Do you believe in ghosts?

We are less than ten years away from discovering another bipedal hominid. Not Bigfoot. There is something walking around in Indonesia which has been seen by several Biologists. A new species of ape was recently discovered in Africa. A very large ape. The Orang Pendek is most likely a reality.
There's too many claims with several witnesses. Look up the rain man. Cops from that case still to this day testify what they saw on multiple documentaries and tv shows. One of the production crews was able to bring together all witnesses for one documentary. You can say all these people were in a mass hysteria or delusion but intuitively you know that is not likely to be the case. It's a rational explanation for something that is phenomena. Like I said earlier, you can't break down phenomena logically, waste of time. This may sound like dogma but there is a big difference in dogma and phenomena. you really need to burn some bud and going to have a heart attack! I didnt spread any misinformation! I just SHARED part of my reality! I dont give a shit if anyone believes me or not...I aint preaching it to anyone, taking money from anyone! I was trying to help a bro out!

Ummm so my beliefs leading to world problems? ummm wtf are you talking about? wait I really dont want to know.
Walk 1 day in my shoes and you would prolly hang yourself.

Nice debate bro but Im done I said I come here to learn to gro better and have a few laughs

Im going to chalk this up as we agree to disagree

That's like asking why dreams don't abide by the laws of physics.

Your dreams do abide by physics. Dreams are just a form of brain activity being interpreted by the unconscious brain. Dreams are just representations/interpritation happening inside the brain, they are not really happening in the real world and don't need to follow physics. Like in movies and cartoons. Are you comparing ghosts to movies and cartoons? That's fine, then ghosts are just like dreams, Not happening in the real world. Just inside your brain.
wow if thats the case I have a very vivid imagination! lol...dammit jim I knew I should been a artist

Or you are just bullshitting people. Just like the ghost detectives on tv that make their money off of feeble minded individuals that are easily coerced into believing in "something" just because they so desperately want to.
I have no reason to BS anyone peyote. If I did or was I would try to capitalize on it and make a profit. To be truthful I try to avoid it if at all possible. Hell I picked a career that keeps me away from people so I dont have to feel all this stuff.

Again I was just giving my 2 cents on the question from the org. poster
Or you are just bullshitting people. Just like the ghost detectives on tv that make their money off of feeble minded individuals that are easily coerced into believing in "something" just because they so desperately want to.
Respectfully, you and pada should spend a year or two meditating everyday and work up to an hour sitting at atime. Come back and tell if there seems to be anything else beyond what you currently comprehend. It's the closest we can bring our own minds to death per studies done on meditators with cat scans. I'm not trying to be a dick just speaking from my own experiences. I don't mean being able to see ghost like were on scooby doo either lol
There is a reason "ghost detectives" are on tv. It is becuase so many people have had paranormal experiences and they want to help define and explain them. After nearly four decades of paranormal experiences you would never believe, and several as an investigator, I have zero doubt that there is something supernatural going on. Pad claims to "know" aliens exist without a single shred of proof, because, well, "it's mathematically impossible for them not to". You are a hypocrit. I would argue that mathematically it is impossible that there is no spriritual realm. Since the beginning of man, most humans have believed in, and reported paranormal phenomena. I have video of doors opening and closing, light sturning on and off, by request, crazy spikes in EMF, and hundreds of intelligent, class A, EVPs. I have validated "ghosts" for others who have seen them in their homes and did not tell me, until I saw them and told them they had one. Before comparing notes, I always have us write them down at the same time. Nearly impossible that we would come up with the exact same thing.

It IS a forum. A forum where people talk about ideas. Nobody here is writing a thesis for a scientific journal. If you were half as fucking intelligent as you try to act you would be asking how you can duplicate our experiences for yourself, instead of denying them because we will not out ourselves on a pot forum to make you happy.
ok so someone explains this...when me and my lady were just dating...I invisioned a female spirit in her apt. I described her to my lady in detail ie: cloths/hair/ etc. she said thats my mom..I have never seen her in person or pics. my lady broke out a photo album and yep it was her mom. btw the clothes I described where the clothes she was buried in. So I guess this is my imagination too?
Your dreams do abide by physics. Dreams are just a form of brain activity being interpreted by the unconscious brain. Dreams are just representations/interpritation happening inside the brain, they are not really happening in the real world and don't need to follow physics. Like in movies and cartoons. Are you comparing ghosts to movies and cartoons? That's fine, then ghosts are just like dreams, Not happening in the real world. Just inside your brain.

