Well-Known Member
Gryphonn, come on dude... Honestly, do you only think they would only jump two feet at the most? The suits got a lot of durability tests on the space suits before they told the astronauts to don it on and go to the moon. haha. These suits were up to NASA's standards, don't you think that means something?
Its not a matter of if the suits were going to break from JUST JUMPING UP AND DOWN! Its a matter of how high could they jump.
Watch the vids a couple more time and decide fore yourself whats plausible.
In respect again to jumping. Given that there is no atmospherical resistance (no 'friction') on the surface of the moon, things tend to fall as fast as they rise. It's reasonable to assume that if one jumps and rises until gravity takes over the upward force, then one will fall 'as fast' as they rose into the 'air'. Further, don't ever try to hang glide on the moon, you'll fall out of the sky like a stone.
As for the suits being NASA standards approved, I think Apollo 13 and Challenger were up to NASA standards as well weren't they? But I'm getting off track.
Between '69 and '72, there were six successful tours to the moon by US astronauts. That means there were 24 people in the craft that left earth's orbit. Are you willing to suggest that of those 24 people, not *one* of them would spill the beans to *someone* if these landings were faked? Considering that there would have been hundreds of people involved in faking a moon landing does anyone seriously believe that no-one would spill the beans? I would, and I'd be a rich man too.
Or did some of the 30 odd billion plus spent faking these missions go to the people as slush money to silence the naysayers?
This site may be the most convincing proof of a hoax that I've seen so far:
Fake Moon Landings The moon landings are fake!
This little article is probably the best 'proof' so far of mans' landing on the moon.
Apollo 15 Landing Site Spotted in Images