Did we actually land on the moon?

IMO.... we went... EVERY TIME. I just believe that if we didn't go someone over the years would have spilled the beans.... a cameraman or other member of this "supposed" hoax film crew. We can't even trust one person with our little closet garden secret... but we are too believe that 100's... of people have been able to keep a hoax of this magnitude a secret all these years??? I don't buy it.... but to each their own.


Ohh, Florida Girl I forgot about this... start watching this at 3mins. YouTube - U.F.O DISCLOSURE PROJECT U.FO MEETING

Many people are obviously keeping secrets. I guess its up for you to decide who the 'truthers' are. :mrgreen:

whats the first video. its 45 minutes long but im convinced we didnt land on the moon.

"whats the first video. "

What do you mean? It has a title.....:-? Did you mean "I watched the first video."?? :confused:

"its 45 minutes long but im convinced we didnt land on the moon."

Ya, I wonder myself, I bring up some good arguments that aren't even on the movie, i.e. only jumping 2 feet when they would be light as a feather. Regardless of what really happened, I don't think, in the near future, the world will find out. There will be people that claim we did with 'facts' and there will be people that claim we didn't with 'facts'.... Its kind of frustrating, in my opinion, but fun at the same time. Its like a murder novel that doesn't have an ending and you just have to guess who killed Dr.Smith in the library with the ax...:mrgreen:

whats your proposal for ending the war?

Start a thread about what we-the people- can do to stop the war. I'll subscribe, I would like to see where that would go. :mrgreen:

Doesn't look like it's waving to me We. Did you know that the flags planted on the moon were made from a "springy" wire mesh laminated fabric so that, once unfurled, they would have ripples to "emulate" a waving flag?
u'r not serious? And they had little batteries in them? But they used a 1930's camera?

Questions :
How is it possible with 1970's technology to pop over to the moon every couple of months or so?
Yet with 21st century super computers, etc, etc we cannot? The shuttle gets to orbit on a turn around basis of 18 months....

The Russians have always claimed the US manned missions were fake. Unless you live in America that is. Why else would they not have sent someone?

Why the bad movie footage?
With 1970's tech could they not afford something worse than any camcorder I've ever seen? In 1945, Adolph Hitler was shot on a hand held camcorder with far better resolution.

The speeded up footage seals it. Its a fake. You are so gullible America!

sorry to burst your bubble.
I once got 100% for a school project on the Apollo missions. I feel just as let down.
u'r not serious? And they had little batteries in them? But they used a 1930's camera?

Questions :
How is it possible with 1970's technology to pop over to the moon every couple of months or so?
Yet with 21st century super computers, etc, etc we cannot? The shuttle gets to orbit on a turn around basis of 18 months....

The Russians have always claimed the US manned missions were fake. Unless you live in America that is. Why else would they not have sent someone?

Why the bad movie footage?
With 1970's tech could they not afford something worse than any camcorder I've ever seen? In 1945, Adolph Hitler was shot on a hand held camcorder with far better resolution.

The speeded up footage seals it. Its a fake. You are so gullible America!

sorry to burst your bubble.
I once got 100% for a school project on the Apollo missions. I feel just as let down.

Going back to the moon boils down to money in the end, with Iraq draining our budget and other shit going back isn't worth it to "prove we can go".

Now if something comes up that might make the moon useful then I'm sure there would be a large interest again.

The cameras on those missions also at the time wasn't your typical camera and broadcasted the signal back to earth. They have high quality pictures from the moon, just they aren't the stuff that was shown live.
For the record, I'm not 100% sure that we never went to the moon. I know that the gov't/media lies to us on a seemingly daily basis.

Here are some things that I'm sure of..

Fluoride is bad for people(its suppose to make people more complacent and lowers IQ's), and serves no purpose of being in our water supply. The only place that we need fluoride is tooth paste. Heres some links related to the fluoride lie. https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/72853-dont-drink-your-tap-water.html or this https://www.rollitup.org/politics/61743-poisoning-our-water-fluoride-lie.html

Global Warming is a hoax. Al Gore is full of shyt, and man is not making a noticeable effect on "global warming"! Man only makes ~3% of the total annual co2 emissions. Here, click on this if you want more info https://www.rollitup.org/politics/57385-lmfao-weather-channel-founder-sue.html

I believe 911 was an inside job!!

You can check this out too. https://www.rollitup.org/politics/78687-forbidden-knowdledge.html

You should really watch this vid(its less than 2 mins long), even some politicians are empathetic with the "conspiracy theorists" YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

But as far as us landing on the moon..... Idk, I wouldn't doubt it if our corrupt gov't lied to us back in the day too. I have only spent a couple days researching the moon landing hoax, but thats enough for me to question what really happened.


1. These guys are astronauts!! These guys are supposed to be in REALLY GOOD shape! Would you send a guy a 1/4 million miles away into space with millions of dollar of equipment if he was a pussy? No, they would need to be both tough and smart for that kind of mission. I would hope they could jump over 2 feet on the moon weighing less than 70lbs at 1/6 gravity. Not 1/2 gravity not 1/3 gravity, BUT 1/6TH!!!!

