Did we actually land on the moon?

yea we did land on the moon, even left a moon buggy there. I want to take this thing for a ride in 1/6 earth's gravity. Imagine the jumps you could make! How did they get that thing there anyhow? The lunar lander doesnt look like it has a trailer hitch on it? What do you think?

I think we landed on the moon... mostly because I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories especially ones that would require large numbers of people to keep their traps shut.

One thing I do find interesting though.... how come there are no stars in the sky... like in your picture of the moon buggy? Seems to me we should ABSOLUTELY see stars in the background sky.... weird.

Ah, the stars thing. If I recollect it has to do with photography itself... but don't rely on my faded memory, mkay?

Funny pic, FloridaGirl. :lol:
Ah, the stars thing. If I recollect it has to do with photography itself... but don't rely on my faded memory, mkay?

Funny pic, FloridaGirl. :lol:

YouTube - No stars from the Cosmos

This will answer your question my dear seamaiden, mkay!! haha

I also heard that another lady astronaut allegedly said that she wouldn't lie for NASA and tell the public that she couldn't see stars from space and they killer her for it some how.. I forget exactly, but something like that. :mrgreen:

After watching this link it really makes you wonder!! The one guy said "I don't remember seeing any (stars)"!!! LMAO

There are many more anomalies that have occurred if you watch the other links I provided!

I watched a few movies that Caligrown had on this and I don't think we landed on the moon.... I don't even know that it is physically possible...
I watched a few movies that Caligrown had on this and I don't think we landed on the moon.... I don't even know that it is physically possible...

Whats up Bamm?

Ya, they were saying that you would need a 6 FOOT barrier of LEAD (you know how heavy lead is) in order to block the Van Allen belt radiation from the astronauts.

Also notice how only the USA has gone to the moon:lol: No one else is stupid enough! Why aren't we going back any time soon?
Growing up I watched every single Gemini mission and every single Apollo mission. My aunt also dated a guy that was one of the designers for the LEM. I lived and breathed NASA and read every thing I could on it. Like I said, for those of you too young to have grown up in those times, we were in the midst of a technology superiority war with the Soviets. They watched us and we watched them. They monitored our moonshot missions and if they were bogus, they would have presented contrary evidence to the world. The Soviets intended upon reaching the moon before the US.

The astronauts knew of the radiation hazards in space, but they were former test pilots...They did it anyway. Those guys were totally badass motherfuckers.
After doing a little googling on the subject of why we don't see stars in the pictures from the moon landing.... the explanations seem to make sense. It's also stated that if one uses a regular camera (without any special filters and/or telephoto equip) and takes a picture of the sky from their home here on Earth the stars won't appear in the picture either. I'm going to try it as soon as we get a clear night here. I'm inclined to believe it will prove true and my picture won't pick up the stars. Should be interesting.

Like I said before... I'm not a fan or believer of conspiracy theories ... especially ones that would require large numbers of people to keep their traps shut for any length of time... (it just seems like someone over the years would get drunk and spill the beans). With that being said... I must admit... this one is fun to dig into and debate. I think because even if it is true .... no one was really hurt by it (unlike the 9/11 and JFK conspiracy theories where people died).

Tons of crazy shit on the Internet about it.... who knows what to believe... it's all fascinating to read and watch though....

Here's one I just watched..... of course this could very well be a big steaming pile of shit lie too. :D

YouTube - MOONMOVIE dot com (Funny thing happened on way to moon)
After doing a little googling on the subject of why we don't see stars in the pictures from the moon landing.... the explanations seem to make sense. It's also stated that if one uses a regular camera (without any special filters and/or telephoto equip) and takes a picture of the sky from their home here on Earth the stars won't appear in the picture either. I'm going to try it as soon as we get a clear night here. I'm inclined to believe it will prove true and my picture won't pick up the stars. Should be interesting.