You are saying that dreams can be experienced, without following physics. Why can't ghosts be experienced, without following physics?

That was the point.
wait heres another..the lady that lives next door is a close friend of my woman. She kept complaining that she was hearing noises , plates clanking together, water turning off and on.. etc ...I finally when over to her house and saw the spirit of her dead bf. I have never seen the guy in my life! I descibed him to a tee!
He just wanted her to know he was still around.

I guess thats my vivid imagination at work again.
I can go on and on and on
wait heres another..we we sitting at a local sime hole last summer and we were chatting with another couple. I keep seeing this (spirit) of old guy in overall, beard, baseball cap staying really close the the woman in the couple. she is a believer in spirits ect. so I describe him and ask who he was..she broke down in tears and said it was her uncle..pulled up pics on her phone..
Talk to everyday people... Their experiences/ the evidence is everywhere....or better yet try a ouija board! That'll make you think twice.....
I have always been intrigued on how the illusionist, Dynamo, is able to "read minds"...
dynamo? aint ever heard of him sounds he on youtube? Is he legit?
Sorry that wasn't directed at you mate..But yeah he's really good! He's all over aussie teles ...he's a pom, with very little ego..very quick...must be?
It's one of those you have to see it to believe it things, so there is no point in logically arguing with those who had experiences/believe. There is enough claims from individuals, organizations, hotels, vacancies, museums and hospitals to classify it as an occurring phenomena. The only way you can come to a proper conclusion on this type of phenomena is to experience it yourself, or perhaps research heavily into it. Subjective evidence does not hold weight in the scientific method, but it does call for proper investigation. You could call ghosts/spirits a "mass hysteria" or people's mind playing tricks on them but it's much deeper than that when there is multiple witnesses to several claims. You have to research it for your conclusion to hold weight.

Seeing is not believing, unless you believe the sun revolves around the earth. Experiencing a phenomena is one of the worst ways to draw conclusions about it, unless it's followed up with careful study. You have to factor out human bias and mistakes of perception, logic and memory if you want to trust in your conclusions.

In any case it is irresponsible for someone to say something like "i've experienced this thing I can't explain, therefore I can explain it, it's ghosts." If something has the property of being unexplained, that very property can not then explain it.

You are 100% correct that it classifies as a phenomena, ghost experiences transcend generation, social status, upbringing, and geographic location and each one warrants study. True investigation is the only way to draw conclusions, yet no scientific investigation, which is the most careful and fastidious investigation we have, have yielded paranormal results.

Science does not discount personal experience and hearsay, it sees these things as a pointing finger, a place to start an investigation. When science looks at ghost phenomena, we find good reasons for these fingers to be pointing. Mistakes of logic, perception and memory are at the top of the list. All humans share these inherit pitfalls. The human mind is designed not only to pick out patterns from random data, but to assign intentional agents to these patterns. People have been pointing at ghosts for a long time, and science has looked and found nothing. If this finger ever points at something new, science will happily have another look.

We can see the human factor in the pictures of ghosts that have been produced over the years. In the old days they appeared as apparitions or shadows, suspiciously close to over-exposure and other technological shortcomings of the time. With the invent of digital cameras, we now see ghosts appearing as orbs, suspiciously close to what we see when we have dust, water droplets, or other debris very close to the lens. Rather than try to identify and rule out these factors, ghost hunters jump at the chance to declare these orbs ghost energy, not realizing that the scientific context of the word 'energy' makes these statements sound meaningless to science.

The use of any kind of measuring equipment to detect ghosts is fundamentally flawed. Measuring equipment detects what it is designed to detect, whether that's light, heat, electromagnetism, or whatever. Thus it will only detect things that emit measurable amounts of those energies. For us to accept that some piece of handheld measuring equipment has a useful function in detecting a ghost, we must base our acceptance on the premise that ghosts are known to emit those types of energies in measurable amounts. If there were any truth to this, science would have discovered it long ago. Hospital operating rooms would have ghost detection equipment built in. Mortuaries and crematoriums would have ghost detection equipment at the top of their list. Search and rescue crews would use ghost detection equipment. If ghosts did exist and were detectable, you can bet that there would be huge industries behind it. I can't think of anything that would attract more venture capital dollars from Silicon Valley. However, no rigorous research has ever shown that ghosts can be reliably detected with hardware. It's easy to disbelieve me, but it's much harder to disbelieve the lack of interest from greedy corporate America.

