Hey DG...hows it going.? hopefully things will cool down in the next 60dayz out here..its been a hot one so far... so how much did that list set u back if you dont mind me asking? so I take it the 10 foot 12'' board you use to create say like a curb, and then u line the floor and sidewalls creating ur own pan liner? thats at least how I interpreted the shopping list, would love to see it once up. much luck TM
ya, its been averaging 101 here. but i can get used to heat to a degree... i can't get used to cold - its just like Pain to me.

$175 - 300 gal. reservoir.
215 - (12) 4 cu. ft. bags of sunshine perlite
360 - (2) 1700 gph water pumps with inline UV and timers
195 - (3) 10' x 13' pond lines
95 - (6) 2" x 12" x 10' boards
30 - 28 clamps for holding liners and cover in place
10 - reservoir cover
120 - pH and ppm/tds and temp meter that stays submersed
120 - float valve with solenoid for RO system (and a timer)
360 - 6 gallons each of G.H. Flora Micro and Flora Bloom
60? - miscelaneous tubing for overflows and inlets
20? - miscelaneous valves for redirecting water flow
50? - aquarium heater
60? - air stone(s) for res. and air pump
14? - 'L' brackets for strengthening side walls of the gulleys
Probably end up costing just under 1500 dollars to make the switch to a true hydroponic setup. Though 500 of that is for the new Nutes which are replaced every other time at most... and the Media which is probably going to be replaced every time. So really around 1000 to go hydro i guess.
Ya, the (6) 2" by 12" by 10' boards will make 2 boxed-in areas on the floor. Each rectangle will be 5' by 10' ... with 12" inch high walls that are 2" inches thick. These two gulleys will then be lined with the pond liner. Two holes will go through the pond liner (and the floor) for the inlet and the overflow. I'll use compression fittings for both. The reservoir will be located under the house. But i'll deff. snap some pics after i get it up.
