Well-Known Member
There is a reason "ghost detectives" are on tv. It is becuase so many people have had paranormal experiences and they want to help define and explain them. After nearly four decades of paranormal experiences you would never believe, and several as an investigator, I have zero doubt that there is something supernatural going on. Pad claims to "know" aliens exist without a single shred of proof, because, well, "it's mathematically impossible for them not to". You are a hypocrit. I would argue that mathematically it is impossible that there is no spriritual realm.
Why do you feel the need to be so defensive and disingenuous? Either you didn't take the time to really read what Pad said, or you are purposely placing him in a bad light to lend credence to your position. Pad never claimed to 'know' aliens exist, he said he has good reason to believe it, but no proof. When a skeptic admits that a belief is taken on faith, they are axiomatically saying their belief could be wrong. You would like for Pad to be a hypocrite so that you can stop paying attention to his questions.
Since the beginning of man, most humans have believed in, and reported paranormal phenomena. I have video of doors opening and closing, light sturning on and off, by request, crazy spikes in EMF, and hundreds of intelligent, class A, EVPs. I have validated "ghosts" for others who have seen them in their homes and did not tell me, until I saw them and told them they had one. Before comparing notes, I always have us write them down at the same time. Nearly impossible that we would come up with the exact same thing.
So you have a bunch of anomalies that can't be explained, you have labeled them ghosts, and now call it research. Science would call it making as many assumptions as needed to support your pet theory. It would be reasonable to generate a hypothesis as to what is causing the anomalous activity, but such hypotheses are only useful if they lead to testable predictions. First, however, research should endeavor to find a mundane explanation for the anomaly In fact before declaring it an anomaly they should thoroughly rule out any possible explanations. Only when that has been adequately done would they have a tentative anomaly, and anomalies by definition are unexplained. Ghost hunter do not use the scientific method, their approach is a method for generating positive apparently anomalous findings that can then be assumed to be a ghost phenomenon by eager ghost hunters. Ghost hunters simply do not understand scientific investigation, they do not understand the nature of scientific evidence nor the pitfalls of generating false positive results.
It IS a forum. A forum where people talk about ideas. Nobody here is writing a thesis for a scientific journal. If you were half as fucking intelligent as you try to act you would be asking how you can duplicate our experiences for yourself, instead of denying them because we will not out ourselves on a pot forum to make you happy.
You are suggesting a false dilemma, which is, If Pad doesn't do these experiments, then he is not intelligent, and not in the position of criticizing them. This is again the opposite of how science works. The burden of proof falls to the party making the claim. Peer review is expected and mandatory. Asking questions is part of discourse, and discourse is the only way to weed out the truth.