DNA Testing and Terpene Fingerprinting

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It's already started happening. Watching rip off artists drop like flies amid the current atmosphere of legalization. People are going to start looking at the molecules & genetics in their medicine. What are all you rip off seed companies gonna do when people start testing the DNA and Terpene make up of the strains you're offering and find out you're selling something other than what you say you're selling?

Just wondering; anyway, it must be stressful for those of you in this position at this time. Make the bucks while you can.

If you don't call this hostile you need to check yourself into a mental hospital. You group us all together and make claims with no evidence.

If this thread was about your f5 blueberry I am sure fuckin confused. The thread isn't titled f5 blueberry and the thread definitely doesn't start out with you even mentioning it. I am done with you dude, I try to push away the stupidity but you keep bringing another trash can full with every post.
JD Short, I hereby declare you the court jester until further notice. I will leave this thread to dust and see if you can be like a phoenix and rise from the ashes.
I don't disagree with you King Arthur. He really could lose that paranoid/old school thought process and focus on listening a bit more to his targeted audience, us growers.

You could be a bit more constructive with some of your comments towards him. He's acknowledged he has been evasive in questioning for whatever his reasons are. He's also noticed he's been defensive so that's a good thing.

It's not like swerve or Subcool. They are simply dicks and were kinda fun to troll
I gotta correct you there. He has done nothing of the sort. If you actually read what he wrote, which is
"What questions do you feel I've been evasive on? I *won't* name other seed companies or discuss operations of ours. I *won't* answer questions about production or distribution. What I *can* answer for certain is that the level of production which most everyone seems to think occurs, just isn't even *close* to accurate. Im sorry if this feels evasive. As I've already stated, give this time to work itself out. I won't call the foul, I'm just gonna blow the whistle, for now. Again, Im sorry if you feel I've been evasive in my answers."

He hasn't acknowledged being evasive, he's (once again) stated that WE are the mistaken ones. He keeps saying that WE feel he's being evasive when he's not. If his weed is bad, it's the growers fault, if his beans are bad, it's a ripoff's fault, if you think he's being evasive, you are mistaken and it was your fault for mistaking it for evasiveness. This guy takes responsibility for NOTHING.

Also, I have to say that this phrase, which I didn't notice before, "I won't call the foul, I'm just gonna blow the whistle, for now." Is the most ridiculous, cowardly, self serving statement ever. Think about the example he chose. Imagine a ref blowing the whistle, stopping the game, and then refusing to say who committed the foul. It is fucking absurd, any ref would be fired, and anyone who "Blows the whistle without calling the foul" deserves NO ONE'S respect.
Look some people may be libelous (slander is a verbal false accusation, libel is a writen false accusation, sorry for being picky but words and definitions matter) but others like HGK for example are talking about their experience. That's hardly libel. That's first hand testimony and opinion. Certainly not fitting of the definition of libel.

All I'm saying is you have an opportunity here. People are engaging with you and your family's brand. Instead of being defensive, engage and show off your work. I complemented your plants, I think they look great and I wouldn't be pissed if they were in my garden. Try for the positive instead of focusing on the negative.
I gotta correct you there. He has done nothing of the sort. If you actually read what he wrote, which is
"What questions do you feel I've been evasive on? I *won't* name other seed companies or discuss operations of ours. I *won't* answer questions about production or distribution. What I *can* answer for certain is that the level of production which most everyone seems to think occurs, just isn't even *close* to accurate. Im sorry if this feels evasive. As I've already stated, give this time to work itself out. I won't call the foul, I'm just gonna blow the whistle, for now. Again, Im sorry if you feel I've been evasive in my answers."

He hasn't acknowledged being evasive, he's (once again) stated that WE are the mistaken ones. He keeps saying that WE feel he's being evasive when he's not. If his weed is bad, it's the growers fault, if his beans are bad, it's a ripoff's fault, if you think he's being evasive, you are mistaken and it was your fault for mistaking it for evasiveness. This guy takes responsibility for NOTHING.

