Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

Followed this easy recipe to the T and made some amazing butter. The only thing i dident follow was the ammount of trim/bud used. I ended up useing 3-4 oz's of sugar tim and came out strong, but not much, perfect for me.
I may get flamed here..But I didn't have time to read all 18 pages...I make a lot of Canna-Coconut oil and tinctures. I always decarb my bud/trim before freezing and crumbling. I didn't see you decarbed before adding to the melted butter.
Is there a simple recipe to follow when using kief? I've collected quite a bit from my bud grinder but have no idea how much of it I would mix with butter first time out.
I may get flamed here..But I didn't have time to read all 18 pages...I make a lot of Canna-Coconut oil and tinctures. I always decarb my bud/trim before freezing and crumbling. I didn't see you decarbed before adding to the melted butter.
I just made my first batch of canna butter, and decarbed it at 250° for 25 minutes. I used 4 oz of trim in 2lbs of butter. The same amount of trim in a batch of brownies ground up as flour makes 105 modestly strong brownies, I can eat 2-3 at a time. Using 1/2 lb of the canna butter, decarbed, or the equivalent of 1 oz of trim, makes 90 kick ass brownies, one at a time is plenty. Three took me through the day. I normally smoke 5-7 gms of 20% THC pot a day.
Is it too late to revive this thread? Just wanted to say thanks for the instructions. Followed them to the T last night and made a rather nice batch. Make some snickerdoodles with it tonight and they seem to be pretty potent :)

Now for a question, if you don't mind. What is the preferred method, if there even is one, to get the budder to taste less obvious. I'm not trying to sneak them by anyone as a prank or anything, but I was hoping the end result would be a potent budder with not such a potent pot taste. Would running it through the crock pot a second time with a new batch of water help to remove the overwhelming taste?

Some specs of our batch:
3 sticks butter
8g bud
Crock potted for ~15 hours or so.

