Dinafem Haze Auto


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Well so far so good they all seem to be taking the transplanting well and the 1 i fucked up yesterday when it my blanket(it was all bent over)is standing str8 back up towards the light like nothing happened not to mention it has about 2the size nug as yesterday and a ton more showing this is awsome....The others should be taking off any day now...HOPING


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Well everything is still going great..ppm is up 1025 day 28 from seed in paper towel...Monday im gonna switch to flowering nutes giving them the grow nutes first week of showing buds then transition to flowering nutes heard this should be done whatcha guys think??Sorry cant post pics wish i could becuase im actually really happy doesnt seem to be as hard as people make it out be...


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Well my girls r kicking ass the big 1 has about 15-16 bud sites its awsome these r gonna be monsters there all over 15inches tallest 1 is prob 23 ...Day 29 just gave water today im gonna also run my lights from 1030am to 12noon tomorrow due to the weather being hot as hell right now and then have my time be from 6pm to 12 noon and do 18/6 now that they r all flowering try and get some more dark time to hopefully provide more color and cyrtals annd such...noob thinking most likely


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lol sounds goods. Man you never know untill you try, Im still experimenting! Mine have been outside for about 3-4 days and are blowing up! they are only about 7-9 in. compared to you nice big ones but there comming along. They were put through their first thunderstorm yesterday when I was at work and today seem to be doing awesome! but no buds forming yet that is still a few days away if i compare it to when your started showing. I also haven't givin any nutes since the first dose I gave and there still ok. How long did you wait untill you started feeding again after the slight burn on the leafs?


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lol i never stopped feeding just lowerd my ppm alittle but i have it up to 1025ppm last feeding and now signs of new burn 6 show no signs the rest have alittle but im not worried bout it...Switching to bloom nutes on monday i figure about 5-6 maybe weeks left till harvest timmmme...I also have a couple that have purple stems but there on the 1s doing the best so i dont know why that is or what its from but it aint harming them from what i can see so im not gonna stress it...But sounds like urs about to explode which is awsome when it happens love seeing new growth daily...Talk to ya later boss


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Hey everyone hows it going....I have 3 that r taking forever to catch-up to the rest as far as throwing out pistals and forming buds i can see it there waiting but not catching up starting to wonder whats going on with them...But it could just be that they take 75-80 days and its only day 31 so maybe im just freaking for no reason but just wondering becuase if there bad ill throw them outside and have more room for the rest...Let me know what u guys and gals r thinking...


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Gonna give them bloom nutes floranova...ppm 725 gonna start alittle lower then i was at just becuase its first feeding....Also hygrozyme...Have a good1


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what's up brother been a little while. How are those comming along? mine are just getting delayed around here. I went out of town over the weekend and we had a bad storm, I came home to find two laying on their sides. Their propped up with sticks right now but not lookin good. Not to mention we got a terrible cold front so they've been under fluoros for a few days which probably isn't helpin.. Oh i was lookin in my notebook I realized I haven't given any nutes in like two weeks!! and they still look lush and green. Yea my batch of haze's are def bad my syrup and dward look normal but the haze's leafs are deformed on both of them. It almost looks like spinach with white hairs lol.


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LMAO hey bro its me my bumb ass roomate got my computer hacked becuase he used a credit card to buy shit online...couldnt remember any passwords lol..U dont have a hps sysytem??That def suck about ur plants getting messed up by the thunderstorms...All is well but i did have to move them to a friends house they were outgrowing my space...have about 4-5 weeks and they only have about 12-14inches till the light there all about 30inches which is what they are supposed to end up being and they where still growing dame extra branches all the way to the dirt(well perlite for me)dont understand there budding but still getting bigger wierd...Also how long before all the pistils turn into buds?? i mean there bud shapped but not nuggets ya know...have ppm bloom nutes at 825 next week 950 then 1150 then 825 then 650 then flush is my plan...


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I am brock271981 my computer was hacked and the bastards sent a virus that wouldnt allow me back on so i had to completly wipe my computer clean and lost all passwords....day 36 ppm 825 and ph 6-6.5....


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Sucks about the account. Yea I officially lost one of the ones that were laying down. Im in the same boat pistols everywhere but no nugs i don't see them being done in 20 days that's for sure. But they are still looking strong and growing.


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i know im thinking bout going to 12/12 real soon this shouldnt be happening with photo period i would prob have nugs by now with a mth veg or pretty close to where i am and would get more from it most likely but i do have to say i love the size and all the bud sites jusy waiting for the damn things to fill in boss....Do u have any orange pistils shooting out of the stems???i do im justy wopndering if thats a sign of them maturing or not what do u think???


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lol this sounds all too familiar.... I tried autos one time before, after about one month with no sign of sex or anything i switched to 12/12 and they were in flower for like 9 wks before they were ready (had a few problems) all i know is so far im not lucky with autos and if that's the case here then im def. doomed.
The difference is that pistols are showin on these as oppossed to the ones i did before that didn't show sex till i flipped em. My pistols are all mostly white but on my white dwarf (the best one) the tips are turning orange and filling in.


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yeah i have a shit load of pistils formed as buds but not nuggets ya know....Its freaking annoying...I think im just gonna do 12/12 next time with THC BOMB takes about 10-12 weeks from seed doing it that way which is just as quick as doing autos apperantly.........


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well i believe im sorta in the same boat. My only haze left looks very week with not many branches nor any full leaves all like 3/4 tips on em. A few pistols but no buds. My Syrup is HUGe! it was the only one standing after the storm so it probably switched it's energy to building up the stem and shit so it's not budding either. but... now my White dwarf is about 14" with tons of bud sights all over and i noticed just a little while ago they have swelled since this morning so that one atleast is on course. I wouldn't be surprised if you need to switch em to 12/12 i've had to do that and have heard of others on autos.


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Well some good news boss i think they look like they swelled up abit def look alittle bigger and i bumped the quatum up to 600w lets see if she makes them bud up....Just water today gonna feedem good tomorrow...Im thinking i dont wanna really switch it to 12/12 unless they like stop progressing because i would hate to make these things hermy on me now ...I'd be pissed lol...But they have till thursday thats 6 weeks and if nothing then im def switching cant wait any longer ya know...Well im glad to hear atleast the SYRUP is doing great for ya...I think these hazes might just be alittle picky and shit...