Also, I have to say that this phrase, which I didn't notice before, "I won't call the foul, I'm just gonna blow the whistle, for now." Is the most ridiculous, cowardly, self serving statement ever. Think about the example he chose. Imagine a ref blowing the whistle, stopping the game, and then refusing to say who committed the foul. It is fucking absurd, any ref would be fired, and anyone who "Blows the whistle without calling the foul" deserves NO ONE'S respect.

That's fair enough. I am confused on his paranoia and avoidance of what I consider basic questions. I feel like he's squandering an opportunity to be engaging and instead is being defensive. Once you need to go on the defensive, you've already lost winning over hearts and minds.

Eta: perhaps marketing is eluding him. I just can't imagine running any business (and I do run my own freelance IT company and am considering starting a new venture) and having such bad public relations.
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That's fair enough. I am confused on his paranoia and avoidance of what I consider basic questions. I feel like he's squandering an opportunity to be engaging and instead is being defensive. Once you need to go on the defensive, you've already lost winning over hearts and minds.
If you read his other thread that he claims he got flamed on, it started with him posting an INCREDIBLY arrogant statement
Im Jd Short, DJ Short's son, and a next world breeder
No one likes arrogance or nepotism and this statement reeks of both. Then someone asked him a valid question about his genetics, and others chimed in since he wasn't responding, and when he did respond it was the same defensiveness and refusal to admit the possibility of anything wrong with his seeds that you see in this thread.
Lemme just say this first, my product and my father's product clearly speaks for itself. They are some of the most sought after genetics for a reason. I'd suggest that any of you wasting you time and breath bashing them go spend your time doing something a little more constructive that serves you and your communities a little better. You're wasting my time here and you're wasting your own time. Anyone paying attention already knows what my fathers and soon to be my work is worth.

Second, sucks to hear about seeds not popping. The strange thing for me and everyone else I know who's popped the seeds is that we've all gotten better than 90% success rate, even on seeds as old as 5-8 years. And we all know Dj's seeds don't sit on the shelf that long...so, sorry about your germ rates. I suggest speaking with the shop you got them from and asking how they store and receive their seeds. Also, I want to be clear that we all know Dj's gear is some of the most counterfeited and ripped off gear there is, so please....make certain that you are directing your complaints at the right breeder and not just the breeder everyone has been ripping off for years.
It is just obvious that this guy has been surrounded his entire life by people who tell him his shit smells like roses, and he has taken it to heart. It shows in the way he NEVER responds to criticism with a hint of humility. He doesn't care what anyone has to say if it's negative because he doesn't believe, in his heart, that anyone could improve upon his perfection. If they have a problem with his work, it is because something is wrong with them, because him and everything he touches are clearly perfect.
Im just saying, why have we all been so mean to each other here? Did I really start this by instigating a conversation about knockoff seeds? How is that possible when anyone who buys seeds already knows that there are shit loads of fakes out there? Is it really because I refuse to call out other companies?
Yes, it is absolutely because of this. If the CEO of De Beers came out and said "Everyone saying De Beers diamonds aren't up to snuff... It's not that De Beers Diamonds are bad, it's that a lot of major De Beers retailers are selling fake CZ and calling it Genuine De Beers diamond. However, as I'm sure you understand, I am not at liberty to divulge which retailers are selling fakes, nor can I tell you any that are selling the genuine diamonds. Thank you for your time. Isn't De Beers the best!?!?!?" You think people would take that and be okay with it? Or do you think they'd say "Then fuck you, we're not buying ANY of your diamonds since you won't fucking tell us which ones are real"
If you read his other thread that he claims he got flamed on, it started with him posting an INCREDIBLY arrogant statement No one likes arrogance or nepotism and this statement reeks of both. Then someone asked him a valid question about his genetics, and others chimed in since he wasn't responding, and when he did respond it was the same defensiveness and refusal to admit the possibility of anything wrong with his seeds that you see in this thread.

It is just obvious that this guy has been surrounded his entire life by people who tell him his shit smells like roses, and he has taken it to heart. It shows in the way he NEVER responds to criticism with a hint of humility. He doesn't care what anyone has to say if it's negative because he doesn't believe, in his heart, that anyone could improve upon his perfection. If they have a problem with his work, it is because something is wrong with them, because him and everything he touches are clearly perfect.

I was unaware of that thread. Agreed on no one likes nepotism nor arrogance.