Watch the sped up video of them jumping. Try doing exactly what they do. I doubt you will get higher than 6in off the ground. They are pretty much jumping by straightening their legs and pointing their feet. That's all.
conspiracy theories are so fuckin' asinine..we landed on the god damn moon..we're going back in 2010 to try and colonize, or at least design our lunar infrastructure..check out Constellation, it's a sick-as-fuck program NASA is setting up that involves civilian assistance with space exploration.. rock on :D
Watch the sped up video of them jumping. Try doing exactly what they do. I doubt you will get higher than 6in off the ground. They are pretty much jumping by straightening their legs and pointing their feet. That's all.

YouTube - Jumping on the moon at double speed

In my opinion, it doesn't look like he jumped more than 8 inches. They would have weighted approximately 60 pounds on the moon. I'm pretty damn sure I would be able to jump at least 3 feet if I only weighted that much.

So if you want to know how much something weighed on the moon, than you simply divide the earths weight by 6. For example I weigh ~180lbs, so on the moon I would weigh 30 lbs(180/6=30). (I can curl 40 lbs with one arm.)

If you think the highest that they could jumped was less than 1 foot than I feel bad for you. Remember that these people are used to walking/jumping on the earth, their muscles are used to earths gravity. I would imagine I would be able to jump double the height at 1/2 gravity, three times the height at 1/3 gravity, four times at 1/4th, 5 times, at 1/5th, and six times the height at 1/6th gravity.

So unless you(or anyone) can explain why I would not be able to jump 6 times the height (when applying the same amount of force when jumping) at 1/6th gravity, than I assume that I would be able to. It just makes sense to me.

Hypothetically, lets say I was on Jupiter, and lets say Jupiters gravity is double that of earths.(Without a space suit on, I would weigh ~360lbs) Say if I just came from earth and I was walking around on Jupiter, I would assume that if I tried to jump up, I would only be able to reach half the height that I would normally reach on earth.

Maybe someone should try that experiment... Jump up as high as you can and measure it. Than double your weight, and see how high you can jump up. I would imagine you would only be able to jump half as high. Also, I believe the converse is true too. I believe you will be able to jump up to a height that is inversely proportional to the gravitational pull relative to earth(........ Sorry for the technical jargon....... But I said it in layman's terms all ready......:-|.......) If your that much lighter, you can jump up that much higher, and vise versa.

Is anyone else following my logic?


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Whats the moral of the story? Ignorance is bliss?



Actually the movie pokes fun at the cold war, and MAD but I feel it can be applied to "truthers" to a point too with what triggers the end of the world. Wont ruin the movie for anyone, its worth watching stoned even though it was made in 1964 and in black and white.
Actually the movie pokes fun at the cold war, and MAD but I feel it can be applied to "truthers" to a point too with what triggers the end of the world. Wont ruin the movie for anyone, its worth watching stoned even though it was made in 1964 and in black and white.

Post a link, I'll check it out:mrgreen:


YouTube - Jumping on the moon at double speed

In my opinion, it doesn't look like he jumped more than 8 inches. They would have weighted approximately 60 pounds on the moon. I'm pretty damn sure I would be able to jump at least 3 feet if I only weighted that much.

So if you want to know how much something weighed on the moon, than you simply divide the earths weight by 6. For example I weigh ~180lbs, so on the moon I would weigh 30 lbs(180/6=30). (I can curl 40 lbs with one arm.)

If you think the highest that they could jumped was less than 1 foot than I feel bad for you. Remember that these people are used to walking/jumping on the earth, their muscles are used to earths gravity. I would imagine I would be able to jump double the height at 1/2 gravity, three times the height at 1/3 gravity, four times at 1/4th, 5 times, at 1/5th, and six times the height at 1/6th gravity.

So unless you(or anyone) can explain why I would not be able to jump 6 times the height (when applying the same amount of force when jumping) at 1/6th gravity, than I assume that I would be able to. It just makes sense to me.

Hypothetically, lets say I was on Jupiter, and lets say Jupiters gravity is double that of earths.(Without a space suit on, I would weigh ~360lbs) Say if I just came from earth and I was walking around on Jupiter, I would assume that if I tried to jump up, I would only be able to reach half the height that I would normally reach on earth.

Maybe someone should try that experiment... Jump up as high as you can and measure it. Than double your weight, and see how high you can jump up. I would imagine you would only be able to jump half as high. Also, I believe the converse is true too. I believe you will be able to jump up to a height that is inversely proportional to the gravitational pull relative to earth(........ Sorry for the technical jargon....... But I said it in layman's terms all ready......:-|.......) If your that much lighter, you can jump up that much higher, and vise versa.

Is anyone else following my logic?



i'm not a physics major..but you're not exerting full 100% strength while on the moon..you're probably exerting 1/6th of it..because their is lack of resistance, your muscles don't react accordingly..you're muscles have adopted to your full body weight and usage there of..it makes sense that they only react accordingly under such gravitational forces...this is why most muscles atrophy in space when they come back to earth because of lack of resistance