Did we actually land on the moon?

Gryphonn, come on dude... Honestly, do you only think they would only jump two feet at the most? The suits got a lot of durability tests on the space suits before they told the astronauts to don it on and go to the moon. haha. These suits were up to NASA's standards, don't you think that means something?

Its not a matter of if the suits were going to break from JUST JUMPING UP AND DOWN! Its a matter of how high could they jump.

Watch the vids a couple more time and decide fore yourself whats plausible.


In respect again to jumping. Given that there is no atmospherical resistance (no 'friction') on the surface of the moon, things tend to fall as fast as they rise. It's reasonable to assume that if one jumps and rises until gravity takes over the upward force, then one will fall 'as fast' as they rose into the 'air'. Further, don't ever try to hang glide on the moon, you'll fall out of the sky like a stone.
As for the suits being NASA standards approved, I think Apollo 13 and Challenger were up to NASA standards as well weren't they? But I'm getting off track.

Between '69 and '72, there were six successful tours to the moon by US astronauts. That means there were 24 people in the craft that left earth's orbit. Are you willing to suggest that of those 24 people, not *one* of them would spill the beans to *someone* if these landings were faked? Considering that there would have been hundreds of people involved in faking a moon landing does anyone seriously believe that no-one would spill the beans? I would, and I'd be a rich man too.
Or did some of the 30 odd billion plus spent faking these missions go to the people as slush money to silence the naysayers?

This site may be the most convincing proof of a hoax that I've seen so far:
Fake Moon Landings The moon landings are fake!

This little article is probably the best 'proof' so far of mans' landing on the moon.
Apollo 15 Landing Site Spotted in Images

I already did explain it We. But I'll say it again, it's very difficult to jump when you have limited flexibility at the knees and ankles. Try binding your knees and your ankles sometime and see how far you can jump.

Now it's your turn...Please explain to me why the Soviet Union would not have exposed our moon landings as frauds had we not actually landed on the moon. Please keep in mind the geo-political scenario and relationship between the US and the Soviet Union at the time.

1. These guys are astronauts!! These guys are supposed to be in REALLY GOOD shape! Would you send a guy a 1/4 million miles away into space with millions of dollar of equipment if he was a pussy? No, they would need to be both tough and smart for that kind of mission. I would hope they could jump over 2 feet on the moon weighing less than 70lbs at 1/6 gravity. Not 1/2 gravity not 1/3 gravity, BUT 1/6TH!!!!

2. I am not that old and I couldn't tell you why the Soviets didn't expose us. There are SOO many political things that we are ignorant of. Maybe the USA had dirt on the Russians, and if they told on the USA than we would retaliate somehow? IDK..
Any idea as to why he's not bending at the knees so much?

Idk what your talking about(edit- in regards to the ankle movement... Can you be more specific?) ...... I doubt that they would give the NASA-astronauts equipment that would impede their movement to such that they had limited mobility...... On the moon!
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In respect again to jumping. Given that there is no atmospherical resistance (no 'friction') on the surface of the moon, things tend to fall as fast as they rise. It's reasonable to assume that if one jumps and rises until gravity takes over the upward force, then one will fall 'as fast' as they rose into the 'air'. Further, don't ever try to hang glide on the moon, you'll fall out of the sky like a stone.
As for the suits being NASA standards approved, I think Apollo 13 and Challenger were up to NASA standards as well weren't they? But I'm getting off track.

Between '69 and '72, there were six successful tours to the moon by US astronauts. That means there were 24 people in the craft that left earth's orbit. Are you willing to suggest that of those 24 people, not *one* of them would spill the beans to *someone* if these landings were faked? Considering that there would have been hundreds of people involved in faking a moon landing does anyone seriously believe that no-one would spill the beans? I would, and I'd be a rich man too.
Or did some of the 30 odd billion plus spent faking these missions go to the people as slush money to silence the naysayers?

This site may be the most convincing proof of a hoax that I've seen so far:
Fake Moon Landings The moon landings are fake!