Sadly I see nepotism every day, people believe they worked hard and hit a triple when they were born on third base.
I was unaware of that thread. Agreed on no one likes nepotism nor arrogance.

Sadly I see nepotism every day, people believe they worked hard and hit a triple when they were born on third base.

You two brought me back because I love conversations that you both chime in on. I know what it is like to have to save up quarters to buy my first light. Working extra hours so I could purchase a couple of clones. I just keep building up and building up, a lot of people have downed me for using chinese lite brights but when they smoke my herb they find it to be just as good as the buds they grew.

I am no pro but I am passionate about farming in a healthy manner, as to not destroy the environment (pouring nutes down the drain included, I won't do that shit), free from harsh pesticides and anything that I find has carcinogenic additives. I was almost begging JD to give me the information so that I could help to support his cause. I genuinely wanted to help him with some cash towards seeds but he isn't on my level. I can be honest with my fuck ups, I can be honest with my successes, I give credit where credit is due and if someone asked me a question with the intent of getting a real answer I wouldn't hesitate to provide that person with the information requested. It is just a decency that not everyone has.
I am no pro but I am passionate about farming in a healthy manner, as to not destroy the environment (pouring nutes down the drain included, I won't do that shit), free from harsh pesticides and anything that I find has carcinogenic additives.

Pop in over in the organics section some time. Lots of good ideas and good people that freely share the knowledge.
If you read his other thread that he claims he got flamed on, it started with him posting an INCREDIBLY arrogant statement No one likes arrogance or nepotism and this statement reeks of both. Then someone asked him a valid question about his genetics, and others chimed in since he wasn't responding, and when he did respond it was the same defensiveness and refusal to admit the possibility of anything wrong with his seeds that you see in this thread.

It is just obvious that this guy has been surrounded his entire life by people who tell him his shit smells like roses, and he has taken it to heart. It shows in the way he NEVER responds to criticism with a hint of humility. He doesn't care what anyone has to say if it's negative because he doesn't believe, in his heart, that anyone could improve upon his perfection. If they have a problem with his work, it is because something is wrong with them, because him and everything he touches are clearly perfect.

Tough to argue with the points you're making Ace. If I were JD the next thread I would start on here would be titled "What can we do to *earn* your business?".

A combination of high prices, played out genetics, and a holier than thou attitude ain't gonna cut it in this very competitive market.
Pop in over in the organics section some time. Lots of good ideas and good people that freely share the knowledge.

Thanks for the invite I definitely will brother! :D see ya in there :bigjoint:

impoverished is making 100k a year to him. you want to see struggle come chill with me, ill show you how baked potatos for dinner can still be fun.

I understand dude! Keep up the hustle, I will throw some money your way for some of those fire beans!
I fucking love potatoes almost as much as I love bagels.

Money comes money goes, I simply go with the flow. Can't get blood from a stone and I'll always hustle. Making money is just something I know how to do and I can do it without having to cheat, lie or steal.

Granted I'm always happier to have money. It isn't the most important thing in my life though.

Eta: I just ate a delicious Shepard pie. It was amazing.
I fucking love potatoes almost as much as I love bagels.

Money comes money goes, I simply go with the flow. Can't get blood from a stone and I'll always hustle. Making money is just something I know how to do and I can do it without having to cheat, lie or steal.

Granted I'm always happier to have money. It isn't the most important thing in my life though.

Eta: I just ate a delicious Shepard pie. It was amazing.
BAGELS ARE AMAZING! There is a place in my town called The Bagelry that makes the best bagels I've ever had (Including the OG jewish kind from my family in Florida) and they are cheap as hell, $10 gets you 6 bagels and a half pint of cream cheese and enough change for a tip.
If you don't call this hostile you need to check yourself into a mental hospital. You group us all together and make claims with no evidence.

Arthur, what do you imply when you say that my original post about ripoff artists "groups us all together..." who is the "us" you are including yourself within that you say Im making claims against without evidence. I've stated my affiliation, are you affiliated with any seed company, breeding program or cannabis seed/genetic distributor?