Like I said before... I'm not a fan or believer of conspiracy theories ... especially ones that would require large numbers of people to keep their traps shut for any length of time... (it just seems like someone over the years would get drunk and spill the beans). With that being said... I must admit... this one is fun to dig into and debate. I think because even if it is true .... no one was really hurt by it (unlike the 9/11 and JFK conspiracy theories where people died).

Tons of crazy shit on the Internet about it.... who knows what to believe... it's all fascinating to read and watch though....

Here's one I just watched..... of course this could very well be a big steaming pile of shit lie too. :D

YouTube - MOONMOVIE dot com (Funny thing happened on way to moon)

I'm glad your taking an interest to this:mrgreen: I also like debating with other people because it makes you look at things from different angles and its a brain workout..

Neil Armstrong said in the vid that they didn't see stars with his own eyes and they could only see them with a special piece of optics. His buddy said he didn't see them at all. Very interesting. I can;t imagine how you wouldn't be able to see stars from the moon. What do you guys think?

The russians are technically the 1st people to land on the moon
What are you talking about? Do you have any links? I was never a big space nut... Thanks :mrgreen:
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I'm betting you can see the stars on the dark side of the moon, as for the lighted the sun could be causing you to be unable to see... just like day time..

We will probably be seeing the moon again when the companies currently working on cheaper space travel possible it will be companies shooting into space, when? I have no clue but seems closer.. Hell 50 years ago the ISS was science fiction.

I can understand the logic of why it could be faked, but do I think it was? No, I think it was done but look at the risk those men took by doing so.. it was pretty high chance of something fucking up.
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What are you talking about? Do you have any links? I was never a big space nut... Thanks :mrgreen:
The 1st craft to "impact" the moon was sent by the soviets. It was of course unmanned and was not designed for a "soft" landing, but an impact.
The 1st craft to "impact" the moon was sent by the soviets. It was of course unmanned and was not designed for a "soft" landing, but an impact.

My bad vtx dave, thanks for correction.

"If the russian space program way ahead than the u.s How did the U.S catch up in the a couple of months?"

This was said by some guy on the internet and I wanted to see what you had to say about this vtx dave. I don't know much about the space stuff either but you seem to know way more than I do so I wanted to see what your opinion on that remark was. Because when I googled 1st space landing, there was also a bunch of conspiracies and whatnot on there and read a couple and this was one of them.
My bad vtx dave, thanks for correction.

"If the russian space program way ahead than the u.s How did the U.S catch up in the a couple of months?"

This was said by some guy on the internet and I wanted to see what you had to say about this vtx dave. I don't know much about the space stuff either but you seem to know way more than I do so I wanted to see what your opinion on that remark was. Because when I googled 1st space landing, there was also a bunch of conspiracies and whatnot on there and read a couple and this was one of them.
In the beginning of the Space Race, the Soviets were most definitely ahead of the US, but not by much. They did have far more massive boosters than we did, but only due to the fact that we didn't initially give the German scientists the green light to move ahead with a bonafide space program. Once we started, it took more than a couple of months to catch up. It took more like a couple of years, tremendous amounts of manpower and money, a lot of risk taking, and a bit of luck. The Soviets began stumbling while we were in the midst of the Gemini missions with booster failures and reentry failures. Later, during Apollo (after the Apollo 1 mishap), the Soviets did have a "moonrocket" capable of delivering a payload to the moon and back, but it initially blew up on the pad. The "defining moment" so to speak for the US was we rolled the dice and decided to send Apollo 8 to the moon (lunar orbit only) and back. It was originally scheduled for just earth orbit, but we decided to take advantage of the situation...We never looked back and got Armstrong and Aldrin to the moon during the Apollo 11 mission.
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i am alien and ii was born on cloud 7 and ii say they cant stand on the moon or theyll vamoose!!!!disappear from the lightyear pressure as ii have all bad thoughts trapped in a genie lamp then ii told the geenie to alakazzam!!!disapear them with the curious astronaughts because they can then try to change them and if they change to good ill let em go and we all lived happily forever after
I'm betting you can see the stars on the dark side of the moon, as for the lighted the sun could be causing you to be unable to see... just like day time..