This little article is probably the best 'proof' so far of mans' landing on the moon.
Apollo 15 Landing Site Spotted in Images


You guys are right! We did land on the moon! How could I have been so foolish? :mrgreen:

Why dont you go to the Smithsonian and see it all with your own eyes. All those fake rockets and space capsules. I bet you think the space station is really just a weather balloon?
I bet you think the space station is really just a weather balloon?

I bet you think your some kind of big-shot or something.

I never said that I have conclusive proof that we never went to the moon, also, I never said that I believe 100% on each side of the argument.

If you have been reading you might have noticed that I ask more questions than I have answers. I am simply looking for other people ideas on the subject because the other day I saw on the internet 'We never went to the moon', and looked into the subject a little. After watching the movie and vids, on the subject, I figured I would share with you guys. It was interesting to me and I hope its intriguing for you.

I bet you think your some kind of big-shot or something.

I never said that I have conclusive proof that we never went to the moon, also, I never said that I believe 100% on each side of the argument.

If you have been reading you might have noticed that I ask more questions than I have answers. I am simply looking for other people ideas on the subject because the other day I saw on the internet 'We never went to the moon', and looked into the subject a little. After watching the movie and vids, on the subject, I figured I would share with you guys. It was interesting to me and I hope its intriguing for you.


Yep, 'tis true. This thread started as a discussion. 'We TaRdED' started it as a discussion and has been helping keep it going by playing Devil's Advocate with his questioning. Lots of info is appearing and lots of sound arguments have been forthcoming. So chill :mrgreen: and enjoy.:blsmoke:
1. These guys are astronauts!! These guys are supposed to be in REALLY GOOD shape! Would you send a guy a 1/4 million miles away into space with millions of dollar of equipment if he was a pussy? No, they would need to be both tough and smart for that kind of mission. I would hope they could jump over 2 feet on the moon weighing less than 70lbs at 1/6 gravity. Not 1/2 gravity not 1/3 gravity, BUT 1/6TH!!!!

2. I am not that old and I couldn't tell you why the Soviets didn't expose us. There are SOO many political things that we are ignorant of. Maybe the USA had dirt on the Russians, and if they told on the USA than we would retaliate somehow? IDK..

Idk what your talking about(edit- in regards to the ankle movement... Can you be more specific?) ...... I doubt that they would give the NASA-astronauts equipment that would impede their movement to such that they had limited mobility...... On the moon!

1...Of course they were in good shape, but they weren't superhuman. I'm a former bodybuilder that at my personal best could hack squat 1100lbs and even I couldn't jump more than 1 ft (if I'm lucky)if my knees and ankles were hindered.

As for the spacesuit itself and limited mobility (thus rendering a "full jump" difficult) thise suits were made with multiple layers of material and fabric and then there's this....AIR PRESSURE!!! Those suits were pressurized! Take a long ballon deflated and it's easy to fold/bend. But when you pressurize said balloon, what happens? It becomes difficult to bend, right? Look at the astronauts when they jump on the moon and tell me they're getting a full knee extension. They are not. Why? Because with the cumbersome suit, and while pressurized, it made such a movement closr to impossible...regardless of their physical conditioning.

2...I grew up in this era..."The Cold War". I remember drills during school where we had to prepare for a nuclear detonation...I'm not bullshitting here. We HATED the Soviets and they felt the same toward us. If the Soviets exposed our fraud we'd retaliate? How? A nuclear exchange? I don't think so. At the time the Soviet Union had nuclear superiority. We took every opportunity to expose the Soviets and they reciprocated. We exposed them on the world stage at the United Nations when they deployed ICBM's in Cuba for crying out loud! The Soviet Union would've been looking for ANY opportunity to expose us because they wanted a Soviet Union flag planted on the moon before a US flag.

We landed on the moon people.
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1. These guys are astronauts!! These guys are supposed to be in REALLY GOOD shape! Would you send a guy a 1/4 million miles away into space with millions of dollar of equipment if he was a pussy? No, they would need to be both tough and smart for that kind of mission. I would hope they could jump over 2 feet on the moon weighing less than 70lbs at 1/6 gravity. Not 1/2 gravity not 1/3 gravity, BUT 1/6TH!!!!

2. I am not that old and I couldn't tell you why the Soviets didn't expose us. There are SOO many political things that we are ignorant of. Maybe the USA had dirt on the Russians, and if they told on the USA than we would retaliate somehow? IDK..

Idk what your talking about(edit- in regards to the ankle movement... Can you be more specific?) ...... I doubt that they would give the NASA-astronauts equipment that would impede their movement to such that they had limited mobility...... On the moon!
Um.. You seem to have a lot of faith in space suits being synonymous with wet (or even dry) suits for diving. Don't. Otherwise, we would have so much film of astronauts falling over, would we? ;)
YouTube - Astronaut falls over
Have you ever seen a space suit? I have, they were extremely limiting.

I watched the space program as well, though I was much younger. My dad was a flight surgeon in the Navy at that time and had applied to become an astronaut but didn't have the time (flying, experimental experience) that the ones chosen did.
I doubt that they would give the NASA-astronauts equipment that would impede their movement to such that they had limited mobility...... On the moon!

OK, We...Don't take my word for it....
Walking on the Moon's surface a quarter million miles away from Earth presented a new set of problems to spacesuit designers. Not only did the Moon explorers' spacesuits had to offer protection from jagged rocks and the searing heat of the lunar day, but the suits also had to be flexible enough to permit stooping and bending as Apollo crewmen gathered samples from the Moon, set up scientific data stations at each landing site, and used the lunar rover vehicle, an electric-powered dune buggy, for transportation over the surface of the Moon.
Please note what I underlined. A stoop or bend... A stoop is from the waist as is a bend...Not from the knees. To execute an effective jump, one would have to forcefully execute a leg extension utilizing the knees.

  1. To bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back: had to stoop in order to fit into the cave.
v.intr.1. a. To deviate from a straight line or position: The lane bends to the right at the bridge.
b. To assume a curved, crooked, or angular form or direction: The saplings bent in the wind.

2. To incline the body; stoop.
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OK... so I'm no expert on space exploration but a quick internet search shows that there were 6 Apollo missions to the moon..... all with moon walks. A total of 24 American astronauts made the trip and 12 have walked on the moon. WTF were the other 12 thinking? If I risked my life and traveled all that way you can bet your ass I'd be out there walking around on the moon! :D

Anyway.... my question to the disbelievers is do you think we NEVER landed on the moon.... or do you think the first trip, Apollo 11, was the only hoax and we have been there since?

If you think we've never been there and it's not possible.... what would it take to convince you otherwise? What definitive proof do you need to see to change your mind?

If you think it was only Apollo 11 that was a hoax what would it take to convince you otherwise? Perhaps if NASA offered you a lift to the moon so you could see the Apollo 11 plaque that's still there with your very own eyes.... would that help?

IMO.... we went... EVERY TIME. I just believe that if we didn't go someone over the years would have spilled the beans.... a cameraman or other member of this "supposed" hoax film crew. We can't even trust one person with our little closet garden secret... but we are too believe that 100's... of people have been able to keep a hoax of this magnitude a secret all these years??? I don't buy it.... but to each their own.

given the fact they had to be physically fit one leg would be very easy to push yourself up with as long as you had something or someone to keep you balanced in such a bulky suit.

The trips to the moon brought us the early versions of many modern day tech items as well.
You guys are going to hate me, but let me tell you a little story.

The first commercial fishing boat that I worked on was a very large boat and had a huge net and storing capacity. Anyways, we were fishing in a location that we were catching dolphin. There were at least 9 other boats fishing for the same stuff in the the same relative location. There are roughly 8 men per crew so a total of ~80 men that were fishing in the same area and catching lots of dolphin.

