Did I toast my seed sprouts?


Active Member
I put my seeds directly into the wet paper towel method (in total-darkness), and put them on a low-heater.

For a few hours though I think I turned it up too high, and half of my seeds still haven't sprouted (after 5 days).

They're regular, more landrace-type seeds (Congo reg and Nepal Annapurna reg from Ace Seeds). Doesn't look like they've cracked at all.

Should I take them out of the wet paper towel, and put them in water, to see if they sink? Forgot to do that step first... *facepalm*
You have to know the temp. 83° is perfect. You either cooked them or they're not warm enough.

You need an IR thermometer. At the right temps. Seeds will bust the shell in 6 hours. The tap root will show in 12 hours. Measure the temp of the container they're in. Measure the heated whatever.

Don't stick the container directly on the heated surface if it heats up with a big swing. Lay it on a cloth or paper towel. Plastic cutting board.

Watch the temperature. IR thermometer.
I have grown numerous ACE strains including the Congo and have had 100% success rate by just putting them in soil directly. Their seeds are good and they have dates on the packaging so you know how old the seeds are. If they haven't sprouted after 5 days something is definitely wrong.

I'd just put them directly in soil, water them in, keep the surface moist with a sprayer, hope, and wait. You don't need to bother with paper towels which are completely unnecessary and a step that can be skipped.

Good luck
My seed heater is the top of the hot water heater. It stays 80°-83°. Even with the hot water running for the washing machine.

Tupperware type container.
I'm another direct to medium grower. Simple. No need to handle any seed more than move from storage to the burrow I have waiting in moistened light mix on a heat mat. 100% germ with all breeders I grow. Any other method requires more handling.... I don't always chant to the eastern winds, but when I do, I know I've been smoking too much.
lol the cup was more important than the napkin. I also used a heat mat without direct contact and at one point I felt like it was cooking them in the napkin but luckily I caught it and they all did well. Next time I’ll probably go right from cup to soil and save some stress. bongsmilie
Seeds will pop fine in 60 degree temps, they just take a little longer. You are better off having them a little too cool than too hot. You may have cooked the seeds. Think about spring time outdoors and how cool the dirt can be... That still works in nature. Just put them in the soil, or if you want to play with them, in a wet paper towel inside an unsealed folded zip lock and stick them in a drawer or cabinet and check them a couple times a day. Folks tend to make it harder than it needs to be.
I put my seeds directly into the wet paper towel method (in total-darkness), and put them on a low-heater.

For a few hours though I think I turned it up too high, and half of my seeds still haven't sprouted (after 5 days).

They're regular, more landrace-type seeds (Congo reg and Nepal Annapurna reg from Ace Seeds). Doesn't look like they've cracked at all.

Should I take them out of the wet paper towel, and put them in water, to see if they sink? Forgot to do that step first... *facepalm*

Don't use heatmat to sprout seeds, 71-72F(20-21C) is more than enough heat for sprouting seeds.
I have tried almost every method and easiest and fastest is seed straight to soil. Also tried solo - 1G - final, solo -final, only final and best for me is final. Only downside is watering, but it can be figured out... less messing with the roots is always better, only a small accidental touch to the sedling which causes move in i root zone means stunned grow for 1-2 days...
The double solo cup method works well for me...on a thermo controlled heat mat...easy to check moisture by weight but I found they will need nothing for days and days while roots are reaching for the dissipating moisture...usually trans into final 3 ltr at 7-10 days.
Yeah, small pots but a bunch of'em. I love growing this shit.