We will probably be seeing the moon again when the companies currently working on cheaper space travel possible it will be companies shooting into space, when? I have no clue but seems closer.. Hell 50 years ago the ISS was science fiction.

I can understand the logic of why it could be faked, but do I think it was? No, I think it was done but look at the risk those men took by doing so.. it was pretty high chance of something fucking up.

I'm pretty sure they said they didn't see stars AT ALL unless they were using special optics. It just seems wild! Apparently the moon only reflects ~7% of the light that hits it, so i would imagine that this would NOT be enough to fully wash out stars- like the daytime on earth. This is just my guess, as i have never really studied the dynamics of the moon.

Any scientists on here that know anything about the radiation from the Van Allen belt? That would help to explain a lot. Thanks :D

I have not studied the Apollo missions AT ALL besides the other day when i posted these links. I have no idea what really happened but some of the conspiracy "theories" bring up some valid points/evidence. For example, the shadows on the Apollo missions are NOT parallel in all of the cases, and other anomalies of that nature. I certainly know if I was on the moon with 1/6th gravity that I would be hopping around like a little bunny everywhere I went. The largest jump i saw an astronaut make was only roughly 2 feet off the ground. Either they are pussies or their space suits weighed a ton. But, even if their space suits weighed 100lbs, and they weighed 170lbs after you add their weight and the space suit weight it only equals ~45lbs once on the moon. Go figure that one out! lol (170lbs + 100lbs = 270lbs total weight.... moons gravity= ~1/6 G or ~0.17...... 270lbs X ~0.17G = ~45lbs on the moon. If you can follow math, you can follow my logic and have to admit that only being able to jump two feet on the moon with NO atmosphere seems silly. Whats your thoughts on that?)

YouTube - Astronaut Jumps Up

YouTube - Jumping on the moon at double speed

I find it really comical to think about the Apollo missions being faked! Just picture the gov't feeling obligated to give something to the public for taking millions of dollars from them. They realized they couldn't go to the moon because of spatial radiation, but they spent all that money to work towards reaching the moon. So what do they do?

They go to Area 51 months prior to the shuttle launch and under total secrecy they film the moon scenes. It looked like they were on the moon because the footage was slowed down 50% to give the "moon gravity" effect. No one really knows besides the tightest NASA employees on a need to know basis. Houston and the world are being fooled the whole time, they are watching a prerecorded video and have no idea. The shuttle was launched and the astronauts are orbiting the earth (inside the Van Allen belt so not to get effected by the radiation) for the amount of time that the missions allegedly took. The most expensive 'Hollywood' movies ever produced and most everyone thought that we actually landed on the moon.....

LMAO, that would be hilarious. "We never saw stars from the moon." LMAO
Growing up I watched every single Gemini mission and every single Apollo mission. My aunt also dated a guy that was one of the designers for the LEM. I lived and breathed NASA and read every thing I could on it. Like I said, for those of you too young to have grown up in those times, we were in the midst of a technology superiority war with the Soviets. They watched us and we watched them. They monitored our moonshot missions and if they were bogus, they would have presented contrary evidence to the world. The Soviets intended upon reaching the moon before the US.

The astronauts knew of the radiation hazards in space, but they were former test pilots...They did it anyway. Those guys were totally badass motherfuckers.

Perzackly. I also remember 'the damned Russians'. Anything that either 'side' fucked up on was jumped on by the opposing govt.

To put it in perspective, you've all most likely seen the French website claiming that it wasn't an aircraft that hit the Pentagon, but either an internal explosion, a truck driven up next to the building, or even a cruise missile. This is despite eyewitness accounts and other obvious evidence that flight 77 did hit the building.

