Hey what's up guys? So y'all gotta let me know as to what you think about the babies..

Do y'all see anything I've missed? That's my main concern is overlooking something, that's a reason why I like "feedback", 2 or how many ever heads are sure better then 1..
I just wanted to post y'all up a small update this morn.
All the clones are at that size to where I could go ahead & sit those outside. I do believe I am going to place the majority outside, and keep back like 1 or 2, maybe 3 of the clones, and wait a week and then stick um into 12/12. What y'all think? That's a good way to get a small sog going..
The seedlings (Casey Jones,Sour Blueberry,WW x BB,Snowcap,Critical Jack Herer, & Danks Shirly Temple are all inclueded in the pics, also with the Blue Mammoth. The Blue Mammoth is starting to show her pre-flowers now. And I went ahead & stuck the "Original Berry" into flowering aswell.
Now the "smell" is getting alittle stronger!

I do believe I am going to have to go and get some charcoal, or rig something up, like make a DIY filter or something! Cause we certainly don't want anyone to catch a wiff of these girls!!
That wouldn't be good at all! 4 the most part while the plants are vegging I hadn't really been able to "smell" them unless I would mess with them! Now when they all start to flower real heavy, that's somewhat different!!
Well guys, I have 2 go run the youngest to school, then swing by & try to get my computer back from asshole!

I will let y'all go 4 now, been wind jamming long enough.. haha..

You guys have a wonderful good day, I will be back on alittle later. Take care till then.. Dank.