Deficit Deal will Kill Jobs

that's why I'm going to college!!! to get a real job not some minimum wage bullishit my inspiration for all this is I live in a family were that's all they fuckin do I'm the first to go to college in my family for a long time if ever

waht are yo goin to become a lawyer like most these days lol
the majority of the 'bush tax cuts' were enjoyed by families making over 250,000 dollars..

the US is great because it has a great middle class. conservatives are hard at work destroying all the things that made that middle class possible....
wow, isn't it odd that those who actually pay into the system should receive the bulk of the benefits from a cut in taxes. with y'all it seems that nothing is good enough if it doesn't cause a role reversal. while the redistributionists are expending all this energy spreading existing wealth, the rest of us are busy trying to create new wealth. that is the real difference between your cult of victimhood and the individualist philosophy that actually did make this country a major world power. that boom in the size of our middle-class was begun by the creed of individualism, but it was expanded upon by the over-extension of credit and politicians catering to populist sentiments. unionization that turned manual laborers into homeowners, forcing consumer prices all the higher in the process, and the often arbitrary fluctuation of interest rates, prompted by outlandish ivory tower economic theories, both played their part in creating the wealth gap that you decry. millionaires became billionaires by maintaining gradual increases in profit margins and the poor found it harder and harder to even buy that loaf of bread that quickly doubled, tripled and quadrupled in price. now that that insupportable credit bubble has finally started to deflate and those janitors are losing the homes that they probably shouldn't have tried to leverage in the first place, you feel justified in blaming those who are actually capable of maintaining their position in the face of disaster. it's a crock of shit. for nothing you get nothing and not everyone deserves a home in the 'burbs.

this guy is probably some old rich white person trying to protect his profits
i'm definitely getting older, i'm also white, but i'm certainly not rich by any stretch of the imagination. like beardo and jeff, my childhood was spent working at those jobs available to the young. i mowed lawns, delivered papers and even tried my hand at selling this and that from time to time. while my parents both worked to struggle our way up the ladder, doing without was not something to which i was unaccustomed and those lessons have stood me well in the lean times. what i'm trying to protect is not my fortune, it is the capacity for my son and my granddaughter to earn as they please and keep the majority of it should they be lucky enough to rise above their humble origins. it is my hope that the example i and others have set will enable them to keep from being sucked in by the envious mob and that they will try to succeed by their own efforts alone, not the stolen wealth of others. should they succeed, i would hope that mob would not be allowed to steal away the fruits of their labors. should they fail, i would hope they would have the grace and the self-respect to accept their own responsibility for their lot in life.

so fuck you and your preconceptions. not everyone is taken in by the something for nothing fantasies of the populist horde.
ya why would I wanna ride a bike around all day in the hot fuckin sun just to make jack shit?

because we had to eat. and it was 1973 before the govt got so fucking ridiculous with stupid work rules that are killing the middle class.

yep thats right sonny, if you worked, maybe your family could be middle class. but thats fine, be lazy. most of us worked to pay for our college you putz.

you are getting money to go to college from, hold on to your hat, FUCKING CAPITALISTS!! dumbass.
boy, you lefties are smart. how is that stimuli working for ya?
If and when a massive infrastructure bill is passed through and it creates a self sustaining recovery, I'll still be here and you will be among the first that I point to, and laugh; Until then, I could argue with you - but what's the point? You'll believe whatever you want to believe.
If and when a massive infrastructure bill is passed through and it creates a self sustaining recovery, I'll still be here and you will be among the first that I point to, and laugh; Until then, I could argue with you - but what's the point? You'll believe whatever you want to believe.

so another 15 year recession just like fdr?

i will give you this, at least an infrastructure project would create some jobs and is needed, but that isnt what your buddies are doing. they are bailing out the public sector unions and increasing govt jobs which increases negative forces on business.

a bridge washed out in my neighborhood during a flood eight months ago. it goes over a 2 feet wide creek that is an acid mine drainage ditch. because epa got involved it still isnt done. they are treating this polluted ditch like some sort of pristine waterway because they can. your prescious infrastructure project, if done like this one, will further propel us down the shit hole.

for comparison, it took us 18 months to build the empire state building. state of the art and the largest building in the world at the time. it would take your team of socialist thinkers longer than 18 months just to approve the permit.

until this govt is cut back with its over regulations, you may as well piss up a rope.
until this govt is cut back with its over regulations, you may as well piss up a rope.
I always hear about this over-regulation from the right, but all you can ever do is offer anecdotals... Not one shred of hard evidence. I mean, as far as I can tell big business is awash in cash they aren't using to create jobs by expanding operations, instead they're just investing in wall street. Every indicator points to a lack of consumer demand as the reason business isn't hiring; Not over-regulation. And still to this day no one can ever bring up any proof that there is any unwarranted regulation taking place... I mean, didn't Obama order a review of all regulations?

