It puts out less heat At the board than many light, depending as for all, how much power you put to it. This is what efficiency stats tell you. An HPS that is 35% efficient generates 65% waste heat, and 35% light. Lets say you run your QB at mid power. 50% heat/50% light.
The last thing you need to understand is 185 watts of power, eventually creates 185 watts of heat, as light striking an object ( like your plants ) converts its energy to heat. However, its that concentrated heat emitted at the light that creates the most issues and the need for good ventilation. QB's are among the most efficient garden lights you can buy. And that efficiency statistic tell you why LED is taking over, you get many more photons per watt compared to any other light source.
So, this light puts out a lot of that normal? It's definitely bright though...