Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


Well-Known Member
Ok. Prove it. Show me pictures of Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, or Barack Obama with a grand wizard of the KKK.

Should be easy right? It happens all the time!
Dan, I know your not saying I'm a cultist even though I am willing to defend Ron Paul for that picture and his opposition to the CRA.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between you guys expressing your views and spending hours a day trying your hardest to slur a 76 year old man. There has got to be more to it than that. I have posted on Mitt Romney's FB profile once or twice ill admit. But I have never spent hours trying to slander a politician. What is going on here?
well, it started months and months ago.

seemed like every thread would devolve into a ron paul debate, and every other thread ws a thread about ron paul.

myself and a few others on the board really got tired of having every discussion about this or that or the other devolve into ronald talk, so different tactics were employed.

dan would meet ron paul posts with noam chomsky posts. i started a thread entitled "ron paul: turtle fucker?" and so on and so forth.

eventually, things cooled down. even the most hardcore supporters got our point that no politician is 100% (at least most of them did).

it's not that we don't like you or welcome you here, but you have kind of walked into a buzzsaw with respect to the ronald stuff.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dan, I know your not saying I'm a cultist even though I am willing to defend Ron Paul for that picture and his opposition to the CRA.
That's because you don't pretend he's a deity.

For the record, I did work on Obama's primary campaign and there were cult members there too. I treated them just as poorly as I treat Ron Paul cult members.

I'd love to run into some of those people and ask them how their cult worship worked out for them. I tried to warn them that this guys is just a politician. The reception was not a warm one.


Well-Known Member
That's because you don't pretend he's a deity.

For the record, I did work on Obama's primary campaign and there were cult members there too. I treated them just as poorly as I treat Ron Paul cult members.

I'd love to run into some of those people and ask them how their cult worship worked out for them. I tried to warn them that this guys is just a politician. The reception was not a warm one.
I do want to say one thing in defense of hardcore Ron Paul supporters (even some that you consider cultists):

As a libertarian I got really excited when I noticed Ron Paul, because he was the first person to get the main stream attention (since I've been able to vote anyways) that shared much of my political philosophy. It's hard to not get passionate when you are dedicated to a 3rd party and that platform is so under represented in the main stream.

Regardless of what happens I have profound respect for Ron Paul for getting those ideas out there and exposing it to the main stream culture.


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting that Ron Paul should support all of his supporters? Charles Manson was a Beatles fan, under your train of thought the Beatles were supporters of Charlie Manson.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I do want to say one thing in defense of hardcore Ron Paul supporters (even some that you consider cultists):

As a libertarian I got really excited when I noticed Ron Paul, because he was the first person to get the main stream attention (since I've been able to vote anyways) that shared much of my political philosophy. It's hard to not get passionate when you are dedicated to a 3rd party and that platform is so under represented in the main stream.

Regardless of what happens I have profound respect for Ron Paul for getting those ideas out there and exposing it to the main stream culture.
That's fair enough. I'm hoping that social democrats like myself get that chance one day. I'd love to see a viable liberal candidate, but I'm pretty sure it's unlikely we will ever get a liberal in the whitehouse in my lifetime.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting that Ron Paul should support all of his supporters? Charles Manson was a Beatles fan, under your train of thought the Beatles were supporters of Charlie Manson.
No, I'm saying exactly the opposite. If the grand wizard of the KKK is your supporter, you should run far far away, not take a picture with him.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm saying exactly the opposite. If the grand wizard of the KKK is your supporter, you should run far far away, not take a picture with him.
Do you expect Ron Paul to be able to identify the grand wizard? He probably didn't know who the fuck it was, if that's even him. I don't know what the grand wizard looks like, because I'm not a KKK member. Your logic is flawed. Do you have any evidence that Ron Paul is a racist? Because it would be completely contradictory to the whole idea of non favoritism overseas and trade with all. It would certainly contradict his stance on the drug wars, which he has spoken out against as being biased towards blacks, whom get disproportionately convicted considering drug use is consistent across all races. RP being a racist would contradict RP speaking out about the foreign wars, where minorities take more casualties. It would also contradict his statement he made at the debates about MLK being his hero for practicing the principle of civil disobedience and non violence. It is frustrating when we hear RP being accused of being a racist because it simply doesn't make sense and there is no evidence of it, only baseless assumptions. If you think Ron Paul is a racist, then you don't know shit about the freedom movement.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Do you expect Ron Paul to be able to identify the grand wizard? He probably didn't know who the fuck it was, if that's even him. I don't know what the grand wizard looks like, because I'm not a KKK member. Your logic is flawed. Do you have any evidence that Ron Paul is a racist? Because it would be completely contradictory to the whole idea of non favoritism overseas and trade with all. It would certainly contradict his stance on the drug wars, which he has spoken out against as being biased towards blacks, whom get disproportionately convicted considering drug use is consistent across all races. RP being a racist would contradict RP speaking out about the foreign wars, where minorities take more casualties. It would also contradict his statement he made at the debates about MLK being his hero for practicing the principle of civil disobedience and non violence. It is frustrating when we hear RP being accused of being a racist because it simply doesn't make sense and there is no evidence of it, only baseless assumptions. If you think Ron Paul is a racist, then you don't know shit about the freedom movement.
I know, I know. Ron Paul is perfect in every way and if I don't agree with everything he's ever done I hate freedom. I get it. Thanks for sharing.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
"The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders' political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government's hostility to religion." - Ron Paul

