DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

ya, its been averaging 101 here. but i can get used to heat to a degree... i can't get used to cold - its just like Pain to me. :D ...w/tax:

$175 - 300 gal. reservoir.
215 - (12) 4 cu. ft. bags of sunshine perlite
360 - (2) 1700 gph water pumps with inline UV and timers
195 - (3) 10' x 13' pond lines
95 - (6) 2" x 12" x 10' boards
30 - 28 clamps for holding liners and cover in place
10 - reservoir cover
120 - pH and ppm/tds and temp meter that stays submersed
120 - float valve with solenoid for RO system (and a timer)
360 - 6 gallons each of G.H. Flora Micro and Flora Bloom
60? - miscelaneous tubing for overflows and inlets
20? - miscelaneous valves for redirecting water flow
50? - aquarium heater
60? - air stone(s) for res. and air pump
14? - 'L' brackets for strengthening side walls of the gulleys

Probably end up costing just under 1500 dollars to make the switch to a true hydroponic setup. Though 500 of that is for the new Nutes which are replaced every other time at most... and the Media which is probably going to be replaced every time. So really around 1000 to go hydro i guess.

Ya, the (6) 2" by 12" by 10' boards will make 2 boxed-in areas on the floor. Each rectangle will be 5' by 10' ... with 12" inch high walls that are 2" inches thick. These two gulleys will then be lined with the pond liner. Two holes will go through the pond liner (and the floor) for the inlet and the overflow. I'll use compression fittings for both. The reservoir will be located under the house. But i'll deff. snap some pics after i get it up. :blsmoke:
Wow man, that's quite an investment, and quite a setup. Huge props. Judging by your list I take it you're going to be using perlite as your medium? Any particular reason why you chose that? IMO, you should either switch to rockwool or coco. Keep in mind though, with coco you'll have to water more frequently as it's got better drainage. I have 30 plants in rockwool and a 70 gallon res....I'm 2 weeks into flowering and the plants are taking almost 10 gallons of water a day! Just keep that in mind. Perlite is even more pronounced when it comes to it's drainage, so if you decide to go that route be prepared to have to keep an extremely mindful watch on the nutrient solution. All the rest you've got going sounds good to me, but I'm no fan of cooltubes. If they're working for you don't change, but I prefer a good reflector and aim to use every watt and lumen I can. Good luck!
this 1 is like 1 k 115gal rez. 4x8. american agritech. not sure who slangs it or wut link.

I see the prices on the net too...

But it just seems NUTS!!!!

Take a peek at this...

This info is straight from the BOTANICARE site...


22'' x 22'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White $49.95
24'' x 44'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White or Black
36''' x 36'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White or Black
48'' x 48'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White or Black
72'' x 36'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White or Black
96'' x 48'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White or Black

Even at this place you could get two 4x4 trays for just over $300...


4x4 ft White Grow Tray


Use this durable White Propagation Tray to create customized ebb and flow or drip systems. Measures 48"x48"x7".

  • Model: 81
  • Manufactured by: Botanicare

I paid $79 for my 2x4s..... and $115 for my 3x3s... and that was in ALASKA...

As far as a res... I use the 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank... cost me $140 bucks.. again... shipped to AK..

They have other sizes too... 50, 70, 100, 150 and 300 gallon tanks...

Here is a 300 gallon tank for $209.97



So let's see... we can get a 4x8 tray for under 300 bucks... a tank for just over 200 bucks...

What's left ?

A $25 dollar pump and and a stand... some $10 fittings and some cheap black tubing...

The lumber section of HD can set you up with the materials for a very sturdy stand... and I guarantee it will not cost the $400 they want for their PVC stand...

I can't add up 1.5 k... unless I am missing something...

Did I?
Wow man, that's quite an investment, and quite a setup. Huge props. Judging by your list I take it you're going to be using perlite as your medium? Any particular reason why you chose that? IMO, you should either switch to rockwool or coco. Keep in mind though, with coco you'll have to water more frequently as it's got better drainage. I have 30 plants in rockwool and a 70 gallon res....I'm 2 weeks into flowering and the plants are taking almost 10 gallons of water a day! Just keep that in mind. Perlite is even more pronounced when it comes to it's drainage, so if you decide to go that route be prepared to have to keep an extremely mindful watch on the nutrient solution. All the rest you've got going sounds good to me, but I'm no fan of cooltubes. If they're working for you don't change, but I prefer a good reflector and aim to use every watt and lumen I can. Good luck!

ya, i'd never argue that perlite is better than rockwool or coco... i'd have no idea how they compare. it's just what i can easily get ahold of. and i'm guessing an equal amount of rockwool/coco would cost me more than 200 dollars. for 200 dollars i don't even have to worry about re-using it if i don't want to... i can just discard it and get new media. but if money were no object... and traveling to the closest Hydro shop wasn't a pain in the arse...

i've tried different types of flat or box reflectors both vented and unvented... i like CoolTubes because they are very aerodynamic. Also, you can put a CoolTube within 10 to 12 inches of the top plant and still have good light spread on the sides of the fixture... i'd say they do a 4' by 5' area very well. i deffinitely like them more than the 4 types of 'rectangular box' reflectors that i have tried.

thanks for the feedback man.
96'' x 48'' x 7'' Propagation Tray in White or Black $279.95
Here is a 300 gallon tank for $209.97


