Coming from a guy that thinks he knows what god looks like.sounds to me that you have absolutely no logic whatsoever.
Try to read a book about the subject.Stop saying the same shit everybody else is saying including the medias.I used to think just like that,im glad i opened up my eyes.Not everything is logical,not everything makes sens,if that was the case we wouldn't even be talking about it.Look at the universe,look at planet earth,we are so small,we don't have all the answers.Being too logical is probably what got us in this mess in the first place.those near-death experiences people survive, are basically relative to a psychedelic trip.
dmt is released into your brain upon a near death experience, and those who are already spiritual will see what their subconscious deeply wants to see.
Born and raised,ive been in the states for about 9 years now.(et toi tu es francais?)frenchy tes francais?
I can see how you think that way Sonny. I view it just a bit differently. I think "man" uses religion to control the masses. I think God simply desires to be acknowledged and for us to reach out to Him for guidance. There are all too many examples I could give, but I just know for a fact that when I have needed that guidance most, "bam"....I asked and I received.TBH, I don't know how or what I feel about God....I do however believe there is something more to death. The unexplained things that have happened in my life are just that, unexplainable. This is a conversation I have with my husband, he does not believe. I don't know what to believe as far as God is concerned. When I am thinking logically, I think God was invented to control the masses. I do live my life as if there is a God though, but, I am unsure if he really exists.![]()
Frenchy, see....this is what I "do" understand in the years I've lived. There is no denying that all people are conditioned by their surroundings.I believe you bro.Last year,one of my family members was killed,he was only 27.I went to the funeral and was really touched by what happened to our friend.I started thinking more and more about life after death.I started reading books about it (life after life by Raymond A. moody,Dr.Melvin Morse also have written books about it).I tell you what,these books and testimonies from real people who clinically died made more sens to me than all the other things Ive heard so far.I guess what im trying to say is you can be as skeptical as you want about the subject and call people crazy for believing but just like everyone else you just don't know.
Ps:btw when i say you,i don't mean you per se,im just talking about others "rational people".
Is it just me?or you are really acting like a little bitch?Threads are made for people who actually want to say some related to the subject.All you do is talking shit and disagreeing with everyone.Don't give me wrong,you're entitled of your opinion but it seems to me you just trying to talk shit.yeah, because god has an ego and wants to be acknowledged . . . .
Yeah, the mustard seed. Me, not being the Bible thumper---can't quote the verse, but yes, I know it.I have always been a scientist about everything although i was forced into religion as a child.I dont beleive there is a god but i conduct my life in a way that even if i am judged for what i have done or accomplished in it i think i will pass.I remember something about a "Mustard Seed" I have about that much faith.Thats just me.![]()
Scientifically makes sense Poplars, yet....why is it that they are ALL seeing the same thing? Why do they all have this inherent "wish" to see the exact same thing?those near-death experiences people survive, are basically relative to a psychedelic trip.
dmt is released into your brain upon a near death experience, and those who are already spiritual will see what their subconscious deeply wants to see.
Poplars, are you a parent? I bet when you scolded your child for doing something they weren't supposed to, you were accused of much worse...sorry, had to say it.yeah, because god has an ego and wants to be acknowledged . . . .
They are all seeing the same thing because their brains are shutting down the same way. I have to find the article on this, there is a scientific reason for what they are seeing and it is because of their brain shutting down. The tunnel that 'they' see has been totally proven to be scientific and normal.Scientifically makes sense Poplars, yet....why is they are ALL seeing the same thing? Why do they all have this inherent "wish" to see the exact same thing?
I would think there would be plenty of men out there that would wish to have Hugh Heffners play boy mansion, you know what I mean?![]()
Oh yes, I am VERY serious.yeah, because god has an ego and wants to be acknowledged . . . .
Finally someone "logical".You know what i meant.We just need to open up more about these things.I myself think there is no way that when you die it's over,I think there is more to see.Im not a religious person,i do believe in god.But i also think every religion is a stepping stone to something greater.Frenchy, see....this is what I "do" understand in the years I've lived. There is no denying that all people are conditioned by their surroundings.
The way I was brought up is in no way indicative of traits I carry now however. I chose to be who I am. I chose to seek answers. And when I didn't get the answers in black and white, I didn't just write them off as non-existent.....simply because I realize that life just doesn't work that way.
There are many people in this world who are insistent upon knowing every single last detail and if it isn't "Logical".....well, then it's total nonsense.
This isn't to say that I'm not logical...I very much analyze many things in life. But when I refer to myself as being logical, it's more along the lines of "using common sense".......look both ways before crossing the road kind of thing. Logic has its place, just not in the broader realm of existence.
If we as humans were even 1 tenth as intelligent as we thought we were, life would not exist as it does in the here and now.....that "simple" to me, yet that complex to numerous others.
BTW, I'm so sorry that your brother died at such an early age, truly.