The tax code seems to be a bigger inhibitor on small business than over regulation as far as I can tell anyway, too many breaks and whatnot that favor large corporations over the little guy.

Outsourcing has negative pressure on small business as well; As big corporations ship operations overseas to make their products at a cheaper price, small business - especially those that make their own products - has a harder time competing.

As an example, belts come to mind; I bought 3 or 4 "leather" belts that lasted less than a month each before I looked online and found a made in USA genuine leather belt that's lasted me a year or so and so far it still looks pretty new... It was more expensive, and I had to do some searching for it (I kept on trying to buy at stores to avoid buying stuff on the internet) but my point is, how are the little guys supposed to compete in a world that's rigged in favor of the big kid on the block? On this, we likely agree to some extent that outsourcing is killing jobs - and we both likely blame China in some way or another - but I would argue it's free trade with China that caused the problem and you would argue that it's over-regulation in the U.S. driving employers out of the U.S. and frankly I dont think all the evidence in the world will change your mind; Evidence would change my mind, but I really dont see any to suggest over-regulation is the issue at all.
I always hear about this over-regulation from the right, but all you can ever do is offer anecdotals... Not one shred of hard evidence. I mean, as far as I can tell big business is awash in cash they aren't using to create jobs by expanding operations, instead they're just investing in wall street. Every indicator points to a lack of consumer demand as the reason business isn't hiring; Not over-regulation. And still to this day no one can ever bring up any proof that there is any unwarranted regulation taking place... I mean, didn't Obama order a review of all regulations?

The tax code seems to be a bigger inhibitor on small business than over regulation as far as I can tell anyway, too many breaks and whatnot that favor large corporations over the little guy.

Outsourcing has negative pressure on small business as well; As big corporations ship operations overseas to make their products at a cheaper price, small business - especially those that make their own products - has a harder time competing.

As an example, belts come to mind; I bought 3 or 4 "leather" belts that lasted less than a month each before I looked online and found a made in USA genuine leather belt that's lasted me a year or so and so far it still looks pretty new... It was more expensive, and I had to do some searching for it (I kept on trying to buy at stores to avoid buying stuff on the internet) but my point is, how are the little guys supposed to compete in a world that's rigged in favor of the big kid on the block? On this, we likely agree to some extent that outsourcing is killing jobs - and we both likely blame China in some way or another - but I would argue it's free trade with China that caused the problem and you would argue that it's over-regulation in the U.S. driving employers out of the U.S. and frankly I dont think all the evidence in the world will change your mind; Evidence would change my mind, but I really dont see any to suggest over-regulation is the issue at all.

of course big business doesnt mind, they are the only ones who can afford to comply. seriously mame, you are fucking clueless.

if i hire a guy i have to buy a "certificate" from the city for a "privelage to work". 100 bucks per year.

i have to get him covered by insurance, 500 bucks a year.

i have to pay for his workers comp. 30 percent of his wages. thats right, 30 percent of what i pay him i have to pay for workers comp.

in some states its much higher.

now i have to match his SS.

thats before the guy even swings a hammer.

i also have to pay for inspections. usually 40 bucks per. if something fails, another 40 bucks.

do you have any idea of what the above govt programs cost me per worker?

every thing above is govt mandated. i have no choice and i am sure i am missing other govt charges that i cant think of.

son, your pie in the sky govt is fucking the middle class right in the ass.

but hey, that is their plan
of course big business doesnt mind, they are the only ones who can afford to comply. seriously mame, you are fucking clueless.

if i hire a guy i have to buy a "certificate" from the city for a "privelage to work". 100 bucks per year.

i have to get him covered by insurance, 500 bucks a year.

i have to pay for his workers comp. 30 percent of his wages. thats right, 30 percent of what i pay him i have to pay for workers comp.

in some states its much higher.

now i have to match his SS.

thats before the guy even swings a hammer.

i also have to pay for inspections. usually 40 bucks per. if something fails, another 40 bucks.

do you have any idea of what the above govt programs cost me per worker?

every thing above is govt mandated. i have no choice and i am sure i am missing other govt charges that i cant think of.

son, your pie in the sky govt is fucking the middle class right in the ass.

but hey, that is their plan

and that doesnt even count the taxes i have to pay if i happen to make a buck. anyone who believes that this govt is pro business is either fucking retarded, or brainwashed by krugmans of the world.

you of course are the latter
see the report i posted.

companies are reporting profits. yeah this administration is anti-business... get your head out of your ass...
I always hear about this over-regulation from the right, but all you can ever do is offer anecdotals... Not one shred of hard evidence. I mean, as far as I can tell big business is awash in cash they aren't using to create jobs by expanding operations, instead they're just investing in wall street. Every indicator points to a lack of consumer demand as the reason business isn't hiring; Not over-regulation. And still to this day no one can ever bring up any proof that there is any unwarranted regulation taking place... I mean, didn't Obama order a review of all regulations?