"He hasn't acknowledged being evasive, he's (once again) stated that WE are the mistaken ones. He keeps saying that WE feel he's being evasive when he's not. If his weed is bad, it's the growers fault, if his beans are bad, it's a ripoff's fault, if you think he's being evasive, you are mistaken and it was your fault for mistaking it for evasiveness. This guy takes responsibility for NOTHING."

I haven't acknowledged being evasive because that's not my intent nor what I feel I've done. As I've clearly stated, as has Tonightyou paraphrased, that for whatever reason I am not at liberty at this time to discuss this subject in particular detail. I've said what I feel comfortable saying at this time.

Also, I have to say that this phrase, which I didn't notice before, "I won't call the foul, I'm just gonna blow the whistle, for now." Is the most ridiculous, cowardly, self serving statement ever. Think about the example he chose. Imagine a ref blowing the whistle, stopping the game, and then refusing to say who committed the foul. It is fucking absurd, any ref would be fired, and anyone who "Blows the whistle without calling the foul" deserves NO ONE'S respect.

I mean, it's an metaphor. They're not always gonna translate perfectly. And I did call some fouls. Im not here to call people out. I mean, this isn't exactly a basketball game. This is real life and people's lives and livelihoods are at stake in this. This isn't a game. And there aren't actually any ref's and the regulations and rules are just forming. It's more like a free for all kinda game and we all know that. So Im sorry if you feel my choice of metaphor is cowardice, it is what it is.

Look some people may be libelous (slander is a verbal false accusation, libel is a writen false accusation, sorry for being picky but words and definitions matter) but others like HGK for example are talking about their experience. That's hardly libel. That's first hand testimony and opinion. Certainly not fitting of the definition of libel.

Thank you for the correction. And I truly believe when HGK told me about their experience when they got Dj Short's beans and had them cure up into hay. I also truly believe that this particular complaint in regards to this conversation comes from struggling with technique. Again, I mean no disrespect by this and even admitted to the difficulty of getting the growing/flushing curing right for myself. But what I won't do is believe that the beans offered by Dj are hay filled swill. I just know better. I know from personal experience. And I also know that when people tell me the strain isn't stable that again it's just not a founded complaint. I will agree, that A). its a heirloom strain and as such requires finesse and delicacy to finish and cure properly. And B). it's not stabilized pasted the 5th filial generation of the inbred Blueberry line. So of course it could be further stabilized. But I know it's plenty stable enough to produce awesome smoke time after time.

If you read his other thread that he claims he got flamed on, it started with him posting an INCREDIBLY arrogant statement No one likes arrogance or nepotism and this statement reeks of both. Then someone asked him a valid question about his genetics, and others chimed in since he wasn't responding, and when he did respond it was the same defensiveness and refusal to admit the possibility of anything wrong with his seeds that you see in this thread.

It is just obvious that this guy has been surrounded his entire life by people who tell him his shit smells like roses, and he has taken it to heart. It shows in the way he NEVER responds to criticism with a hint of humility. He doesn't care what anyone has to say if it's negative because he doesn't believe, in his heart, that anyone could improve upon his perfection. If they have a problem with his work, it is because something is wrong with them, because him and everything he touches are clearly perfect.

I guess I'm just an arrogant sheltered prick. I can live with that. I still stand by what I've said and can accept room for improvement at the same time.

. If the CEO of De Beers came out and said "Everyone saying De Beers diamonds aren't up to snuff... It's not that De Beers Diamonds are bad, it's that a lot of major De Beers retailers are selling fake CZ and calling it Genuine De Beers diamond. However, as I'm sure you understand, I am not at liberty to divulge which retailers are selling fakes, nor can I tell you any that are selling the genuine diamonds. Thank you for your time. Isn't De Beers the best!?!?!?" You think people would take that and be okay with it? Or do you think they'd say "Then fuck you, we're not buying ANY of your diamonds since you won't fucking tell us which ones are real"

This isn't about diamonds. Im not the CEO of De Beers and there is no distribution or private retailers in place. This isn't the same thing at all. And as far as sticking by my brand and product, what do you expect? I trust that it's a really good product despite the current turmoil among the market.

Excuse if my reply is a jumbled mess. I was trying to respond to as much as possible. Sorry my replies got a little shorter towards the end. Im late and gotta get going.
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