Okay well, I live in a country that has somewhat free health care. I work with sick people who need that care(cancer). I have also been sick and have witnessed others who are not terminally ill navigate this system and I have also been paying the taxes imposed by this country for quite some time. I would say its a double edged sword to say the least. Unless you have cancer or some other form of deadly disease, the health care here sucks. The wait times, the lack of quality, the inconsistencies in care and effort in diagnosis, they all fucking suck. Now pay our taxes. It wouldn't be the same in every country I am sure, but here, there are some glaring negatives for anyone who isnt dealing with cancer etc.
Now would I CHOOSE to have to pay for my care? If i had a problem that wasnt easy to diagnose, then yes. I would rather pay and not wait for 6 months to get a MRI or see a specialist for then somewhat low quality care. People die here waiting quite often. But if I had cancer or something else that was diagnosed quickly, I would 100% choose our system. Most people i work with pay almost nothing for their cancer treatment. We are talking bone scans, imaging, chemo, radiation, blood work, consultations, anti nausea medicine etc. My mother has also went through stage 3 breast cancer here and survived. Her bill was for a bra, a bottle of Tylenol, and a arm sock. Everything else was free. I am sure her bill would have been over $250,000 if she lived in some other shitholes.
Be careful what you wish for on legalization. I am pro ending prohibition, fully and with every drug. But if they do it like canada did, I veiw it as a negative. Its fucking horseshit here. I would rather it go back to the way it was before. Try and become a LP or a micro producer if you disagree. Have fun paying 50-80 bucks a 1/8. Yea for "good" weed here in the store some people are paying $80 for 3.5. By the way its not very good plus all of the pioneers of the movment got fucked and crushed under the systems rules. "Lotteries" for shop licenses, rules about past cannabis convictions etc etc. All put in place so the powerful get more powerful and the culture is crushed and raped into being a joke. Go into almost every weed store in canada, i have been in over 100 of them(side job) and they all look the same. Its like someone universally decided to make them all look like James bonds weapon room. Culture, gone. Then for them to hire uninformed, know nothing know it alls and then rename everything from say "OG Kush" into "reflect". Strawberry cough is now "gophers tail" plus its not actually Strawberry cough

Like looking at your weed before buying it? Naw. You pay me $60 and I give you 3.5g of trash C grade side bud thats not cured right. No returns. Welcome to legalization.
Sorry for the side rant there :/