Darwinism + Darwin Theory


New Member
I'm interested to hear if anyone believes in this?
Im not a Darwin follower but the whole topic just catches my mind to think for a second if Charles Darwin was on to something,
and maybe we should be caught up with absolute nonsense;
such as a god with 8 arms or a god that just so happen to be powerful enough to put galaxies together and make giant planets.
If he can do this why can't he make a more powerful race,
instead of helpless humans.
there are many questions i would like to be answered and many scientific explanations for all of the that make more sense than some god,
but i would want to know which ones are right.
none of these questions will be answered in my life time,
just debate about them.

post your reasoning.:joint:


darwinism is the truth just look around you at every aspect of life and you see darwins theory in action, esp in the animal kingdom.
only the strong survive the week get eaten.

Religion is a nice ideologly but thats as far as it goes.


New Member
just saying in case you don't already know, the darwin theory is the theory of evolution not the survival of the fittest.


True but the theory is that we can evolve to better suite our enviroment in order to survive and prolong the race.
Which is why we develped the ability to hunt to provide food for our selfs and then our family and why we live in societys.


New Member
True but the theory is that we can evolve to better suite our enviroment in order to survive and prolong the race.
Which is why we develped the ability to hunt to provide food for our selfs and then our family and why we live in societys.
completely right all the way man. you've a lot of sense in your noggin. +rep


Well-Known Member
Evolution FTW.

Charles Darwin was the mother fucking man! Did any of you guys see the movie Creation with Paul Bettany? Great movie, it'll make you appreciate all the guy went through for his theory and how hard and personal it was for him.


no i havnt, is it on the internet any where. do you guys no Chrithopher hitchins great man outspoken but great

Hitchens on Rev jerry falwells death,
I nearly died laughing when i saw this one night, great british wit and intelligence absolutly destroys any one who gets in his path shear genius.

Hitchens on his new book "why god is not great"

Why woman arnt funny not really religous but hella funny.


Well-Known Member
no i havnt, is it on the internet any where. do you guys no Chrithopher hitchins great man outspoken but great

Hitchens on Rev jerry falwells death,
I nearly died laughing when i saw this one night, great british wit and intelligence absolutly destroys any one who gets in his path shear genius.

Hitchens on his new book "why god is not great"

Why woman arnt funny not really religous but hella funny.
Yeah I like Hitchens too, but I think I like Sam Harris' approach to the subject a little better. Hitchens destroys people with logic and wit, while Harris tries to reason around their existing beliefs in a non-confrontational kind of way. Hitchens don't give a fuck! lol I see his frustration..

Online, shit yeah, where you think I saw it? You think I'd be paying $12 for a damn movie?! lmao

Goddamnit, I looked but couldn't find it anywhere man... I'll look again later.