Dinafem Haze Auto


Active Member
:-? well this morning I was shuffling around in my tent and bumped into my stand for my lil ones. one of my haze and syrup took a spill onto another plant :/ They got smashed when all the soil came spilling out but i got em replanted so hopefully they don't hurt too bad from it... Although when the two pots fell they took off half of my branches on one of mine in flower. Now it looks bushy on one side and flat all the way to the stem on the other. lost about 4 budding branches:cry:


Active Member
ouccch bro...Urs r budding???Im at day 20 and they still growing lol..Im thinking about 25-30 days the should switch over...Man sorry bout the bad news..GOOD KARMA sent for the repotting...Maybe get some SUPERTHRIVE heard it helps with this kind of thing..


Active Member
no my lil ones aren't budding yet, they fell onto one of my tangerine dreams that's about 3 weeks from being picked.

They look ok a little ruffed up but appear to be alright. Luckily i don't think the roots have really broke through the peat pellet mesh so hopefully they didn't get damaged in the spill. Oh well i mean realistically it's a weed, they'll come back just may take a little longer. but for my tangerine it is very upsetting news


Active Member
Sorry about the TG...Yeah exactually its a weed they r almost impossible to kill...u almost have to be a moron...lol...Im about a week away from them to start budding i think..But they r starting to put of alittle smell from them so its gettign closer...


Active Member
Well day 20 and no signs of flowering yet but i hoping sometime in the next week it should change over...Can def tell what 6 are my haze even tho i dont have them labeled..They are all taller than the syrup, white dwarf, and the diemos..The 3 budda ufos are all alittle further along in that they have alot more braches coming off and more compact..The Haze are wanting to be tall and Have about 5or6 sets of leaves coming off, but they are smelling alittle better than the others..So what do u guys think???How long before they should flower do u guys think?


Active Member
Well today is day 21 we have our ppm up to 725 which is high but there where no signs of burn and alot of growth last night but still waiting to see signs of them to start flowering....


Active Member
day 23 well have psitils sticking out everywhere gonna start anytime..Gonna transplant using tierd method on monday or tuesday(soon as i can get to the store)...


Active Member
Day 24 have 1 thats going into flowering but thats a problem becuase i dont have flowering nutes yet..So my ??? is will me using veg nutes for the couple of days till say tuesday or wednesday mess them up??Will they continue to flower or will this stunt her growth....Let me know guys if ya can...


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine on veg nutes for a while, you could probably get her all the way through on veg nutes alone


Active Member
Well things r really starting to take off...All have their bud sites formeda and r about to start exploding full of nuggets countdown is on 6 weeks from here.....


Active Member
What's up man. sounds like its going good. I was able to put mine outside the last couple of days and their lovin it! I currently only have pistols showin on my white dwarf and actually opposite of you with the haze's. Mine are behind the syrup and white dwarf, one of them is still only 2-3" and the other is growing lopsided, One side the leaves are growing normal and the other side their kinda retarded idk. Im not too worried i got these just to throw in the garden to see what happens. Also to add about your question, Im sure they'll be fine it's just once your a week or two into the budding you might want to make sure your adding more Potassium and kinda hold back from the nitrogen cause it won't need it as much. I've always just used bloom all the way through.


Active Member
Hey 420 whats going on boss...yeah they r def kicking ass man...Imma get to the store in the next day or so..Im loving the floranova and hygrozyme...i also have a couple of retarded leaves but nmot to worried bout it its on 2 leaves off of 9 plants...U should give str8 perlite a shot its very forgiving and awsome with the floranova just use hempy style buckets...Im at 800ppm and show only a couple of burned edges very small part....Im thinking the white dwarf and diemos and syrup r all uniformed kindof they look the same all the hazes look the same except 2 are only like 10 when some r 15-16..But the buddas r looking very much like indica short and stout lots of braches they all look great...But good luck 420 ...


Active Member
Hey bro you can just call me henry. But yea now it's just the waitin game for us but it sounds like yours are alot further ahead then mine, I've only got 1 of 4 with hairs right now...


Active Member
Hey henry well this morning i opened up my door and wow the 1 has buds now can actually squeeze and smell its awsome and all the others are just bout there next couple of days r gonna be fun.....Yeah im starting to wonder if its actually the syrup or the dwarf(leaning towards syrup)...Being so tall thought it was the haze but starting to change my mind we'll find out once it buds out and can really have their own stink then ya know..Sounds like maybe u got some bad hazes(what a shame)..yep now just the waiting for the final 5-6 weeks is gonna be painfull lol...Well ill get back on later and let ya guys know how transplanting went(wish me luck)...


Active Member
getting ready to make the 3HR roundtrip to the store.....Then comeback and put these babies in there home for the next 5-6weeks


Active Member
getting ready to make the 3HR roundtrip to the store.....Then comeback and put these babies in there home for the next 5-6weeks
damn man that's about what it takes for me too! lol it sucks cause you always forget something.
I gave two hazes to a buddy and he couldn't get them to even germ idk if it was him or the seeds but my batch of haze's is kinda weak. Although today I finally have hairs on all except the tiny haze that is way behind for some reason.