Freedom! Fuck yeah!

I'm so happy that Ron Paul thinks I should have the freedom to obey the bible as mandated by the small government!​


Well-Known Member
No. I just feel sorry for you. And it's not just a political movement. In political movements they realize the figure heads of that movement are just fallible human beings like everyone else. In Ron Paul's cult you guys refused to believe that he's ever done anything wrong in his entire life.
But the thing is you're a liar. Your candidate stinks and hasn't done anything worthwhile except to help his buddies so you make things up about others.

If you believe that ANY politician under any circumstances is 100% correct every time, then you are not part of a political movement, you are part of a cult.
You made that up to fit a twisted agenda because you support losers. I haven't noticed a following of Ron Paul supporters who think he is correct all the time. So instead you have to lie about others. But that's what control freaks do. They cannot argue the merits since what they support doesn't work so they lie about others in order to deflect.

You can't think for yourself and agree with a politician 100% of the time. Those things are mutually exclusive. You can only pick one. You've chosen to let Ron Paul do the thinking for you. And I find that very disturbing. You shouldn't let politicians think for you.
Here's another lie. People who support Ron Paul support the Constitution and not control freaks like you who want to run others lives. Why support people like you and their candidates? You both have very low morals. Nothing wrong with stealing others money as long as it goes to your causes right? Thieves think that way. Its okay to steal as long as it is doing good. The fact remains it doesn't do good but you're to stupid to realize it. Or maybe since the theft benefits you, you maybe smarter than I think.

How is the value of the dollar doing since the big government Federal Reserve has come about?This generation is the first in a very long time to have a bleaker outlook than their parents. If you don't think it's their doing,along with big government congress then stop posting, you're too uninformed.

How is our education system doing since the big government Dept of Education came about? Our standing compare to the rest of the world has dropped? You're living proof. The cost per student in the public system is more than the cost per student in the average private school and private school students receive a better education.

I can't even think of a politician that I agree with 80% of the time let alone 100%. By agreeing with him 100% of the time you only prove that you're a cult member who's incapable of independent thought. Which btw makes it hilarious when you guys accuse others of being brainwashed.
You have to continue making things up because your candidate stinks and is a failure. The only ones brainwashed are the ones who would believe your childish banter. Control freaks like you love to group people in order to control them. Easier to control a group than an individual. Respect the rights of the individual all the time and not when you feel like it. We fought a war over that and our Constitution has its foundation in that.


Well-Known Member
So what issues do you think Ron Paul is wrong on?
That's the thing about people like you. Always looking for a crack in the armor in order to make a big deal about it so as to deflect from your candidate who is wrong to often.
I got a better question. What issues has your candidate been right about and why?


Well-Known Member
"The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders' political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government's hostility to religion." - Ron Paul

Freedom! Fuck yeah!

I'm so happy that Ron Paul thinks I should have the freedom to obey the bible as mandated by the small government!​
The Bible is associated with respecting property rights. Make something else up because you don't get it.