Curing Your Buds

i am on my first grow,,for myself,,i think i will try this,,as I have never done either methods,,,higher potency sounds appealing to me,did I miss something reading,,what kinda water,,tap water?? I am gonna do this,,sounds cool

Keep on Growin

Oh and the answers to 99% of your questions can be found fight here on rollitup in the growfaq section (including how to prepare tap water for growing).
Oh and the answers to 99% of your questions can be found fight here on rollitup in the growfaq section (including how to prepare tap water for growing).

You might want to check the post, which is the same info in the FAQ, before you jump in,He's asking about curing, not growing in tap water.
I don't think he mentions what type of water he used for the cure, if so, I missed it too:mrgreen:
I see where a dehydrator is a recommended method to drying. Just out of curiosity, how hot does one of those get? I thought of a possible alternative but I need to know how hot it gets before I attempt my idea. I will post my idea if temps are resonable. I just dont want anyone to try it and destroy a perfectly good harvest.
I would say that dehydrators are not good for your smoke, although I've never used one. The entire act of curing is to slow down the drying time, so that other things happen that are desireable to our finished product. For the same reasons, using any heat during drying is counterintuitive.

(I don't know what that means, but it sure sounds cool, doesn't it?) :blsmoke:

HTH :mrgreen:
I would say that dehydrators are not good for your smoke, although I've never used one. The entire act of curing is to slow down the drying time, so that other things happen that are desireable to our finished product. For the same reasons, using any heat during drying is counterintuitive.

(I don't know what that means, but it sure sounds cool, doesn't it?) :blsmoke:

HTH :mrgreen:

hey, this is about water-fermentation dude, if you won't use a dehydrator the mold will eat your buds with this method of curing! sure, for normal air curing it is the wrong tool, but for water-curing it is a fine tool to have.;)
Have water cured quite a bit over the years... am currently water curing what I believe to be just over/under a half OZ.

So far I have not used a dehydrator, and have not had mold issues yet.

I just place my buds on paper towels for a half hour or so, then hang them to dry just like my other buds. The buds dry out real quick though, one day tops.
i want to cut my plant from the bottom of the main stock and dry it for a few days to run everything out threw the buds. can i still do this water drying method after i do that?
this post isn't to clear in intrusction.. what kind of jar or whatever should i use metel? glass? and does the water have to be a little warm? and i read a few other places you use cold water? so what should i do?
actually he was right. water curing would in fact increase potency but also decreases weight.
by removing the extra chemicals such as chlrophyl and all that gay shit you lose weight. but thc is insoluable so you still have the same amount of thc, just less bud. the ratio or thc to bud is increased with means the little bit of bud you have left has more thc than if there was alot of bud.
If your having trouble understanding that then pour some salt in a cup of water. now evaporate some water and what you have left is less water with the same amount of salt. The salinity(in our case potency) of the water is in fact greater. much as our weed will have a higher potency of thc. No thc is gained this way just the weed tht is left will be more potent. If you dont enjoy smoking so much this would be better being that you wont need to smoke as much weed to get as high. If you are lookin to sell then this would be counterproductive as you will lose a lot of weight this way.
Some people on here just dont seem to get it, the water cured buds potency DOES increase when its COMPARED to air cured bud. It DOES NOT increase when you just look at how much THC it had before. The bud will have more THC per sqaure foot but not more. But having more THC per square foot does mean the potency has increased. If you take a water cured nug and an air cured nug, the water cured nug will have more THC. therefore, its more potent. Like the person who TRIED to use the pie analogy said. 50% apple 50% cherry. Take a slice of cherry out and you have 70% apple, 30% cherry. Compare that pie with an air cured pie that is still 50/50. One slice of the water cured will have more apple than one slice of the air cured. Basically, over all potency stays the same, the sample sizes potency increases. Theres just confusion between the two between a lot of people. Both are right in their own way.
i agree about water curing increasing potency but I think the 50% is false. You would have to factor in losing thc in the water ( i know thc is not soluble but the resin and thc can come off of the plant when you move the buds around in the water). If you read the article closely it says in it that some resin and thc will be lost this way. But i will try this method out with some of next years harvest:blsmoke:

Also, could you put things in the water to add some flavor to the weed? For example, if you put fresh orange peels in the water each day, or some orange juice or something, wouldn't the buds have a slight orange taste/smell? Just an idea
how much weight r we talkin bout losing here using the water curing method? wat percent???
Hey Pauliojr, I wouldnt want to cure all my weed this way either, surely not the 1st time. However, I do want to cure a little bit of it this way for several reasons,
1-purely as an experiment to see how well it works.
2-I can smoke the fruits of my labor in only 7 days as opposed to a month.
3- as a purely health concern, and after seeing the ash that it produced, it has to be much better for you than traditionally cured bud.
That's quite the picture of the ash, or so I think anyways.
(you did see that ash, right?)

and what kind of containers work best? etc. Could u maybe break it down for me. I mean I've read methods, but hearing from experience is always much better
Some people on here just dont seem to get it, the water cured buds potency DOES increase when its COMPARED to air cured bud. It DOES NOT increase when you just look at how much THC it had before. The bud will have more THC per sqaure foot but not more. But having more THC per square foot does mean the potency has increased. If you take a water cured nug and an air cured nug, the water cured nug will have more THC. therefore, its more potent. Like the person who TRIED to use the pie analogy said. 50% apple 50% cherry. Take a slice of cherry out and you have 70% apple, 30% cherry. Compare that pie with an air cured pie that is still 50/50. One slice of the water cured will have more apple than one slice of the air cured. Basically, over all potency stays the same, the sample sizes potency increases. Theres just confusion between the two between a lot of people. Both are right in their own way.

That was the most confusing statement I have every read. One I have never heard anyone use square feet as a measurement of bud, as it is not possible to measure dried bud in square feet, maybe cubic feet if you were a huge drug lord. But more to my point the increase in "potency" is in the weight difference nothing else. Due to the fact that with water curing you loose more of your starting weight than with air curing you end up with the same amount of thc and less weight so "more potent" for the weight thats all.