The Way I see it
He is the king, the creator, He gives, He takes. Yes he is not obligated to answer our prayers, He already gave us plenty of gifts that we should recognize in our body, and in our surroundings, and the greatest gift of all the Mind.
He hears all and answers whatever he wishes to answer even will answer a call from a non believer if He wishes to. God Had made a promise to answer the call of those who truly seek him and worship him alone.
True that God does not NEED our prayers and praise, Nor gold or silver. He likes to be acknowledged and appreciated especially by the believers, praising him and praying cost you nothing.
After all God is not asking for much. We humans sometimes go through great deal to satisfy a boss at work, or anyone who is in possession of something we need.
again that was my point of view and the way I see it, at least when I go to bed I go feeling at peace, I don't have nightmares and sleep peacefully ( after smoking several joints). I do not feel depressed our have anxiety, other than weed I don't need to take any sort of medication.
I appreciate your response!
With all do respect, you are back-peddling in your Gods defense. More importantly, what kind of God gives prayer along one's fate, just to answer it at his discretion? That's a purely evil game to play. If a human was to behave like such, society would punish for mental abuse. These are truly characteristics of Evilness not Godliness. Its equivalent to putting a piece of meat on the end of a stick and making a human chase it, perhaps give him some along the way for encouragement, but continue ...none the less, until death. Life is a gift, that happens. In humans cases...two humans made it happen...sometimes even a Doctor of sorts gets to put a twist on things

Furthermore, what kind of God creates pointless objects like Gold and Silver and praise and prayer, a "purpose of sorts" to a mortal human???? That's like attempting to feed your dog its own shit while praising him a good boy

I will be on level 420 of my own little personal heaven for further discretion!
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