4' by 8' for 280.00 dollars plus shipping ... or 5' by 10' DIY for 105.00 :D (boards and a 60 dollar pond liner)

you mentioned me taking a pic of the 300 gallon stock tank... but you did it for me, thats exactly the one that i have. 'cept i got mine for free and i don't trust it to be leak proof so i'm throwing a 60 dollar pond liner in that as well.

and i agree that those prices are a bit ridiculous (1.3k per tray/rez combo). they are nice ... and portable ... but i'd have to be on a whole different level to want to just throw around 4k like that.
i fully agree. thats why ill be watchin closly at ur new diy flood setup DG. that way maybe i can get the cost knocked way down. im only gonna need like 3 4x4 pans..so diy seems doable. make sure to get some pics for all us followers of the new construction, rez, liner, pumps and plumbing. keep it up!
hey man whats the song u got goin in your u tube vid/?? i like, i want! rep + man good job gee u got lots of clones. love it !! keep up good work,

madazz :weed:
i fully agree. thats why ill be watchin closly at ur new diy flood setup DG. that way maybe i can get the cost knocked way down. im only gonna need like 3 4x4 pans..so diy seems doable. make sure to get some pics for all us followers of the new construction, rez, liner, pumps and plumbing. keep it up!

LOL....I was thinking the same thing....Im glad to have some people taking on the challenges today that Im gonna have tomorrow.

If its still that cypress hill song...that is hot, I have never heard of it and I have a ton of cypress.
i fully agree. thats why ill be watchin closly at ur new diy flood setup DG. that way maybe i can get the cost knocked way down. im only gonna need like 3 4x4 pans..so diy seems doable. make sure to get some pics for all us followers of the new construction, rez, liner, pumps and plumbing. keep it up!


these right here are about the hardest thing that i've had trouble finding... finally found some at Horizen Hydroponics. 1" Drain fitting. I'll also be using these for the flood fitting. Hopefully they are adequate... i know its better to have a bigger drain in general than the flood.
hey man whats the song u got goin in your u tube vid/?? i like, i want! rep + man good job gee u got lots of clones. love it !! keep up good work,

madazz :weed:

the second one is cypress hill... but i'm sure you're talking about the first video... song called 3 A.M. i believe deffinitely by Slightly Stoopid ... they got some awesome songs available on YouTube man. My favorite band right now, without a doubt. (Though i'm not really a music person...) Love all their songs.
I got a 6 ft spread off of my 1000W, :). How tall are you going to let your plants get before flower?

it's a perpetual grow... so i've basically always got some plants flowering. the ones in the flower room right now will be done in about 14 days. Should be only 7 days but pH problems seriously fugged the weight and the quality and the cycle.

the clones i have going now i've been trying to keep very short and compact. topping them as needed to keep them less than 10" tall under the flouro's. I'll veg. for a couple more weeks (a couple weeks from now) after they go into the flower room.

Gonna be a busy couple weeks. I just nipped my boy a couple tuesdays ago... but i also just realized that he's got two more bitches knocked up. One is ready to burst... and the other just dropped her first pup on the ground when i got home tonight. Two litters at the same time...

And a whole lotta change-over work to be done on the crop in going to hydro. Guess i'ma need another 300 gallon stock tank after all. My two bitches will be taking up the two that i have with their pups.

No More Miracles... PLEASE !!! :roll: :mrgreen: :blsmoke:
the second one is cypress hill... but i'm sure you're talking about the first video... song called 3 A.M. i believe deffinitely by Slightly Stoopid ... they got some awesome songs available on YouTube man. My favorite band right now, without a doubt. (Though i'm not really a music person...) Love all their songs.

Got it. yeah its catchy. i heard once on your vid couldn't get that tune outta my head, cheers bro rep++++ its called 2 a.m
ph problems hurting my yeild also

owch. what style of grow do you have going?

mine is UG-LEE. i'll pull about 1/3 or less of what i should have gotten without breaking a sweat. I will literally be lucky to break even on this harvest after you factor in 15 hundred total electric costs and media and nutrients... not to even mention man-hours.

where's a brother's farm subsidy when he needs one ?! :-?

i could have cried when harvesting some of these girls (about half done now)... i'd pull out whole plants and decide there was nothing worth putting into a bag. vewy vewy sad. :spew:i shor hope the switch to hydro pays dividends.

I'm getting ready to switch to ebb and flow too gambler. I'm still working out the details, but I'll prolly be going shopping next week. When are you gonna start putting yours together, or have you?
I'm getting ready to switch to ebb and flow too gambler. I'm still working out the details, but I'll prolly be going shopping next week. When are you gonna start putting yours together, or have you?

the two 5' by 10' gulleys on top of some newly insulated flooring (to reduce radiant heat from ballasts below the house)


10' by 13' pond liner placed over the gulleys


one gulley half full of 3 gal. pots of perlite, clones in 16 oz. sphagnum (M.G. seed starting mix) plugs (next time will use at least 1/2 perlite in the plug itself)


both gulleys full, 75% contain 2 plants per container, 25% contain 3 plants


one inch drain and fill fittings, pvc on/off valves lower the pressure generated from the 1300 gph pumps with inline UV


couple 5" air stones and a 300 gal. air pump


ppm at the all important '420'


little bit of water action... overflows set to about 4.5 inches high. i tried 6 inches but it made the pots float :D


new hydroponic setup ='s 'so far so good'.
Looks good man, should be an interesting experiance. I can't wait to see how it works out for ya. Did you cut holes in the bottom of the buckets or are you just using the holes on the sides?