Did Biden just hand Frump the election?

Its part of the game. They are trying to give republicans the two terms they need to get after the two terms of democrat(and two terms of republican before and two terms of democrat before that and the two terms of republicans before that).

Republicans wreck the economy and democrats save it. You see the so called democrats cannot do things like a single payer healthcare or other things that a democrat is supposed to do when the economy is low due to wars and transferring wealth to the rich with tricks. Not like the DNC would not do this also, but they need to be more subtle with it and need to use excuses like it will make the economy great again. Then when the economy starts rolling, you get a guy who tries to make the country great again, but will only make it worse and leave the democrats to clean his crap and giving them a excuse not to do any politics that really matter.

Republicans and DNC keep the progressives out together by both attacking anyone trying to interfere with their theatre, then after they get rid of the threat, they start to bash each others publically, so that people would want to choose other than the obviously very crappy option.

Now they are giving you a crappy option and a very crappy option after kicking out the real change. Not voting will lead to the crappier option(trump), but voting biden is a vote to keep the same old crap going. Maybe the whole country need to go into ruin so that people would wake up from all the bullshit propaganda they get from both sides? If so, then trump would be a safer choice to vote on, but that would likely also mean tons and tons of people getting more shit from trying to do whats right when demanding for a change(as is happening already). Biden on the other hand would talk people into being silent by promising crap that is just about barely enough and then most likely not delivering on it properly and doing it in a way that leads to no change.

Good luck..
Its part of the game. They are trying to give republicans the two terms they need to get after the two terms of democrat(and two terms of republican before and two terms of democrat before that and the two terms of republicans before that).

Republicans wreck the economy and democrats save it. You see the so called democrats cannot do things like a single payer healthcare or other things that a democrat is supposed to do when the economy is low due to wars and transferring wealth to the rich with tricks. Not like the DNC would not do this also, but they need to be more subtle with it and need to use excuses like it will make the economy great again. Then when the economy starts rolling, you get a guy who tries to make the country great again, but will only make it worse and leave the democrats to clean his crap and giving them a excuse not to do any politics that really matter.

Republicans and DNC keep the progressives out together by both attacking anyone trying to interfere with their theatre, then after they get rid of the threat, they start to bash each others publically, so that people would want to choose other than the obviously very crappy option.

Now they are giving you a crappy option and a very crappy option after kicking out the real change. Not voting will lead to the crappier option(trump), but voting biden is a vote to keep the same old crap going. Maybe the whole country need to go into ruin so that people would wake up from all the bullshit propaganda they get from both sides? If so, then trump would be a safer choice to vote on, but that would likely also mean tons and tons of people getting more shit from trying to do whats right when demanding for a change(as is happening already). Biden on the other hand would talk people into being silent by promising crap that is just about barely enough and then most likely not delivering on it properly and doing it in a way that leads to no change.

Good luck..
Its part of the game. They are trying to give republicans the two terms they need to get after the two terms of democrat(and two terms of republican before and two terms of democrat before that and the two terms of republicans before that).

Republicans wreck the economy and democrats save it. You see the so called democrats cannot do things like a single payer healthcare or other things that a democrat is supposed to do when the economy is low due to wars and transferring wealth to the rich with tricks. Not like the DNC would not do this also, but they need to be more subtle with it and need to use excuses like it will make the economy great again. Then when the economy starts rolling, you get a guy who tries to make the country great again, but will only make it worse and leave the democrats to clean his crap and giving them a excuse not to do any politics that really matter.

Republicans and DNC keep the progressives out together by both attacking anyone trying to interfere with their theatre, then after they get rid of the threat, they start to bash each others publically, so that people would want to choose other than the obviously very crappy option.

Now they are giving you a crappy option and a very crappy option after kicking out the real change. Not voting will lead to the crappier option(trump), but voting biden is a vote to keep the same old crap going. Maybe the whole country need to go into ruin so that people would wake up from all the bullshit propaganda they get from both sides? If so, then trump would be a safer choice to vote on, but that would likely also mean tons and tons of people getting more shit from trying to do whats right when demanding for a change(as is happening already). Biden on the other hand would talk people into being silent by promising crap that is just about barely enough and then most likely not delivering on it properly and doing it in a way that leads to no change.

Good luck..
you're bad at this. you wont change one person's vote. we're all voting for biden. he's way better
Its part of the game. They are trying to give republicans the two terms they need to get after the two terms of democrat(and two terms of republican before and two terms of democrat before that and the two terms of republicans before that).

Republicans wreck the economy and democrats save it. You see the so called democrats cannot do things like a single payer healthcare or other things that a democrat is supposed to do when the economy is low due to wars and transferring wealth to the rich with tricks. Not like the DNC would not do this also, but they need to be more subtle with it and need to use excuses like it will make the economy great again. Then when the economy starts rolling, you get a guy who tries to make the country great again, but will only make it worse and leave the democrats to clean his crap and giving them a excuse not to do any politics that really matter.

Republicans and DNC keep the progressives out together by both attacking anyone trying to interfere with their theatre, then after they get rid of the threat, they start to bash each others publically, so that people would want to choose other than the obviously very crappy option.

