate any body, even if I say I do when playing the part or joking as I often do because I like to make people happy, give hope and lift spirits and there ain't much room in my heart for hate, cause that is filled with joy, and the more I help others, the more joyful I become and I won't mind explaining it to ya, if ya wanna read piss poor prose and bad grammar too. If a meditation teacher does not put his student before himself in all things, he is a pretty piss poor master and I would never sit at his knee, or advise anybody else too, cause the fucker doesn't have a clue as what the fuck the he is talking about and I'd tell em to their face, no bones about, read my posts.

I'd consider you to be my friend until you show me you have no heart, then I might just like ya.

Consider your response if yer gonna, and respond, don't react, there is a difference

One other thing zeddd, It's not what ya gain in a practice that counts, but what ya lose, yer baggage.
Thanks for schooling me in being nice you are such a helpful considerate whiteboi zen master.
but why does being black means I'm automatically going to vote for Biden ? @schuylaar is a victim of believing in polls and unable to think for self. Thinking that blacks will automatically vote for Biden is just as ignorant as thinking all blacks can't swim. Cut the fucking TV off and go listen to the people. That would be my advice to Sky...but we know she does not listen well
She’s the queen of stereotypes. And quite racist as well, not very good at hiding it but she tries lol. At least she has the gated house to keep out the colours :(.
Obviously past hurts and slightshave wounded you and you'd be right.almost 80% of white men in the states are racist, in fact they are so fucking racist, they are willing to fuck not just you, but everybody else including them selves, these are the people who support Trumpism. and the are your adversaries not necessarily your enemies, adversaries can be dealt with by skillful means, enemies must be thwarted or killed. Adversaries can change and evolve over time and experience, enemies cannot be and are treated in a different way.

The fist thing I used to look for in a student was a heart, no hope no heart, and you have one, I can assure you, and ya can call me anything ya want zeddd and I'll understand why or try to. The only thing I would take exception to though, was being told that I had a heart full of hate, for I try real hard not to hate any body, even if I say I do when playing the part or joking as I often do because I like to make people happy, give hope and lift spirits and there ain't much room in my heart for hate, cause that is filled with joy, and the more I help others, the more joyful I become and I won't mind explaining it to ya, if ya wanna read piss poor prose and bad grammar too. If a meditation teacher does not put his student before himself in all things, he is a pretty piss poor master and I would never sit at his knee, or advise anybody else too, cause the fucker doesn't have a clue as what the fuck the he is talking about and I'd tell em to their face, no bones about, read my posts.

I'd consider you to be my friend until you show me you have no heart, then I might just like ya.

Consider your response if yer gonna, and respond, don't react, there is a difference

One other thing zeddd, It's not what ya gain in a practice that counts, but what ya lose, yer baggage.
Your a meditation instructor? Are you on Insight Timer?
I don't carry the weight of the world on my shoulders Yoda, just act honesty and with good will and try to help folks when I can and make peace between people with hearts. I haven't spent much time attacking you or your posts, others have. I didn't want to silence you, just help you and see if ya had a heart and weren't just driven by denial and delusion, unable to come to terms with your behavior.
This is a lie, just by the way you have comported yourself here.

Your attempts to psychoanalyse others say much more about your own insecurities than anyone else.
This is a lie, just by the way you have comported yourself here.

Your attempts to psychoanalyse others say much more about your own insecurities than anyone else.
Ummm you probably should take the year long extensive denial and deferral program lol. You still haven’t told me how your consulting business is coming along. Some pretty big contracts coming up? Have you reduced the carbon footprint of many commercial setups yet? Asking for a friend.
Thanks for schooling me in being nice you are such a helpful considerate whiteboi zen master.
Not a master just a tradesmen and that's what I was at work, a skilled tradesmen and union member and started doing other work later. My teacher was Tibetan, and I've had more than one teacher. I'm, or was Buddhist geek who tries to live a normal life with out meditating too much, we want to retain our personalities and preferences and are not looking religious things, never believed the superstition part of the tradition, I was after the meat. we are more involved with communities and helping the unfortunate around us, you don't need to go far to find suffering, I find it all around me and help when I can.

Used to think it was about concentration, but it's about compassion and it makes focusing on the breath easier too.

I'm not teaching anybody here and don't want to. People should go to free online evidence based 8 week mindfulness course. and follow through if ya want or go to the university and take the course there. People do it for tons of reasons, including personal growth and development. makes ya happy with a clear picture (I hope!)

Just trying to help, ya didn't sound to happy and I didn't do anything that should have pissed ya off I figure, but...
Ummm you probably should take the year long extensive denial and deferral program lol. You still haven’t told me how your consulting business is coming along. Some pretty big contracts coming up? Have you reduced the carbon footprint of many commercial setups yet? Asking for a friend.
I don't mind Yoda too much, he just posts shit and drives participation, every community has it's eccentrics, look the fuck at me!:lol:
Not a master just a tradesmen and that's what I was at work, a skilled tradesmen and union member and started doing other work later. My teacher was Tibetan, and I've had more than one teacher. I'm, or was Buddhist geek who tries to live a normal life with out meditating too much, we want to retain our personalities and preferences and are not looking religious things, never believed the superstition part of the tradition, I was after the meat. we are more involved with communities and helping the unfortunate around us, you don't need to go far to find suffering, I find it all around me and help when I can.

Used to think it was about concentration, but it's about compassion and it makes focusing on the breath easier too.

I'm not teaching anybody here and don't want to. People should go to free online evidence based 8 week mindfulness course. and follow through if ya want or go to the university and take the course there. People do it for tons of reasons, including personal growth and development. makes ya happy with a clear picture (I hope!)

Just trying to help, ya didn't sound to happy and I didn't do anything that should have pissed ya off I figure, but...
But..... It’s the politics section my man. You are actually sounding a tad pretentious even if not trying lol. Not many here really care about meditation or the way of the Buddha would be my guess lol. But carry on, no harm no foul I guess.
Perhaps someone(?) could explain to this antitheist why mindfulness meditation is not yet another bs mind control paradigm for the credulous? How much cash did the Tibetan lama bilk from you?
Perhaps someone(?) could explain to this antitheist why mindfulness meditation is not yet another bs mind control paradigm for the credulous? How much cash did the Tibetan lama bilk from you?
I do short 10 to 30 minute meditations almost daily. They help me with anxiety and sleeping and focusing on the present . The meditations I do are not Buddhist related at all. More to do with getting in touch with mind/body connection. Like Yoga Nidra with focus on breath and body scan while relaxing in a chair or bed. In the free app called insight timer you can sample free meditations for what ever is distressing you at the time. If your having trouble sleeping there are tons of guided sleep meditation . And trust me they work! Just put on your headphones and focus and it has helped me so much. bongsmilie:peace: