Deficit Deal will Kill Jobs

Your parents must be great people, you should take care of them when they get old-Don't send them to a crappy home, change their diapers yourself or make sure you marry a good woman and have her do it, it's the least you can do.
ya if it wasn't for them I probly wouldn't be able to go to school so easily I have worked befor just not now
I'm only 18 asshole I dont even work I just see the rat race from the outside looking in if u kno wat I mean

thanks for the compliments.

so basically you are a spoiled rich kid who has all his needs met by someone else, a capitalist no doubt.

i started my first "job" when i was 10, my siblings were younger still. our family went to a tomato farm and picked tomatoes for 25 cents per half bushell. on good days the six of us could make about 30 bucks combined. we it that to be able to afford the onions to put on our liverwurst sammiches.

i feel real bad for ya kid.
haha I'm not disabled my dad is though he's on disability he basically sits on his ass all day and smokes bud and gets payed for it lol
Your parents must be great people, you should take care of them when they get old-Don't send them to a crappy home, change their diapers yourself or make sure you marry a good woman and have her do it, it's the least you can do.

ha ha ha, yes, its the least you could do, marry a woman who doesnt mind changing your moms diapers. sweet beardo sweet!
haha I'm far from rich in fact I'm dirt poor so don't go making wild assumptions I don't need a job right now cuz it's not necessary all I need is 3 hots and a cot and that is provided free of charge and my family is dirt poor my dad is on disability and gets $800 a month Wich 100% of that goes to rent we eat on food stamps and my mom has a minimum wage job bringing in about $200 a week tell me I'm a rich spoiled kid who got everything handed to him again?
thanks for the compliments.

so basically you are a spoiled rich kid who has all his needs met by someone else, a capitalist no doubt.

i started my first "job" when i was 10, my siblings were younger still. our family went to a tomato farm and picked tomatoes for 25 cents per half bushell. on good days the six of us could make about 30 bucks combined. we it that to be able to afford the onions to put on our liverwurst sammiches.

i feel real bad for ya kid.
and how the fuck did both of you start working when u were 8 and 10? I don't kno about then but now u have to be at least 16 to get a job unless picking fields which the only thing around my parts is chile and I ain't no Mexican
I started delivering news papers on a bike when I was 8, I got the route from a friend who had gotten it from his older brother-I delivered 60 papers a day and earned 50 cents a week for each one plus the tips people left me. I would have to make two or three trips because I couldn't carry all the papers on my bike at once so I planned my rout eficently and in the winter when it snowed it sucked, I did that for years and would also mow lawns and shovel driveways- Bought my own dirtbike when I was 12 had a nice techniques stereo to.
no I hate capitalism because it gives rich people power like lobbyist for laws being passed how bush passed all those tax cuts for big businesses and wealthy people cuz he's in the fuckin oil company!!! he's not there to help America he's there to make the most money that he can
i do hope some of that ignorance wears off before you spend too much more time in college, but i kind of doubt it will. lobbyists come in all shapes and sizes, representing more than just the interests of big business. those tax cuts you so despise were not strictly for the wealthy. they were cuts across the board that put more money in the pockets of all americans, even those who pay nothing in the first place. yes, that means that the redistribution inherent in our ludicrous progressive taxation scheme was enhanced by those cuts.

the capitalism you hate is what gives us all access to wealth, unrestricted by the constraints of some regulatory whim. the wealth we acquire is not equal and you may not consider it "fair", but no system on earth can provide the kind of equality you require without the sort of authoritarian violence you seem to think capitalism causes. maybe you would prefer some ruling body decide how much you can acquire, confiscating the excess for its own purposes, or perhaps you plan on joining the ranks of the ruling elite, unrestricted by the regulations they impose on the rest of the populace.

get a clue, buy a vowel, grow up or whatever else it is you need to do, before you go condemning a system you have never really had a part of.
no under the ice. stop lying. the majority of the 'bush tax cuts' were enjoyed by families making over 250,000 dollars. that does NOT put more money in the hands of all americans, especially when those tax cuts can be almost directly tied to the decreased budgets of school systems nationwide.

capitalism gives the rich an unfair advantage over the rest of the population. unregulated capitalism creates flat out monopolies. that's why anti-trust regulation, while rarely enforced, exists.

the US is great because it has a great middle class. conservatives are hard at work destroying all the things that made that middle class possible....
thank you redivider finally somebody who is on my side +rep this guy is probably some old rich white person trying to protect his profits
no under the ice. stop lying. the majority of the 'bush tax cuts' were enjoyed by families making over 250,000 dollars. that does NOT put more money in the hands of all americans, especially when those tax cuts can be almost directly tied to the decreased budgets of school systems nationwide.

capitalism gives the rich an unfair advantage over the rest of the population. unregulated capitalism creates flat out monopolies. that's why anti-trust regulation, while rarely enforced, exists.

the US is great because it has a great middle class. conservatives are hard at work destroying all the things that made that middle class possible....
I started delivering news papers on a bike when I was 8, I got the route from a friend who had gotten it from his older brother-I delivered 60 papers a day and earned 50 cents a week for each one plus the tips people left me. I would have to make two or three trips because I couldn't carry all the papers on my bike at once so I planned my rout eficently and in the winter when it snowed it sucked, I did that for years and would also mow lawns and shovel driveways- Bought my own dirtbike when I was 12 had a nice techniques stereo to.
haha wow 50 cents a week that just showed how long ago that was
haha wow 50 cents a week that just showed how long ago that was
i'm sure it's not much more now, just shows how lazy you are.
That's over 15,000 $ I had earned working at that job at those rates by the time I was your age-and That was only one of the jobs I did as I pointed out
How are you expecting to survive? The only options are to work for a living or to live off of the work of others.
Don't you think when I was younger we had people who drove around in cars? You don't have paper boys because of lazy kids and bad parents and shitty laws and crappy companies- all of which you seem to have no problem with. If you want to sit on your ass and get fat someone has to work twice as hard or stop consuming-Die, So you can get 'your' share.
that's why I'm going to college!!! to get a real job not some minimum wage bullishit my inspiration for all this is I live in a family were that's all they fuckin do I'm the first to go to college in my family for a long time if ever
How are you expecting to survive? The only options are to work for a living or to live off of the work of others.
Don't you think when I was younger we had people who drove around in cars? You don't have paper boys because of lazy kids and bad parents and shitty laws and crappy companies- all of which you seem to have no problem with. If you want to sit on your ass and get fat someone has to work twice as hard or stop consuming-Die, So you can get 'your' share.
that's why I'm going to college!!! to get a real job not some minimum wage bullishit my inspiration for all this is I live in a family were that's all they fuckin do I'm the first to go to college in my family for a long time if ever
Real jobs and college are usually polar opposites
Real jobs and college are usually polar opposites

90% of millionaires have a bachelors degree... The average college grad makes 1 million dollars more in their lifetime than a non-grad(likely more now, inflation... this statistic is fairly old), etc.


What do you mean, 'real jobs'? Construction? Good luck working for a couple months and then collecting UI for a month... Rinse. Repeat... Because that's how construction is ATM; Jobs are scarce because both infrastructure and private investment are disasterously low.