Did we actually land on the moon?

WTC 7 was brought down by the guys that were tunneling for the gold that *everyone* knew was hidden *under* the subway, *under* the main WTC 1 and 2 towers. I know. I have a friend who has a friend whose cousin was a janitor in a building on Park Avenue who knew his uncles ex-girlfriend who saw someone *under* the subway one Saturday morning after a rave party in Central Park.


Aaah, like when you or I put on a pair of sunglasses at night and look at the sky? Hey, that could be a song..."I wear my sunglasses at night"...back to the thread...astronaut suit face mask jobbies were/are extremely good ultraviolet and other ray filters, especially when *both* shades were down. I wouldn't expect to see stars through them either.
:peace: bongsmilie

"WTC 7 was brought ... blah blah blah ....Central Park."

Ok, whoever wants to believe that WTC 7 was brought down by a fire is fine by me, just watch the way that it went down. Look at how fast it came down in its own footprint!

YouTube - 9/11 Truth: The Collapse of WTC 7 - Who Knew in Advance?

"I wouldn't expect to see stars through them either."

Didn't they have clear glass windows on their moon shelter? Or were those gold plated too? Idk about you, but I would be looking out of my window on the space vehicle that was stationed on the moon. How many ppl actually get to go on the moon? Lol, Wouldn't you be looking out the windows into the cosmos? I have never looked through an astronauts helmet so I wouldn't have the faintest of what to expect.

Couldn't resist this WeTaRdED...
straight from the horses mouth (see attachment).


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Couldn't resist this WeTaRdED...
straight from the horses mouth (see attachment).

WTF, hmmmm I'm going to try and restart my comp because for the last day it hasn't been letting me opening attachments in RIU for some reason! I can see the pic, but i cant enlarge it/ click it........ AAARRRRRGGGGGGG :mrgreen:

Edit- I just restarted my comp, and I still can't click on your attachment... WTF??? Idk if its RIU or just my comp being gay....

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WTF, hmmmm I'm going to try and restart my comp because for the last day it hasn't been letting me opening attachments in RIU for some reason! I can see the pic, but i cant enlarge it/ click it........ AAARRRRRGGGGGGG :mrgreen:

Edit- I just restarted my comp, and I still can't click on your attachment... WTF??? Idk if its RIU or just my comp being gay....

Try this one:
It was supposed to be a play on 'straight from the horses mouth', an idea stemming from the interviews of the astronauts...
It's kind of ironic that the word Lunatic is taken from the word Lunar which is Latin for the moon. Also People once believed that madness was affected by the phases of the moon. A lunatic was someone with "moon madness".
For those of you who may be interested in learning about the early years of the US Space Program from Mercury through Apollo, I'd like to recommend "Moon Shot"...I've read the book and watched the video (3 hours). Both excellent.

The book: Amazon.com: Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America's Race to the Moon: Alan Shepard, Deke Slayton: Books
The video(unfortunately only on VHS): Amazon.com: Moon Shot: The Inside Story of the Apollo Project (1994): Barry Corbin, Alan Shepard, Deke Slayton, Kirk Wolfinger: Video
dont worry about stars in the videos pay more attention to the photos and everything else the shit was doctored..... and yes there is no way that JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in a million years
I certainly know if I was on the moon with 1/6th gravity that I would be hopping around like a little bunny everywhere I went. The largest jump i saw an astronaut make was only roughly 2 feet off the ground. Either they are pussies or their space suits weighed a ton. But, even if their space suits weighed 100lbs, and they weighed 170lbs after you add their weight and the space suit weight it only equals ~45lbs once on the moon. Go figure that one out! lol (170lbs + 100lbs = 270lbs total weight.... moons gravity= ~1/6 G or ~0.17...... 270lbs X ~0.17G = ~45lbs on the moon. If you can follow math, you can follow my logic and have to admit that only being able to jump two feet on the moon with NO atmosphere seems silly. Whats your thoughts on that?)

YouTube - Astronaut Jumps Up

YouTube - Jumping on the moon at double speed

That's too funny. I never thought one of those lunatics would harass an astronaut who walked on the moon. People will believe anything.