Oh, and in respect to the buggy that was on...help me VTXDave...uh, found it...missions 15 thru 17. It was assembled after landing...check its frame etc.
...and after a little googlishious research, discovered that the buggy was 3 x 2 metres and folded up in a concertina. It fitted in one module bay of the lander.

Deployment of the LRV from the LM quad 1 by the astronauts was achieved with a system of pulleys and braked reels using ropes and cloth tapes. The rover was folded and stored in quad 1 with the underside of the chassis facing out. One astronaut would climb the egress ladder on the LM and release the rover, which would then be slowly tilted out by the second astronaut on the ground through the use of reels and tapes. As the rover was let down from the bay most of the deployment was automatic. The rear wheels folded out and locked in place and when they touched the ground the front of the rover could be unfolded, the wheels deployed, and the entire frame let down to the surface by pulleys.
The rover components locked into place upon opening. Cabling, pins and tripods would then be removed and the seats and footrests raised. After switching on all the electronics the vehicle was ready to back away from the LM.
Anyway, it shouldn't be much longer now and we'll have high res shots of the old landing sites.

FloridaGirl! Don't worry!

Originally Posted by Florida Girl
After doing a little googling on the subject of why we don't see stars in the pictures from the moon landing.... the explanations seem to make sense. It's also stated that if one uses a regular camera (without any special filters and/or telephoto equip) and takes a picture of the sky from their home here on Earth the stars won't appear in the picture either. I'm going to try it as soon as we get a clear night here. I'm inclined to believe it will prove true and my picture won't pick up the stars. Should be interesting.

UPDATE: You won't see stars in your image unless you use at least a five second exposure at f2.8 (in my experience), and that is in a very dark (outback) location. I was shooting some pics of the Southern Cross about three weeks ago and the first show of stars came with my lens at 28mm, with an a aperture of F4 and a 10 second shutter speed. However, if I remember the last moon shoot I took through a 300mm lens, the exposure, in order to get any detail on the surface, had to be about 1/30 at a high aperture...f8 or something I think.

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To put it in perspective, you've all most likely seen the French website claiming that it wasn't an aircraft that hit the Pentagon, but either an internal explosion, a truck driven up next to the building, or even a cruise missile. This is despite eyewitness accounts and other obvious evidence that flight 77 did hit the building.

FloridaGirl! Don't worry!

You won't see stars in your image unless you use at least a five second exposure at f2.8 (in my experience),

To put it in perspective, you've all most likely seen the French website claiming that it wasn't an aircraft that hit the Pentagon,

You honestly think that a plane hit the pentagon? I bet you also believe that WTC 7 was brought down by a fire too?

911: In Plane Site - The Directors Cut - Full High Quality Video (I don't know if everything is credible, like the flashes that the fuselage made prior to the crashes, but it makes you think)

You won't see stars in your image unless you use at least a five second exposure at f2.8 (in my experience)


You honestly think that a plane hit the pentagon? I bet you also believe that WTC 7 was brought down by a fire too?

911: In Plane Site - The Directors Cut - Full High Quality Video (I don't know if everything is credible, like the flashes that the fuselage made prior to the crashes, but it makes you think)

You won't see stars in your image unless you use at least a five second exposure at f2.8 (in my experience)



WTC 7 was brought down by the guys that were tunneling for the gold that *everyone* knew was hidden *under* the subway, *under* the main WTC 1 and 2 towers. I know. I have a friend who has a friend whose cousin was a janitor in a building on Park Avenue who knew his uncles ex-girlfriend who saw someone *under* the subway one Saturday morning after a rave party in Central Park.


Aaah, like when you or I put on a pair of sunglasses at night and look at the sky? Hey, that could be a song..."I wear my sunglasses at night"...back to the thread...astronaut suit face mask jobbies were/are extremely good ultraviolet and other ray filters, especially when *both* shades were down. I wouldn't expect to see stars through them either.
:peace: bongsmilie