Dinafem Haze Auto


Active Member
yea looks like im a lil behind your but they'll shoot up soon enough. What are you growing in? Im curious to see what the differences are between ours (indoor vs outdoor)


Active Member
str8 perlite hempy buckets...MY SEEDS LIFE!!!18hrs tap root then into rapid rooters into rapid rooter tray and humidty dome for 3 days then str8 into perlite for the last 10 days and they r flying...I use floranova grow with hyrgozyme and alitlle floralicious plus...At day 8 went to nutes at 275ppm now today jumped to 420ppm...


Active Member
Well were still looking great gonna have to transplant soon thinking at week 3 which will thursday right as they start to slower basically..Just gonna cut the buttom off my plastic cup and plant into 2 gallon buckets with str8 perlite...What do u guys think about this idea??

kevin murphy

New Member
got them growing now in my grow got them free from dinafem 19 days veg so far and its really taking off there looking really nice....


Active Member
can anyone post some pics i'm doing the same strain. Just had a great run with a dinafem critical + seed, doing the haze now.


Active Member
sorry boss cant post pics here wish i could but not able to..Yeah dinafem seems to have great strains and r very reliable...I have 2 industrial plant, 1 california hash, 1 deep grape fruit waiting till im done with the 8 free haze i got for ordering them 4 awsome deal...


Active Member
Wow today was a good morning these things r getting big 8-11 inches and some have 5 sets of leaves and more forming daily today is day 18 and its looking great......Wish i could post picks becuase im very happy...I did however see 2 had alittle burning from nutes i think very little at 2 leaves on 1 and 1 tip on another very little but im just gonna use str8 phd water for 2 days just incase...


Active Member
Nice man. yea im about two weeks and its only a matter of days before their blowin up as well!

About the nute burn on your leaf tips...
On one of mine I noticed very very small burns (or what appeared to be burns) on two of the tips and on the colydin (whatever) leafs but the funny thing is that i haven't given any nutes yet, maybe heat but i don't think so


Active Member
Yeah maybe thats a possiblity...Its been real humid here latly so maybe heat might be my prob but it dont feel to hot in there temp guage says 79-81 alittle high but not to bad..mine have been getting nutes since day 8 250ppm now at 450ppm on day 16 today is day 18 nothing yesterday just alittle like u said today..Like i said just gonna use str8 water for a couple of days just incase


Active Member
I just moved mine to their pots and gave em their first dose of nutes so we'll see what happens with the leaves. Unfortunatly i can't put em outside yet so im throwin em in my flower room for 12 then the rest of the time under flouro's. Don't have many options...


Active Member
just leave them in ur veg room if u have 1...12/12 might schock or hurt them hopefully not..GOOD LUCK HT420..gave mine som hygrozyme today been forgetting bout it with phd water gonna do this the next 2 days i think..hope i can come up with some money soon i need bloom food and alot of perlite and buckets..What do r u on now HT420???


Well-Known Member
I just harvested one, it was only 5.2 grams wet and has been drying for 2 days. I kept it in my veg tent under 18/6. The smell is pretty good, I can't describe it since I'm not a big fan of Haze's but I wish I had grown it in a bigger pot.

Day 71



Active Member
Yea man that's kinda small isn't it? what size pot did you use?

Brock I am putting em under my 400w hps for 12 then when lights go out i moved under flouro's untill the lights come back on again. I guess i could move my flowering plants into a dark closet so i could turn on the MH and HPs on em but i don't really wanna be hauling plants around the house all the time so hopefully this works... hopefully the weather breaks... I just hit day 16 I believe and i noticed this morning their startin their growth spurt.! :)

Im using FF big bloom with FF tiger bloom. once they show sex i'll be using mollassas. as well as i alternate in some sea of green organic nutrients which i guess are just a bunch of microbacterials that are really good for foliage and nutrient uptake.


Active Member
OK i understand now..dont blame ya on not wanting to lugggggg those things around...OKAY cool so we r 3 days apart..Ya mine have been exploding cant wait to wake them up in bout 20 mins i left the light on by an extra hr last night by accident shouldnt be to big of a deal tho...R urs starting to smell???Mine are its getting to be funnnn...Keep it up bro where gonna have some nice meds in about 40-50 days cant wait..


Well-Known Member
It was just for fun and it was in a half gallon pot. I had room in my veg tent so I threw it in a small pot and let it go. I did this to all of my Attitude freebie auto's.

Sampled some of it last night, now I wish I had thrown it in a bigger pot, for only being 4 days drying it was pretty good :weed:


Active Member
U def should have its a great strain by dinafem man some people get 2-3 oz off 1 i just dont know how u only got 5.2gs ...Im just being realistic and hoping for 20-30gs per plant i think is realistic...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what else to tell you except I run a perpetual grow and auto's are not really my thing. All of my auto freebies were somewhat neglected and grown in either a party cup or a half gallon pot. I never expected anything from them. From what I understand if you want to pull that kind of weight (20+ grams dry) you will need to use at least 3 gallon pots, maybe even 5 gallons.

Here is another pic of the full plant

I could have pulled a gram from this thing and it wouldn't have made any difference... Good luck with yours :leaf: