DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Bathrooms

How about naming or identifying just 3 “disinformation” ploys that had an effect? Specific instances. Should be easy since everyone knows. What did the Russians specifically do in given examples?

Here is a quick three from me, I know you asked for Buck, but this is a very important topic to understand so I jumped in.

The Russians set up protests in our country to sow discord and were able to use this to amplify their influence in different communities. A voter suppression campaign was used on middle eastern communities.


Trump using Russian propaganda to sell people against a movement that was about asking police to not shoot black people. This was used by Russians on both sides again, and used to suppress the black vote by gaining their trust online and pushing a don't vote campaign to them.

3. https://www.usatoday.com/story/spor...s-nfl-national-anthem-controversy/1732873002/
They also found that the ones that really pushed this whole kneeling thing was the Russian trolls. Nobody else really cared about it, but the Russians would spam the reports on kneeling, so much so that the 'news' would pick it up. This also made it hard for people to get together and watch football together without polarizing people with taking a side.
Here is a quick three from me, I know you asked for Buck, but this is a very important topic to understand so I jumped in.

The Russians set up protests in our country to sow discord and were able to use this to amplify their influence in different communities.


Trump using Russian propaganda to sell people against a movement that was about asking police to not shoot black people. This was used by Russians on both sides again, and used to suppress the black vote by gaining their trust online and pushing a don't vote campaign to them.

3. https://www.usatoday.com/story/spor...s-nfl-national-anthem-controversy/1732873002/
They also found that the ones that really pushed this whole kneeling thing was the Russian trolls. Nobody else really cared about it, but the Russians would spam the reports on kneeling, so much so that the 'news' would pick it up. This also made it hard for people to get together and watch football together without polarizing people with taking a side.
Geez how drastic and hidden. Americans deserve screwing if they’re that shallow. Let me ask YOU. Did any of this make you change your mind or your vote?
Geez how drastic and hidden. Americans deserve screwing if they’re that shallow. Let me ask YOU. Did any of this make you change your mind or your vote?
Shallow? They went after the vulnerable low hanging fruit, I don't know where you get shallow.

But no, I didn't fall into it. I quit reading anything online in 2013ish. The stupidity that was the Tea Party and combating all the Anti Obama b.s. burnt me out. Add to debunking conspiracy theories the education I was getting in Economics, Statistics, and Data Analysis I was not as gullible with the propaganda. I didn't think that anyone other than American racists or evangelicals were in on the joke though, and was caught off guard with all the email stuff in 2016. I remember talking with my dad (and his older friends) and even saying I had no clue why this was a thing and none of them could answer it either. I blew it off as not mattering since I had a harvest to get in and being too busy to really care. Now I know, Russians hacked it and pushed it hard with Trumps help.



This lady was recruited and paid by Russians to show up as Clinton at a rally.
Geez how drastic and hidden. Americans deserve screwing if they’re that shallow. Let me ask YOU. Did any of this make you change your mind or your vote?
I remember working for Hillary in 2016 and knocking on hundreds of doors. It seemed that one in three of the people I talked to gave me a reason why they would not vote for Hillary and nearly every damn one of them was obviously or later turned out to be Russian sponsored. Not only that but the other volunteers came in with similar stories and we all wondered what the fuck was going on. One woman said her own daughter was going to vote for Trump (her first Republican ever) because the pope had endorsed him.

Bro, you wrong.
I remember working for Hillary in 2016 and knocking on hundreds of doors. It seemed that one in three of the people I talked to gave me a reason why they would not vote for Hillary and nearly every damn one of them was obviously or later turned out to be Russian sponsored. Not only that but the other volunteers came in with similar stories and we all wondered what the fuck was going on. One woman said her own daughter was going to vote for Trump (her first Republican ever) because the pope had endorsed him.

Bro, you wrong.
Yeah okay. America deserves Trump then.
“You have three options for health insurance while living in Germany; the government-regulated public health insurance system (GKV), private health insurance from a German or international insurance company (PKV) or a combination of the two. You can opt for full private health insurance plans if your income is above a certain threshold amount or if you are self-employed. Finding the best service provider for state health insurance or finding the most suitable coverage from a private health insurer while still at a competitive rate is not always easy but is well worth the effort.”

Yet the Senate Democrats totally abandoned any thought of Medicare for all. It can be done and it is done. Everyone can have insurance. Private if you so desire. But party owners, especially the 67 billionaires contributing so far, don’t want it so you won’t get it. But at least you’re free! Right?


..but why don't they want us to have health for all..what's in it for them?
Losers. Whining fucking losers. Already vowing to vote for whoever the Democrats put up. Asking for another ass reaming. Just your willingness and eagerness to do so is an open invitation to a fucking. Like Uncle Joe.

2016 spoke loud and clear- voters stayed home because of..
Whiners. The DNC chose Shillary. One of the most polarizing figures in politics. Hated by many even if because of Fox News. Regardless she was a shit candidate. I didn’t want her. She had to tweak the whole process from the start.

You picked a fucking loser. If not there would have been no question. Only 3 million votes difference? Despite her candidacy for what - 20 years? Trump shows up as a late thought and it’s that close. No votes were changed.

You picked a plug that lost the big race. Now choose Uncle Joe to save you.

literally clinton was in margin of error against trump when sanders was +13..somehow she was electable and sanders not..the voters are sent a message they will not be railroaded and will sit it out if they are told who to vote.