The tax code seems to be a bigger inhibitor on small business than over regulation as far as I can tell anyway, too many breaks and whatnot that favor large corporations over the little guy.

Outsourcing has negative pressure on small business as well; As big corporations ship operations overseas to make their products at a cheaper price, small business - especially those that make their own products - has a harder time competing.

As an example, belts come to mind; I bought 3 or 4 "leather" belts that lasted less than a month each before I looked online and found a made in USA genuine leather belt that's lasted me a year or so and so far it still looks pretty new... It was more expensive, and I had to do some searching for it (I kept on trying to buy at stores to avoid buying stuff on the internet) but my point is, how are the little guys supposed to compete in a world that's rigged in favor of the big kid on the block? On this, we likely agree to some extent that outsourcing is killing jobs - and we both likely blame China in some way or another - but I would argue it's free trade with China that caused the problem and you would argue that it's over-regulation in the U.S. driving employers out of the U.S. and frankly I dont think all the evidence in the world will change your mind; Evidence would change my mind, but I really dont see any to suggest over-regulation is the issue at all.

it also doesnt include any of the ridiculous building codes that cost me time to pay a guy, and the customer who has to pay for stupid stuff. i could go on for hours on this, but you arent a carpenter, electrician or plumber so you wouldnt understand it.

one of my last basement remodels the customer insisted on getting permitted. my bid was 22k without permit. by the time it was done it cost him 48k strictly because of the permit.

10 percent cost of the project 2200

since he increased by one bedroom had to put in bigger sceptic tank.

when tank was dug up, code changed on the drainage field, had to replace that, we are talking about 20K.

if he wouldnt have permitted it, all could have been avoided. i damned near bankrupted the guy and myself in the process because all this.

my business cant sustain any more of your planners costs. you smart ass college goons can go fuck yourselves. you are intellegent and only educated by preachers under domes. and i could not think of a worse combination for america.

and you want more govt? you are fucking retarded.

90% of millionaires have a bachelors degree... The average college grad makes 1 million dollars more in their lifetime than a non-grad(likely more now, inflation... this statistic is fairly old), etc.


What do you mean, 'real jobs'? Construction? Good luck working for a couple months and then collecting UI for a month... Rinse. Repeat... Because that's how construction is ATM; Jobs are scarce because both infrastructure and private investment are disasterously low.

While those statistics are true, you need to remember the other unknown variables that are represented. Primarily, the unemployment amongst non high school graduates. You have to ask the question, Maybe the ones who aren't employed and didn't graduate have never had any motivation and therefore don't put the effort into employment?
wow dumb, dumb, and dumber and don't call me sonny bitch,haha "maybe if u worked ur family would be middle class" ya with a minimum wage fuckin job only making around $800 a month oh ya thats definitely enough,not!!!!, the only middle class people are the ones who went to college graduated and got a real fucking job or like you own your own business Wich explains what side your taking because your a fuckin greedy businessman
because we had to eat. and it was 1973 before the govt got so fucking ridiculous with stupid work rules that are killing the middle class.

yep thats right sonny, if you worked, maybe your family could be middle class. but thats fine, be lazy. most of us worked to pay for our college you putz.

you are getting money to go to college from, hold on to your hat, FUCKING CAPITALISTS!! dumbass.
wow dumb, dumb, and dumber and don't call me sonny bitch,haha "maybe if u worked ur family would be middle class" ya with a minimum wage fuckin job only making around $800 a month oh ya thats definitely enough,not!!!!, the only middle class people are the ones who went to college graduated and got a real fucking job

I haven't even got a high school diploma, and I make $45k a year. Continue being lazy and hide behind that excuse, see where it gets you.
I haven't even got a high school diploma, and I make $45k a year. Continue being lazy and hide behind that excuse, see where it gets you.
and what is your profession??? and I'm not lazy I could get a fuckin job if I wanted to execuse me for not being money hungry like everybody else
and what is your profession??? and I'm not lazy I could get a fuckin job if I wanted to execuse me for not being money hungry like everybody else
That must be nice.
I would not be money hungry if when I were hungry someone would buy me food with their money