Crockpot cannabutter troubleshooting


Hi everyone,

I'm hoping some of you can help me by telling me what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to make potent cannabutter to use actually on my pet I've read various stories of pets being medicated with cannabis.

I tried this past week to make cannabutter by using a small crockpot, a stick of butter (quarter pound), a quarter ounce of dank bud and a cup and a half of water. I let cook in the crockpot for about 16 hours all together. It was on low setting for the majority of time but I did turn it up to high for a couple hours approximately halfway through the time and then turned it back down for a few hours. When it was on high I noticed when I would stir it was bubbling fast/boiling. Strained it out and set it in the fridge to find my green butter. But it is totally bump. It has very little to no effect at all!?!?! It does nothing honestly.

I don't understand how this happened I just wasted a quarter, but I have to do it again and get it right. Could someone please advise much appreciated.
Most " low" settings on crockpots will boil oil or butter pretty quickly.. I use " warm" setting and that gets plenty hot after a few hours.. Never use high.. You probably burnt the hell out of everything.

I've given my dogs edibles before..they do not like it, if they don't puke, they just sleep a veryyy long time and have trouble standing.

What do you want to treat on dog?
Just made my first batch of medicated brownies and they are awesome. I used the same as you - 7 grams of bud and 1 stick of butter.

FIRST - try decarb'ing in the oven before cooking in butter. I read dozens of how-to's and this seems to be mandatory if you're not getting enough medication.

Chop the bud as fine as you can, spread in single layer on baking pan and bake @ 240 deg for 45 - 60 minutes and stir it around about every 10 minutes. Do NOT turn up the oven hotter to try to make it go faster, you'll lose terpenes and THC.

A lot of people use crockpots so I don't think that's went wrong for you. I used a double boiler and kept the water separate from the butter and herb. Once the butter melted, I added the herb into the butter and mixed it in well. Keep checking the boiling pot of water and add water if it gets low. About every 15 minutes or so, use a baking spatula to stir and press the herb in the butter.

Cook herb in butter for 2 - 3 hours, then pour butter through fine strainer or cheese cloth. Be sure to press the green firmly with the spatula to get all the THC possible.

Put butter in fridge for about an hour to solidify. Mine was more of a light brown than green but the bud I used was a year and a half old and had turned brownish so maybe that's why.

When making the brownies, measure out your medicated butter in a 1/4 cup measuring cup. You will have lost some butter in the process so add more regular butter to equal 1/4 cup. If your recipe calls for oil, you can always use butter instead.

I used a Ghirardeli brownie mix which came with chocolate chips in the mix. I bought a bag of Reeces peanut butter morsels and added half a bag because, well, why the fuck not?:bigjoint:

I chopped them into 12 brownies and froze all but 2. I ate one brownie when it came out of the oven around 9 pm on Friday night, stayed up until 4am and was still stoned when I woke up the next day. I cut the other one in half and ate one half around 10am on Sunday, then ate the second half later that afternoon. I had a very good but manageable buzz all day and night and ended up not smoking anything that day, didn't need it.

They came out absolutely killer, better than I could have expected. There was no taste from the herb (which was fairly dank when dry, but it became almost nutty when cooked in butter) and the buzz is like dispensary edibles, medicated and somewhat heavy. I used a Sativa/Indica hybrid I had grown which I would rate as mild but effective when smoked. I also only cooked my herb in the butter for 2 hours but I'm guessing that 3 hours would be even more potent.

Try the decarb process in the oven first, then let us know how your next batch goes.