It's kind of ironic that the word Lunatic is taken from the word Lunar which is Latin for the moon. Also People once believed that madness was affected by the phases of the moon. A lunatic was someone with "moon madness".

Read the my quote above your two here and try and explain that. Do you understand math and logic? If you weighed ~45lbs how high do you think you would be able to jump? If you watch the vid you can clearly see that he was trying to jump up, maybe as much as he was capable of. To me, it only looks like he got ~2 feet off of the ground. Whats your rationale on that one buddy?

Anyone, feel free to answer my question- how high do you think you could jump weighing a total of 45lbs (even after you space suit is accounted for)?
Well, not having ever worn a spacesuit, nor having ever tried to perambulate in 1/6th gravity. I'd have no clue how high I could jump. However, I'd suggest that in a suit as cumbersome as those worn by the Apollo crews, and the underlying fear that if the suit was damaged I could die, I wouldn't try to jump too high at all.
Gryphonn, come on dude... Honestly, do you only think they would only jump two feet at the most? The suits got a lot of durability tests on the space suits before they told the astronauts to don it on and go to the moon. haha. These suits were up to NASA's standards, don't you think that means something?

Its not a matter of if the suits were going to break from JUST JUMPING UP AND DOWN! Its a matter of how high could they jump.

Watch the vids a couple more time and decide fore yourself whats plausible.

Those suits were cumbersome, heavy, and stiff. They weighed 200lbs. Even in the minimal gravity of the moon one would be hard pressed to be as limber as an unimpeded person in earth's gravity.
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Gryphonn, come on dude... Honestly, do you only think they would only jump two feet at the most? The suits got a lot of durability tests on the space suits before they told the astronauts to don it on and go to the moon. haha. These suits were up to NASA's standards, don't you think that means something?

Its not a matter of if the suits were going to break from JUST JUMPING UP AND DOWN! Its a matter of how high could they jump.

Watch the vids a couple more time and decide fore yourself whats plausible.

We...I'll say it again since most ignored my initial post: Had the US faked the landing, the Soviet Union would have been more than happy to expose our landing as a fraud to the world. We were in the midst of a battle w/ the Soviets for prestige and technology on the world stage.
Those suits were cumbersome, heavy, and stiff. They weighed 200lbs. Even in the minimal gravity of the moon one would be hard pressed to be as limber as an unimpeded person in earth's gravity.

Do you have a source/link for how much they weighed? You know I'm a diver and even a double set of tanks doesn't weigh much more than 70lbs. You can watch movies of them walking around with the space suit on earth without a problem. So I'm wondering how much their backpack must weigh?

Lmao, I just did the calculation of how much they would weigh on the moon IF THE SUIT WEIGHED 200LBS! My answer indicates that their total weight on the moon with the suit on, is only ~67lbs... HAHAHAHHAHAH go figure....

Here's my logic/math that would indicate how much they weighed with a 200lbs suit on. Simple for EVEN a jr. high school student to understand.

The weight of

the astronaut is ~200lbs

the space suit is ~200lbs

total earth weight is ~400lbs

total weight on moon ~67lbs

(400lbs X 1/6 = ~67lbs.............. the reason why I multiplied by 1/6 is because the moons gravity is 1/6th that of earth gravity, and thats how you would figure that out.)

Please someone help me figure out why the astronauts only jumped less than 2 feet when(with these figures) they only weighed 67lbs on the moon!

Please someone help me figure out why the astronauts only jumped less than 2 feet when(with these figures) they only weighed 67lbs on the moon!

I already did explain it We. But I'll say it again, it's very difficult to jump when you have limited flexibility at the knees and ankles. Try binding your knees and your ankles sometime and see how far you can jump.

Also, I watched on TV with my own 2 eyes (I was 10 years old) as Commander Scott of Apollo 15 carried out an experiment where he dropped a feather and a hammer from the same height at the same time. Both objects (hammer and feather) hit the surface simultaneously thus verifying Galileo's theory that falling bodies, heavy or light, fall at the same rate.

Now it's your turn...Please explain to me why the Soviet Union would not have exposed our moon landings as frauds had we not actually landed on the moon. Please keep in mind the geo-political scenario and relationship between the US and the Soviet Union at the time.