It may be someday technology invents a tool that lets us detect ghosts, but we certainly don't have anything even close today.

It's silly to think that someone's Grandma, who couldn't even set the clock on a VCR, somehow gains the knowledge to manipulate and control sounds waves and recording equipment upon death. This is also true for anyone who died before such equipment was even invented, somehow they manage to interfere with recorders so they can announce disjointed, irrational messages to an empty basement or graveyard, like "She's in the mustard!" or "Laundry applecart tuesday". EVP's are not an example of science or investigation, they are an example of audio pareidolia, a well known and well documented phenomena. These people are not generating hypothesis and then testing them, they make no attempts to constrain factors or compare to control groups. They are simply hunting for anomalies, declaring these anomalies ghosts, and then calling it research.

The human body is not in and of itself energy, it makes and utilizes energy, and to do so it must constantly consume energy. When we die, the energy is no longer being produced, and what's left in the form of heat or caloric energy dissipates. When science says energy can not be created or destroyed, it is talking about energy that can be measured and quantified, not some imagined life energy. We know that there is no part of the brain that can be damaged without also damaging the mind. Brain trauma can change a persons tastes, personality, and even sexuality. Altering the brain can fundamentally change who you are. It is silly to think that once we damage the entire brain at death by lack of oxygen, who we are somehow stays in tact and we retain all of our cognitive abilities.
There is a reason "ghost detectives" are on tv. It is becuase so many people have had paranormal experiences and they want to help define and explain them. After nearly four decades of paranormal experiences you would never believe, and several as an investigator, I have zero doubt that there is something supernatural going on. Pad claims to "know" aliens exist without a single shred of proof, because, well, "it's mathematically impossible for them not to". You are a hypocrit. I would argue that mathematically it is impossible that there is no spriritual realm. Since the beginning of man, most humans have believed in, and reported paranormal phenomena. I have video of doors opening and closing, light sturning on and off, by request, crazy spikes in EMF, and hundreds of intelligent, class A, EVPs. I have validated "ghosts" for others who have seen them in their homes and did not tell me, until I saw them and told them they had one. Before comparing notes, I always have us write them down at the same time. Nearly impossible that we would come up with the exact same thing.

It IS a forum. A forum where people talk about ideas. Nobody here is writing a thesis for a scientific journal. If you were half as fucking intelligent as you try to act you would be asking how you can duplicate our experiences for yourself, instead of denying them because we will not out ourselves on a pot forum to make you happy.

"Ghost detectives" are on TV because networks know millions of people will watch them because millions of people, just like you, believe in ghosts. You know what I've never seen on one of those "ghost detective" shows? ... a ghost.

You spent 4 decades doing this, I'd say that's pretty engaged, so why would you all of a sudden admit 40 years of work was for nothing, even if that was the truth? Your attitude towards skeptics accepting the existence of ghosts is pretty unusual to say the least. I mean, I accept the theory of evolution but I don't get pissy and aggressive towards people who don't, I just think they're misguided, misinformed, or ignorant of the facts.

I have never said I know aliens exist. I said I believe aliens exist based on mathematical odds and what I understand about life on Earth. You must have misunderstood.

Again, video evidence, pictures, audio recordings, even EMF readings are not evidence of ghosts, all can be altered/manipulated, have you seen Paranormal Activity? Is that evidence of ghosts? EMF's pick up electromagnetic fields, yet no proponent of ghosts in this thread or anywhere has explained why/how a ghost would emit an electromagnetic field. Again, not valid evidence. Someone told you somewhere one time they do so now people believe they do. Doesn't make much sense to me.

I've asked multiple people multiple times how something like this could be recreated, each and every time it's met with hostility. You can witness that for yourself in this thread when I asked for a few facts about that guys experience, automatically people suspected malicious intent, weird right?... right.