Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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I wouldn't want ya 2 get into any flack over it bro! This little geek fucker isn't worth it! He must be 4'2 & 250 lbs!! Lol... has a "HUGE" belly! Sorry 2 those who "do" have big uns.. your No dif then the rest of us.. ;)

@ smokey. Hahah.. I just now noticed we have the same little fan bro! Lol
Aw come on man, you should'a got a couple more willow switches and spanked the bitch instead of trying to graft them.:clap:
'Member the stories of gettin' spanked by the Willow switch?
I never did, 'cause I was out West, and we had electricians, but from what I hear, back east, when you'd say go to the closet and get me a switch, the kid would say "Fuck that, I ain't no fuckin' electrician!'
Where the fuck is Ninja?
We're over bashing on Trolling, and he's missing out!

You know, that's a damn good question bro.. :??: I have NO clue as to where he is hiding out...
Hadn't really herd from him after the whole girl with jizz on her face.. lol
Hell I told him it was ok, just kinda made my stomach turn, where I was eating rice pudding! Lol
Who is the new troll over there on that thread bro??
HOLLY SHIT!! Ok, remember me starting 4 new beans last night? Well, I just had 2 show everyone how FAST the Grand Doggy Purps sprouted!! Her tap isn't to long, but she is open & has a tiny one coming out! :mrgreen:
I swear, these past strains/beans I've been germinating has been super fast to sprout! Shit what's it been, not even 7 hrs!!


  • WOW!! already open & sprouting a tap!.jpg
    WOW!! already open & sprouting a tap!.jpg
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You know, that's a damn good question bro.. :??: I have NO clue as to where he is hiding out...
Hadn't really herd from him after the whole girl with jizz on her face.. lol
Hell I told him it was ok, just kinda made my stomach turn, where I was eating rice pudding! Lol
Who is the new troll over there on that thread bro??
"trolling", the guy with the gay frog avatar.
I was bouncing around a lot last night, but I think this morning somewhere he came in and said wishing everybody a good day, he had just gotten off a long shift or something.
Where the fuck is Ninja?
We're over bashing on Trolling, and he's missing out!
Dang it, howd i miss that?
You know, that's a damn good question bro.. :??: I have NO clue as to where he is hiding out...
Hadn't really herd from him after the whole girl with jizz on her face.. lol
Hell I told him it was ok, just kinda made my stomach turn, where I was eating rice pudding! Lol
Who is the new troll over there on that thread bro??
I cant eat that stuff man, unless i make it and its the real deal. OMG if i buy that stuff afrom anywhere thats not home made i just cant eat it. Hows the rum raisin addiction going?
Sorry guys, ive been workin till the weeee hours these days, and im single again so i gotta chase tail too! Going to call and see if i have presents yet....nope, still nada. Naaaaada. Call me later dank.
Dang it, howd i miss that?

I cant eat that stuff man, unless i make it and its the real deal. OMG if i buy that stuff afrom anywhere thats not home made i just cant eat it. Hows the rum raisin addiction going?
Sorry guys, ive been workin till the weeee hours these days, and im single again so i gotta chase tail too! Going to call and see if i have presents yet....nope, still nada. Naaaaada. Call me later dank.

I hear ya buddy.. its cool, no biggy! I will just shoot ya out another "movie"1 make sure to watch it this time! Stuff like this happens bro. Hell I just had 1 come back on me day b4 yesterday, they said that you can NOT put tape over the stamps! Hell, I've done it 4 years! Not 1 word had been said till then!!
Man I been away too long... Everything's looking real nice dank. How's that ppb?

Yeah, I was hoping that everything was good with ya bro.. ;) thanks bro.. I will tell the girls you said there pretty 4 ya... lol. And the PPB is getting a super piney smell 2 her!! I just wanna get that "purple" pheno!! Damn it so pretty!!

Check that shit out guys!! All I was doing was tryinlg to help the kid out, & posted him a "link" to a "defiency" guide I had wrote up & posted for "newer" growers, well this guy comes back with a smart ass reply, and starts right off being a fucking DICK 4 NO reason! So I let him have it!! I swear, try 2 help someone, and then they act like that! He named his damn def his damn self! But was still tripping over it, saying his plant was still sick looking! Well, maybe you need to "add" more "cal-mag" dumbass!! Some strains respond different ways to nutes, some need more, some don't! The plants will tell ya what they need, if he would take the time to "listen", and do alittle reading, insted of wanting someone to hand feed him everything about growing! Hell we all had to read, and have grow after grow, and we all learned from our mistakes! And fixed it.. well, I just felt he didnt/don't want to read & "learn"! He wants someone else to do it all 4 him!! Imo
Ok, this is pics of the Royal Queen on the last run I did, along with the Peyote Purple, and also a strain my Dad breed, and I grew out in a DWC system. The strain Dad breed is called White Lady. ;) its super good 2..


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USPS doesn't allow you to put tape over a stamp because then they wouldn't be able to put the seal/stamp showing the postage was used. Just do like me and tape it after they give you the postage or request that they seal it good with tape.
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