Well-Known Member
Ya man, everything is fine, thanks, just plugging along slowly.I hadn't a peep outta you bro..Is everything going alright big dog? I hope so.. how's those girls doing? Still no signs of pistols?
No pistils yet, but thankfully no balls yet either.
We might just yet get a female out of all those S.D. seeds, LOL

The Mendo isn't doing well, but she's hanging on, so I'll put up pics on Sat. when I do the weekly.
I'm supposed to have a repair guy coming in the morning to do a free fix on my flatscreen (WOW, usually I am just outside the required numbers or time!), but I lucked out this time, and had it been another 2 weeks later, I wouldn't have caught the 'free' time from the class action lawsuit against Samsung.

Any luck getting your computer back yet?