Oh and the answers to 99% of your questions can be found fight here on rollitup in the growfaq section (including how to prepare tap water for growing).
I would say that dehydrators are not good for your smoke, although I've never used one. The entire act of curing is to slow down the drying time, so that other things happen that are desireable to our finished product. For the same reasons, using any heat during drying is counterintuitive.
(I don't know what that means, but it sure sounds cool, doesn't it?)
However i disagree with your potency argument as your logic is flawed, ... but the potency does not actually increase when water dried
Hey Pauliojr, I wouldnt want to cure all my weed this way either, surely not the 1st time. However, I do want to cure a little bit of it this way for several reasons,
1-purely as an experiment to see how well it works.
2-I can smoke the fruits of my labor in only 7 days as opposed to a month.
3- as a purely health concern, and after seeing the ash that it produced, it has to be much better for you than traditionally cured bud.
That's quite the picture of the ash, or so I think anyways.
(you did see that ash, right?)
Some people on here just dont seem to get it, the water cured buds potency DOES increase when its COMPARED to air cured bud. It DOES NOT increase when you just look at how much THC it had before. The bud will have more THC per sqaure foot but not more. But having more THC per square foot does mean the potency has increased. If you take a water cured nug and an air cured nug, the water cured nug will have more THC. therefore, its more potent. Like the person who TRIED to use the pie analogy said. 50% apple 50% cherry. Take a slice of cherry out and you have 70% apple, 30% cherry. Compare that pie with an air cured pie that is still 50/50. One slice of the water cured will have more apple than one slice of the air cured. Basically, over all potency stays the same, the sample sizes potency increases. Theres just confusion between the two between a lot of people. Both are right in their own way.