Now they are giving you a crappy option and a very crappy option after kicking out the real change. Not voting will lead to the crappier option(trump), but voting biden is a vote to keep the same old crap going. Maybe the whole country need to go into ruin so that people would wake up from all the bullshit propaganda they get from both sides? If so, then trump would be a safer choice to vote on, but that would likely also mean tons and tons of people getting more shit from trying to do whats right when demanding for a change(as is happening already). Biden on the other hand would talk people into being silent by promising crap that is just about barely enough and then most likely not delivering on it properly and doing it in a way that leads to no change.

Good luck..

I ultimately lost my job due to Trumpandemic, but the dems made certain i had real cash ($600 weekly) to add to my inadequate unemployment. I've been able to pay my rent and survive..I've been deficit for 3 weeks now due to Trump playing games with us..

Trump* needs to resign now because Kamala Harris is going to come down hard on Trump* administration..she has license now; she is on the ticket and can speak her mind and will not be silenced by the 5 minute congressional clock. She and Biden will be meeting with health officials today to get to work.

as of yesterday, it is a new day in America and Trumpy* knew it..did you hear him in that news conference afterward?

Bernie won't mind:

you're bad at this. you wont change one person's vote. we're all voting for biden. he's way better

lol retard go suck a clit. I never said someone should vote for trump. If you would have the means to comprehend what i erote and not just go all emo like you are trained to. You would see that im saying that voting for trump is likely worse, hence voting for biden is likely the best choise. But you are too fucked up to think straight. All im saying is that you got played again. Go cry to your mommy if you cant handle that
lol retard go suck a clit. I never said someone should vote for trump. If you would have the means to comprehend what i erote and not just go all emo like you are trained to. You would see that im saying that voting for trump is likely worse, hence voting for biden is likely the best choise. But you are too fucked up to think straight. All im saying is that you got played again. Go cry to your mommy if you cant handle that
you won't discourage even one vote, virgin boi from russia.
lol retard go suck a clit. I never said someone should vote for trump. If you would have the means to comprehend what i erote and not just go all emo like you are trained to. You would see that im saying that voting for trump is likely worse, hence voting for biden is likely the best choise. But you are too fucked up to think straight. All im saying is that you got played again. Go cry to your mommy if you cant handle that
Do you have some knowledge of things Biden has done that are so bad?

Because all I have seen is Trump/Russian/Chinese cultist/etc propaganda aimed at trying to make it look like Biden is anything but what all evidence over 50 years shows him to be, a squeaky clean American post civil rights era Democrat who is exceptionally experienced at knowing the right people to get a lot done for the American people if he can win big.
Do you have some knowledge of things Biden has done that are so bad?

Because all I have seen is Trump/Russian/Chinese cultist/etc propaganda aimed at trying to make it look like Biden is anything but what all evidence over 50 years shows him to be, a squeaky clean American post civil rights era Democrat who is exceptionally experienced at knowing the right people to get a lot done for the American people if he can win big.

I never said or claimed that biden did something evil against people. Where did you get that idea from? Are you fucked up in the head like that uncleguy?

The problem is the opposite. What is biden doing or trying to do? Is he going to make the schools free like so many of democrats want? No. Is he going to get a proper single payer healthcare? No.

All he is saying that he is not trump. Which is something. But if he really wants to win, he might want to do a bit more than that. + inviting the epsteins friend child rapist bill clinton to talk for him in DNC convention. Oh and this kamala doesent seem much more than the typical DNC puppet. Im sure she has some bit more leaning ideas than biden, at least talks of them. But for it to make any real difference, well i doubt. Since even she were talking a bit more left than hillary for example, well the words are cheap and if you know you are in a position where you can say stuff you dont mean and you know that others will stop you from having to actually do it. Well its easy to talk.

I havent looked up in this kamala person too much, but i am sure that if biden wanted more votes, he would had picked bernie as his VP, but he doesent want bernie, because bernie represents that change, change which the elite doesent want, because it would mean an end to their hoarding all the money to the rich.
. . . . . . . . Not that his "token African-American woman" is black or a woman. . . . . .
What % African DNA is needed to be black for you? Or do you use the old tried and true brown paper bag test?

I'm not going to ask about the woman thing. People's personal sexual hangups are their own business.
I never said or claimed that biden did something evil against people. Where did you get that idea from? Are you fucked up in the head like that uncleguy?

The problem is the opposite. What is biden doing or trying to do? Is he going to make the schools free like so many of democrats want? No. Is he going to get a proper single payer healthcare? No.

All he is saying that he is not trump. Which is something. But if he really wants to win, he might want to do a bit more than that. + inviting the epsteins friend child rapist bill clinton to talk for him in DNC convention. Oh and this kamala doesent seem much more than the typical DNC puppet. Im sure she has some bit more leaning ideas than biden, at least talks of them. But for it to make any real difference, well i doubt. Since even she were talking a bit more left than hillary for example, well the words are cheap and if you know you are in a position where you can say stuff you dont mean and you know that others will stop you from having to actually do it. Well its easy to talk.

I havent looked up in this kamala person too much, but i am sure that if biden wanted more votes, he would had picked bernie as his VP, but he doesent want bernie, because bernie represents that change, change which the elite doesent want, because it would mean an end to their hoarding all the money to the rich.
This is the same stupid shit you guys did in 2016, get a new script already you hack bitch