Well-Known Member
This is the same stupid shit you guys did in 2016, get a new script already you hack bitch
lol you sound like a ruski troll yourself trying to make up shit like this. Or then you are just too stupid or schizophrenic
Dont you see that democrats like the whole russia scandal, as does republicans. They all love it, because they all can fool you guys with it. Im sure russia tried to do some stuff to influence elections, but thats normal shit that even USA does to others all the time. In fact USA has meddled with more russia elections than russia has meddled with USA elections. That is a fact im sure you dont want to believe of your loved country. Was it the country where it is possible for anyone to be anyone, except that not everyone can afford school, so that they could get to be free. Or was it the land of the free? Oh right sorry i forgot how you guys like to lock up your citizens. USA is the land of double standards and bullshitters. At least putin is honest about being a crooked asshole up to no good lol
And no even tho i say that, it does not mean that i think that putin would be good. Even tho you have been conditioned to this type of thinking with your bullshit 2 party system that is only because it keeps the power in elites hands.
Yea and i still dont care to listen to your stupid crying, so go to your mommy please