Dc's Closet Grow Led/Cfl/HPS


Well-Known Member
I was browsing a juicing site on time and one of the posters said the best juicer is our teeth. Said that drinking just the juice sends all the good stuff right through us without the benefit of the salivary enzymes and roughage produced when chewing the fruit or vegetable.


Well-Known Member
just remember to ph and ppm check. meters are cheap on ebay. also introduce in smaller amounts.
Thanks for the info, i am going to incorporate this. Just in time, I am 2 weeks into flower. I also make my own juice, I highly recommend a Breville.
A juice fast every so often is a really good idea... rep+


Well-Known Member
so far im seeing more bud growth faster with led 10 band ir and 10000k white light. the hps is being slower to produce flowers. ill give it 1 week more to know for sure. i do know hps has 1/2 and led has 1/2 if we combine them we will get it all. Led will give more frost and better quality while hps gives bigger buds. im changing my 150hps for a 600hps. yep stepping up. light re-setup grow room adding a 15000 btu ac unit portable. to add cool air to the top of room. room will be like this 4 drop down 60 watt led/600 hps/ ufo 180 watt/ ac unit. mylar will be 7' high. i will have this 2 blueberry/1 WW/C99/ WW/Blueberry/AC unit i will double my yield easy ill hit 2 lbs yield from this grow now with air injection soil and these lights. oh AIS will help allot on yields. but we have to wait and see.
Didn't you just recently add the HPS :???: Or am I confused :???:


Well-Known Member
yes i did lol. i said the 150 hps i bought was gonna go to a friend for her 1 plant grow. She will get a clone from me and ill show her how to grow it. THe 150 is perfect for 1 plant. i need more power and a 600 is perfect fit in my closet.
Didn't you just recently add the HPS :???: Or am I confused :???:


Well-Known Member
Okay rearranged the flower room a bit. getting ready for the 600 hps. i put the 4 drop down led in a diy chandelier with the WW under it then the blueberry under the ufo also the SC branch is under ufo pulled down so its more even canopy with the blueberry which is almost 4 ft tall. i didnt realize the BB was so big and fat with buds starting all over her.
-->IMG_20140322_122141.jpg in the flower room-->IMG_20140322_125542.jpg
here is a close up of the WW -->IMG_20140322_122108.jpg almost starting 4th week 2 more days.


Well-Known Member
yes i did lol. i said the 150 hps i bought was gonna go to a friend for her 1 plant grow. She will get a clone from me and ill show her how to grow it. THe 150 is perfect for 1 plant. i need more power and a 600 is perfect fit in my closet.
I was actually wondering how you were able to conclude that the hps
was slower to flower considering you just added it :???:


Well-Known Member
its 2 weeks this monday that the 3 plants have been in flower room. ill know in 1 week if they have flowers then it will be the same as the led. the ww started flowers mid 2nd week and my big blueberry is also on the led side.

I was actually wondering how you were able to conclude that the hps
was slower to flower considering you just added it :???:


Well-Known Member
its 2 weeks this monday that the 3 plants have been in flower room. ill know in 1 week if they have flowers then it will be the same as the led. the ww started flowers mid 2nd week and my big blueberry is also on the led side.
Gotcha :) Looks like everybody has perked up and looking good again :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah since i gave them air lmao. i couldnt beleave the air lines closed back shut. melting holes int he air line is the way to go. live and learn. i still cant believe they were drowning for a month and survived. that dam big fish pump didnt make a sound its for 300 gallon fish tank. i check them weekly now by blowing into them.

Gotcha :) Looks like everybody has perked up and looking good again :)


Well-Known Member
Looks great!

My hydro system was killing me. Always tweaking something!

My next big hydro will be a perlite hempy with 1300 watts of Kessil LEDs :)


Well-Known Member
wow 1300 watts of kessil. that is allot of lights since there big one is 90 watts. im gonna stick with the ufo i have for now and wait for till i get this grow done make some cash back. then decide after i know how well they did.

Looks great!

My hydro system was killing me. Always tweaking something!

My next big hydro will be a perlite hempy with 1300 watts of Kessil LEDs :)


Well-Known Member
okay this morning i went into the jungle. past the mighty C99 with her many many Tops to the magic room where i seen every plant now has flowers on them. the hps beet the led by 4 days. that is 22% faster so if this math is true than the buds under hps will be around 22% bigger also give or take a few percent. okay and i also noticed that under the hps they didnt stretch as much. hps side has only stretched 35% ill give it 1 week 4 days to see how much more it stretches. the led side doubled in height. the WW has stopped stretching now her total height is 5' 4" the blueberry under led is 47". all 3 under the hps are 36"(1 ww / 2 BB). interesting. ill compare the height again next week. and i feed them 2 times a day all plants are drinking heavy now. Im gonna test the ppm and ph of the bottom of the buckets so see how much they are really using and if this is holding the right ph. well the way they are growing ph isnt an issue and i have no nute burns with the amount im feeding. C99 gets 600-700 ppm/flower side gets 850-950 ppm.

Edit: im also gonna lower the veg nutes and raise the bloom nutes and the molasses on the led side.


Well-Known Member
Here is how all my ladies look today and pics of flowers/buds.
c99-veg->IMG_20140323_095009.jpg now the hps sideflower->IMG_20140323_095058.jpg led side->IMG_20140323_095150.jpg
let the porn begin-hps side>IMG_20140323_095038.jpg ww->IMG_20140323_095124.jpg BB->IMG_20140323_095138.jpg
oh yeah things are going great, flowers buds and plants are loving their lights.Go dale Jr.


Well-Known Member

Can you try to turn your lights off before you take pics? It's really hard to look at finite details when your have your HPS/LED on.


Well-Known Member
Hey DC everything is looking good over here...I started my new journal for the critical kush and strawberry blue :) The link is attatched to my sig box


Well-Known Member
I know my pics stink lol. Im gonna lollipop my plants in flower room today and make a ton of clones. I'll take better pics when they are out of the closet. I dont turn my lights off the timer has full control lol.

Can you try to turn your lights off before you take pics? It's really hard to look at finite details when your have your HPS/LED on.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. im gonna see how she like it when i take 1/3 of the lower parts of her off. i want the top 2/3rds to do the best. i wanst gonna lollipop but after watching a few videos and a few big growers on videos i decided i need to.

Look at that sexy look she's givin' the camera. She's a natural. Lol. Looking good DC