Deficit Deal will Kill Jobs

yes but like I said it's not required of all I would do is collect it and that's it I have no obligations,it's not a matter of I can't or don't want to it's I don't need to
and what is your profession??? and I'm not lazy I could get a fuckin job if I wanted to execuse me for not being money hungry like everybody else


It's not about being money hungry. You said that the only way to be middle class is having a college degree. I called bullshit.

How do you live?
what $500 a Month for 5 people to eat that sure is alot of taxes? what about the billions of dollars spent on the drug war I'm sure our taxes are being spent well
I am glad you get the 500$ instead of them using it to buy guns for the mexican cartels or dropping more bombs on Africa- but I am sad to hear you sound resigned to accept a life where you need food stamps.
I am glad you get the 500$ instead of them using it to buy guns for the mexican cartels or dropping more bombs on Africa- but I am sad to hear you sound resigned to accept a life where you need food stamps.

it's only a temporary thing it's not a life I hate it like this like I said living like this was my inspiration to go to college
So did you go read the bill about the wisconsin bridge? Thats what I want to know....Did the guy at TIME magazine, fugin doubt it. Do we even need a gd bridge? Fugin doubt it. Its probably another democrat scam ...All they do is scam people so do the republicans, a bunch of con artist. I bet if one of these schmucks ever found themselves down at rock bottom they would send spam e-mails with viagra affiliate links to get back in the game. Thats how rotten they are. I have come to the belief that this whole debt ceiling crap is one big scam and the republicans are in on it also.

Democrats: O noes eminent doom give us monies! WE NEEDS MONIES THE REPUBLICANS WONT LET US HAVE IT!

Republicans: We won't LETCH U TAKE HIS MONEY KARL! mmm hmmmm We got the Peoples Back! YEA TOTTALLY *Wink*

THIS SUMMER IN THEATERS NEAR YOU --------FEAR ----- DRAMA ----EXCITMENT-----ACTION------then you give us your monies


Republicans: ok you can have a lil bit but just for awhile


Interestingly enough...Tonite Ron Paul Predicted that the republicans are planning to compromise for another month because a lot of them are going on vacation in august. Geee Do they know something wolf blitzer doesn't? your fucking right they do. My prediction is that this is all one big game for them, I mean it really is, most politicians are so disconnected from reality its laughable is it not?

^^ Deprave, you hit the nail on the head. Since I've gotten older this stuff really pisses me off and scares me. The more I understand how things work and why the more I do not trust them. These idiots are in charge of how much money? and how many troops, with what kind of weapons? Do any of these people inspire confidence? Do any of them even seem like they would have been the smartest guy at your school or job? This is crazy, these are all people who,live off of our work and they are in charge of our country this is insane. Yes the Repubs and Dems work together to screw us. It is all like some big WWF match where they talk crap and theirs supposed to be some big rivalry but it's all for show so they can get paid. This is why both sides are against Ron Paul and why they down play his chances and the validity of his points, because they do not trust him to follow the script and they view him as a loose cannon who might actually have convictions and stand behind them. Politics and voting is all bullshit to make you think you have a choice.
marketing? that's specific and we got food stamps and shit I get by man

you are bitching about capitalism, yet refuse to work.

here is a novel idea, start a job at minimum wage, outperform the other minimum wagers and get a promotion....i know this idea seems strange to you but its how its done.

and i will call you anything i want. but right now, lazy, worthless, leech, complainer, are on the tip of my tongue
thanks hey no hard feelings about this shit right??? can't say the same for Jeff f

young man, if you think my comments are too tough for you, wait until you get your degree and have to perform in a real workforce. you aint seen nothing. unless you are going into teaching. they pay well for little to no performance.

and yes, if you are 18 and never had a job and complain cuz you only "get" 500 bucks a month for food, you are a douchebag.

you know where that 500 bucks came from right? out of someone elses wallet who is willing to work for a living.

change your shitty outlook and you may have a chance in life. otherwise, those foodstamps will continue to be your lot in life.
Yes ! they just came out of the emergency meeting on the debt and said the are not even close to making any kind of deal.
yes but like I said it's not required of all I would do is collect it and that's it I have no obligations,it's not a matter of I can't or don't want to it's I don't need to
you don't work simply because you can find someone else to pay your way and you have the audacity to insult people who have worked their entire lives for what they have? you're a prime example of all that is worst in the welfare state. would it kill you to get that low paying job and go to school at the same time? people do it all the time and i'm sure, as an adult, you could consider helping out your family as among your responsibilities. but i guess responsibility isn't high on your list of priorities. instead, you would prefer to maintain your grasp on childhood and rely on a family that is already financially strained. you seem to have a slightly different definition of the term "obligation" than the one i grew up with.

our growing culture of entitlement is a trap that sucks the very soul out of those it ensnares. it alters our perception of right and wrong and allows us to avoid the necessary pain of life without guilt. it eliminates the gratitude that should be felt for those safety nets we rely on, replacing it with the sense that this is some debt owed us for merely drawing breath in a nation that has managed to build great wealth. it engenders feelings of discontent, that what has cost nothing is only partial payment for that illusory debt. it raises our expectations while lowering our ideas of the price that must be paid for success.
you don't work simply because you can find someone else to pay your way and you have the audacity to insult people who have worked their entire lives for what they have? you're a prime example of all that is worst in the welfare state. would it kill you to get that low paying job and go to school at the same time? people do it all the time and i'm sure, as an adult, you could consider helping out your family as among your responsibilities. but i guess responsibility isn't high on your list of priorities. instead, you would prefer to maintain your grasp on childhood and rely on a family that is already financially strained. you seem to have a slightly different definition of the term "obligation" than the one i grew up with.

our growing culture of entitlement is a trap that sucks the very soul out of those it ensnares. it alters our perception of right and wrong and allows us to avoid the necessary pain of life without guilt. it eliminates the gratitude that should be felt for those safety nets we rely on, replacing it with the sense that this is some debt owed us for merely drawing breath in a nation that has managed to build great wealth. it engenders feelings of discontent, that what has cost nothing is only partial payment for that illusory debt. it raises our expectations while lowering our ideas of the price that must be paid for success.

beautifully said.

its amazing he doesnt even have an ounce of gratitude towards the ones that provide his every meal, payment for his housing, his college tuition, or his mother. she is the only one willing to work.

if you were my son, i would throw you out on the street with the suit you came into this world wearing.

but at least your "not a mexican" your words not mine. the mexicans i know work their asses off cleaning dishes, mowing lawns, hanging drywall, for minimal pay and absolutely no benefits.

they live several families to a house in order to save enough money to bring their family over here to try to better their lot in life.

you are right, you are no fucking mexican.
I didn't bother reading all the pages but all I have to say is that we need to default, no debt ceiling raises, if anything we should be arguing about lowering it!

All Capitol hill will do by raising the ceiling is kick the problem a little further down the road. In fact at the rate the administration is wasting money i wouldn't be surprised if we find the same ourselves watching the same situation unfold in 6 months (assuming the ceiling is raised). And what does a 4 trillion $ cut do when the deficit has nearly tripled since Obama took office? That still puts us in high debt than before....

America needs to bite the bullet, and dig in, times are tough I know. I'm scrambling just to pay for community college. But the only way to make things better is to let them get as worse as possible, or else it be even more hell the pay down the road..