Any tips, or is baking with budder just supposed to taste like your nomming on a sugary joint, LOL
I always use 5-6 cups of water and put it in the refrigerator so it takes longer to solidify.
The extra water gives the nasty silt more room and the slower cool off gives it more time to separate the solids.
You can't even taste the weed in my cookies.
Now for easy cookies I take a cake mix ( your choice) 3 eggs and what ever amount of oil it calls for.
Mix it all together place spoon sized blobs of the doe on a cookie sheet and bake at recommended temp for 3-5 mins or so and walla kick assed good tasting too! I like lemon cake.
Hey, everyone! I've been gone for a long while and had no idea this post had blown up to 18 pages! I just read through it all and I have a few comments.
  1. You guys are all awesome. All of the ideas and tweaks sounds great, and in the end, you just have to do what works for you.
  2. I should have been clearer that the main reason I cook for about 24 hours is that I usually cook it overnight. It's just easier than watching a clock.
  3. Decarbing is only needed if your starting material isn't completely crispy dry. Decarbing releases the moisture (and some CO2) from your material, allowing the other compounds to fully come to life. I never decarb and never have a problem, but I like my stuff crispy dry.
  4. Would anyone be interested in a crazy simple tutorial for how to make "Green Dragon" tincture?
Thanks again for all of the comments. I had no idea so many people gave this a try.
Hey, everyone! I've been gone for a long while and had no idea this post had blown up to 18 pages! I just read through it all and I have a few comments.
  1. You guys are all awesome. All of the ideas and tweaks sounds great, and in the end, you just have to do what works for you.
  2. I should have been clearer that the main reason I cook for about 24 hours is that I usually cook it overnight. It's just easier than watching a clock.
  3. Decarbing is only needed if your starting material isn't completely crispy dry. Decarbing releases the moisture (and some CO2) from your material, allowing the other compounds to fully come to life. I never decarb and never have a problem, but I like my stuff crispy dry.
  4. Would anyone be interested in a crazy simple tutorial for how to make "Green Dragon" tincture?
Thanks again for all of the comments. I had no idea so many people gave this a try.
I have to take exception to the notion that crispy dry pot is decarbed. The material I just used was trimmed two months ago. The average RH% here is 15-20%. If that wasn't dry I don't know what dry is. Anyway, I watched it decarb (outgas) for 25 minutes at 250°F, so it was not decarbed from being dry.
I have to take exception to the notion that crispy dry pot is decarbed. The material I just used was trimmed two months ago. The average RH% here is 15-20%. If that wasn't dry I don't know what dry is. Anyway, I watched it decarb (outgas) for 25 minutes at 250°F, so it was not decarbed from being dry.
Cool man, whatever works for you. I've never done it and see no need, but if you think it makes it better, go for it! I would watch that temp though or you might do more harm than good. Enjoy!
Cool man, whatever works for you. I've never done it and see no need, but if you think it makes it better, go for it! I would watch that temp though or you might do more harm than good. Enjoy!
It is not a subtle thing. I have been making brownies with leaves and trim for 20 years. This is the first time I used the same amount of material I previously used or a single batch of brownies, 4 oz., but this time it went into canna butter, and only 1/3 of that was used in the brownies, These brownies are far-and-away superior to anything I have made before, 3-4X as strong and I will get 3X the number. I also saw no need to decarb before, but after this, will never cook with non-decarbed material again. As far as temperature, 250° for 25 minutes is about ideal. And decarbing liquids is easy, as one can watch the CO2 escape. Surely you have seen this graph of decarb time vs. temperature?
It is not a subtle thing. I have been making brownies with leaves and trim for 20 years. This is the first time I used the same amount of material I previously used or a single batch of brownies, 4 oz., but this time it went into canna butter, and only 1/3 of that was used in the brownies, These brownies are far-and-away superior to anything I have made before, 3-4X as strong and I will get 3X the number. I also saw no need to decarb before, but after this, will never cook with non-decarbed material again. As far as temperature, 250° for 25 minutes is about ideal. And decarbing liquids is easy, as one can watch the CO2 escape. Surely you have seen this graph of decarb time vs. temperature?

Like I said, if you feel the need to do it, then do it, but it's not needed if it's really dry. If you're somehow making yours "3-4x" stronger, it wasn't really dry to begin with. You don't need to prove anything to me. FYI, I'm an advanced grad of Oaksterdam and just like to impart easy ways to enjoy life. There's no need for technical sheets on decarboxylation to make butter, lol. Take care, and keep it simple ;-)
The purpose of the decarb is to convert the THCA into the psychoactive that you can 'feel it' or get the high from it, not just get the pain relief from it. It does happen naturally over time, but it takes quite a bit of time. If you make two cookies exactly the same, except dearb one and not the other, you will notice a significant difference.
The purpose of the decarb is to convert the THCA into the psychoactive that you can 'feel it' or get the high from it, not just get the pain relief from it. It does happen naturally over time, but it takes quite a bit of time. If you make two cookies exactly the same, except dearb one and not the other, you will notice a significant difference.

All I can tell you is that in my 30+ years of baking with weed, I've never decarbed super dry stuff and never had a problem. I see what you are both saying and can understand why you'd want to, but I know a bunch of people that have used my recipe to make budder and none of them decarb either. So in the end, maybe it's a personal preference. I don't think it can turn out bad either way.
me either hun :) there are as many ways to make butter/oil/whatever as there are people to make them :hug:
I would love to see your Green Dragon tutorial...always looking for easier ways to do things :)

I'll work on a tutorial, but it's almost too easy to need one. Green Dragon has become my favorite over budder because it acts a lot faster and easier to get a good dose without putting yourself into la la land. Although, la la land is a nice place to be... haha
I did a 2 1/2 hr cook off in a pressure cooker and it's just as good imop and used olive oil.
it works well.
I'd love the tutorial too!