
Well facts are that Trump NEVER grabbed any pussy, what he said was " grab them by the pussy. you can do anything" I hate defending orange man but some of you are relentless.
Why do you protect an individual over the American way?

Even over the Republic?
Asking for folks raised on being patriotic...

No offense I love Cilantro, saint who married me hates it , says it taste like soap :mrgreen:
Pretty creative for a pedophile. Did you get that one from 'holocaustwolf' too

Thank you, Poopy Pants.

No sir, I did not get that from holocaustwolf. Sounds like a 1970s scary movie where maybe you get to see Jane Fonda's tits or something. What the fuck is holocaustwolf ?
i rest my case.

(meaning the rush to judgement) was he charged? arrested? indicted? right to trial by jury of his peers? any right at all?

just so everyone understands Millennials definition of sexual harassment is a little different than those before them + they lie and have no qualms about it.
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yes, it was a GOP win so i posted it under 'GOP Leadership'.
I don't think so, I believe there is enough bad news for Andrew to step aside, the next step might be criminal indictment and he might know it's coming. The democrats don't depend on individual strongmen, but government by law and constitution, Cuomo is no longer required. I don't believe his sin was particularly grave, but in the present times and environment and with the republicans teeming with perverts and criminals, the public must be given a clear and unambiguous moral choice. Character counts and Trump demonstrated it best, he exposed republicans as having none, courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible.
N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo Announces Resignation Amid Harassment Claims

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announces his resignation amid claims of sexual harassment. Citing one of the "most challenging times for government in a generation," the governor said he will step aside to "let government get back to governing."
I don't think so, I believe there is enough bad news for Andrew to step aside, the next step might be criminal indictment and he might know it's coming. The democrats don't depend on individual strongmen, but government by law and constitution, Cuomo is no longer required. I don't believe his sin was particularly grave, but in the present times and environment and with the republicans teeming with perverts and criminals, the public must be given a clear and unambiguous moral choice. Character counts and Trump demonstrated it best, he exposed republicans as having none, courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible.

as our DOJ defends Trump on Carroll; what is striking (to me) is how Cuomo carried us last year and this year he's Satan.

i don't understand why there was nothing during his career until NOW- what changed?

and cable media are being little bitches when they carried his 3-hour pandemic conferences on their channel EVERY DAY because WE HAD NO PRESIDENT. our president was trying to keep the minority thingy a secret and not only didn't lift a finger but CANCELLED PPEs and equipment that the states had ordered.
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as our DOJ defends Trump on Carroll; what is striking (to me) is how Cuomo carried us last year and this year he's Satan.

i don't understand why there was nothing during his career until NOW- what changed?
I haven't followed this story too closely, but there is a consensus of opinion among his supporters that he has to go. He gave a great swan song about the important issues and not about him or his current problems. He is correct, this would be a distraction and this resignation will take it and him out of the news overnight.
I haven't followed this story too closely, but there is a consensus of opinion among his supporters that he has to go. He gave a great swan song about the important issues and not about him or his current issues. He is correct, this would be a distraction and this resignation will take it and him out of the news overnight.

i understand but even Franken said he would've done things differently (not resigned)..Gillibrand had a hair but now she's no one..once a dem darling she's toxic because of rush to judgement.
i understand but even Franken said he would've done things differently (not resigned)..Gillibrand had a hair but now she's no one..once a dem darling she's toxic because of rush to judgement.
Franklin was a different situation and his sin was minor in deed, he was a senator, not a comedian anymore. Again, he was up against the headwind of Trumpism and the need to present a clear contrast to that ethos and behavior that repelled so many of Franken's supporters. Face it, republicans at this point in time have either no, or minimal moral standards, they are almost completely tribal and tolerate not just Trump's immoral and illegal behavior, but the moral turpitude republican congress people and senators.
Franklin was a different situation and his sin was minor in deed, he was a senator, not a comedian anymore. Again, he was up against the headwind of Trumpism and the need to present a clear contrast to that ethos and behavior that repelled so many of Franken's supporters. Face it, republicans at this point in time have either no, or minimal moral standards, they are almost completely tribal and tolerate not just Trump's immoral and illegal behavior, but the moral turpitude republican congress people and senators.

lest we forget Biden? just saying; at least Cuomo had the sense to have questionable moral standards with those over 18..and cable? i'm disgusted by them..i watch less and less.

the dismantling of the man who should have been president last year..notice how AP uses a flattering pic? his italian heritage accentuated a little darker than he really is..shame on you AP!:finger:


what's that look on his face? almost primate in nature.

Media using its same old tricks it did with Obama..i don't know who passed out the playbook this morning..but God damn!
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