Do you believe in God?

Do you believe there is a God?

  • YES, I believe there is a God/creator

    Votes: 92 46.2%
  • NO, I do not believe there is a God/creator

    Votes: 107 53.8%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
The difference is I don't believe we will benefit in the end. I think when its over and you die then you die and its over. You being who you are ceases to exist. its neither good nor bad I just think when you die its over and thats all there is to it.

People shouldn't have to live their lives in fear of what may or may not happen when they die. They should live their lives happy that they get this 1 and only chance to be the person you are. Enjoy it. Do what makes you happy and ignore the people who tell you you are wrong


Well-Known Member
The difference is I don't believe we will benefit in the end. I think when its over and you die then you die and its over. You being who you are ceases to exist. its neither good nor bad I just think when you die its over and thats all there is to it.

People shouldn't have to live their lives in fear of what may or may not happen when they die. They should live their lives happy that they get this 1 and only chance to be the person you are. Enjoy it. Do what makes you happy and ignore the people who tell you you are wrong
I'm with mastrkush on this one, when you die, it's like a candle being blown out, you enter a state of Oblivion, or nothingness, so enjoy life now with a bowl while you can :leaf:bongsmilie


New Member
The Romans thought Christianity was a blessing indeed. here was a religion which promised great things upon death, no matter how badly life treated you. the perfect SLAVE religion. The Romans obliged and tested their theories with relish. :lol: (whip crack) ty sir, may I have another!! Don't worry, you'll be paid back upon death.....they must have laughed their asses off....:mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother :D

I'm 23, and You?

Ya, maybe one of these days We can meet up, blaze up and talk about philosophy. :eyesmoke:

I just try and keep an open and objective mind. I like to think BIG.
im 20. turn 21 in a couple months :lol:.. even tho im a not a big drinker

but yah man, i like to think big too, why not? no one knows the right answer, so might as well keep an open mind about all the possibilities :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
And I agree with you 100%. --There's no reason why a homosexual should be in the church.-- In the beginning there was the WORD. What was that WORD? And who came up with that word?
if the HOMO shouldn't be in the church then neither should your mrs.'s or -anyone- else. Everyone is a sinner, that's the whole fuggin point of the bible.

i broke down one time... walked and walked... came to a church, though "Oh, thank god, now i can make a phone call" The two people that run the church a man and a wife were trimming bushes. I explained my situation and asked if i could use a phone. They said NO. Apparently the 18 year old white kid scared them or some shit!! Or maybe its cuz i wasn't putting money into their coffers. Or... maybe being Christian means absolute JACK. I know a Jehovah's Witness, literature and all, he's undoubtedly one of the biggest assholes i know.

I am NOT impressed by whatever religion people claim to have. More often than not, they -exercise- this religion for one hour on Sunday.

The bible that i read from front to back when i was little had some very wierd shit in it. One of the things i remember is that women who are menstruating, according to that bible Version, are not to come to church because they are "unclean". Like they are in the wrong, or not pure enough at that time to receive God's Blessings. I was like, WTF?!


Well-Known Member
Religion has everything to do with God, God has nothing to do with religion. I have Faith in God, I beleive Jesus is Christ, I have received the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
The scriptures only speak of the Christ...Christ is not the scriptures.

Christ is the understanding of God...And Jesus the man was the first mind created in the likeness of God...becoming the Christ mind in man.

No book taught me that.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea as for humility...its towards God and not man...for I can not receive the understanding of the scripts by my understanding.


New Member
The scriptures only speak of the Christ...Christ is not the scriptures.

Christ is the understanding of God...And Jesus the man was the first mind created in the likeness of God...becoming the Christ mind in man.

No book taught me that.
Since jesus cannot be found in any other literature besides the Bible...your statement is false. You TOTALLY got it from the bible...which is false. Ding!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
One can only receive the truth through Christ and as for the bible...God will put together the book as he sees fit...but the understanding of it is his.
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