My boat alone caught over 300 dolphin. Usually the dolphin would be dead because they were trapped in the net and couldn't surface for air. It was horrible, I hated it. But I needed to make a paycheck so i keep my mouth shut. I'm sure I could have shut down the whole fishing operation for everyone if I told, but I was just trying to work hard and earn my check. Nothing ended up happening to the boats BTW. It virtually never happened as far as anyone is concerned. Just keep that in mind.

Ya, working of fishing boats is kinda focked up. There were other bad things that happened too, and people kept their mouths shut. There are many other times when fisherman broke rules and regulations in order to make the money.

Anyway.... my question to the disbelievers is do you think we NEVER landed on the moon....

Idk to be honest with you. This Van Allen radiation belt seems to be quite the deterrent. I'm still in the process of getting my facts straight. Just because I read something or watch a video doesn't make it right. I'm simply trying to piece together what seems to be the most logical.

If you think we've never been there and it's not possible.... what would it take to convince you otherwise? What definitive proof do you need to see to change your mind?

You could pay me to keep my mouth shut!:mrgreen: Honestly, I don't know. I'm not
really going to spend that much time researching the subject. I was never a 'space nut' so whatever the reality, it doesn't hurt my feelings one bit. ~lol~

We can't even trust one person with our little closet garden secret... but we are too believe that 100's... of people have been able to keep a hoax of this magnitude a secret all these years??? I don't buy it.... but to each their own.

given the fact they had to be physically fit one leg would be very easy to push yourself up with as long as you had something or someone to keep you balanced in such a bulky suit.

You guys don't see it? You can't see how he got pulled up? Watch it a couple more times, like I said 'start at two mins'. YouTube - Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage - InfoDebug.com

Regardless of how bulky the suit was, you have to keep in mind that it weighed next to nothing on the moon. A 200lbs suit would weigh 33lbs on the moon. That to me is next to nothing, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ONLY WEIGH 30LBS TOO!!! And believe me, you would be able to tell a difference in the weight. These guys were used to Earths gravity. So if they weighed 200lbs on earth, and only 66lbs(this weight is taking the space suit into account too) on the moon, they would virtually be 134lbs lighter.

Let me repeat, after they put on the 200lbs suit, once they are on the moon THEY ARE ACTUALLY 134LBS LIGHTER THAN ON EARTH!! HAHAHAHAHA

So the suit could be awkward and cumbersome, but the weight would NOT be an issue. IMHO:mrgreen:

You guys don't see it? You can't see how he got pulled up? Watch it a couple more times, like I said 'start at two mins'. YouTube - Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage - InfoDebug.com

Regardless of how bulky the suit was, you have to keep in mind that it weighed next to nothing on the moon. A 200lbs suit would weigh 33lbs on the moon. That to me is next to nothing, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ONLY WEIGH 30LBS TOO!!! And believe me, you would be able to tell a difference in the weight. These guys were used to Earths gravity. So if they weighed 200lbs on earth, and only 66lbs(this weight is taking the space suit into account too) on the moon, they would virtually be 134lbs lighter.

Let me repeat, after they put on the 200lbs suit, once they are on the moon THEY ARE ACTUALLY 134LBS LIGHTER THAN ON EARTH!! HAHAHAHAHA

So the suit could be awkward and cumbersome, but the weight would NOT be an issue. IMHO:mrgreen:

And you seem to have completely glossed over my point that they were not only working in a awkward, cumbersome suit....But a PRESSURIZED awkward, cumbersome suit. An inflated balloon for all intents and purposes.
I'm simply trying to piece together what seems to be the most logical.
Are you sure about this We? I've given you explanations and reasons that you haven't counterpointed but simply have ignored. I explained that just from the Soviet perspective, they would have looked for anything to expose the US to the world community; yet they didn't. Ever heard of Occam's Razor?
We...I'll say it again since most ignored my initial post: Had the US faked the landing, the Soviet Union would have been more than happy to expose our landing as a fraud to the world. We were in the midst of a battle w/ the Soviets for prestige and technology on the world stage.

The soviets were probably too stupid to figure out we had faked the landing in the first place otherwise they would've just followed and faked one theirselves=)....