Do You Suffer From Cannabis Addiction

My arrow electronics bookmarks are killer, just drove 3 hours return and dropped $100 filling co2.
Fuck I’m glad I‘m not the only one! 3 hours round trip for me too. $100 for the fifty pounder and $50 for the twenty.
What do you do though; the plants love it so I gotta get it. We’re addicts man….
Hey @MustGro i believe you are correct! Growing cannabis is addictive! And buying seeds! I have seeds that prob won’t see soil for a year but I’m making plans for 420 sales already. Like taking that day off work…. Helps that it’s the actual day before my birthday lol
I had a seed buying blitz myself the last few years. Us addicts can’t be without good genetics.
Hi MustGro.

Thanks for sharing.

I'm Padawan and I'm an addict. I'm just going to listen.
I’m glad you made it. Looks like most of us are good with our addictions, including yourself. I’m not sensing a whole lot of people living in denial anyway. I think it’s cool that way. Long live cannabis and the addicts that cultivate it.
I’m glad you made it. Looks like most of us are good with our addictions, including yourself. I’m not sensing a whole lot of people living in denial anyway. I think it’s cool that way. Long live cannabis and the addicts that cultivate it.
I was sent to rehab twice as a kid. I know the drill with those meetings. I couldn't stand them. It's kinda like a pity party. I'm glad it helps some people though.
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Fuck I’m glad I‘m not the only one! 3 hours round trip for me too. $100 for the fifty pounder and $50 for the twenty.
What do you do though; the plants love it so I gotta get it. We’re addicts man….
Same here, $50 for 20lb, only one place close that offers medical grade co2 and they go threw about 750lbs a week between extinguishers, paint ball and grow ops.
If I had to have an addiction I’d like it to be cannabis over anything else.

If my kids where to take any drug regularly, sure, I'd hope it was weed. But that's flawed logic, where is the option to not have an addiction/dependency?. I'm all for people making their own choice like that, but why pretend being stoned all day every day is normal and healthy for everybody, when it isn't. Of all the heavy smokers I know, not being able to deal with stress, then becoming very irritated or angry, is the running theme when not high. A few of them are absolute cunts in general, unless they are high. There is no way it's just a coincidence, being high that much is obviously effecting the way they deal (or don't deal) with things.
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If my kids where to take any drug regularly, sure, I'd hope it was weed. But that's flawed logic, where is the option to not have an addiction/dependency?. I'm all for people making their own choice like that, but why pretend being stoned all day every day is normal and healthy for everybody, when it isn't. Of all the heavy smokers I know, not being able to deal with stress, then becoming very irritated or angry, is the running theme when not high. A few of them are absolute cunts in general, unless they are high. Theirs no way it's just a coincidence, being high that much is obviously effecting the way they deal (or don't deal) with things.
Sounds like you've dealt with some of the members in this forum, lol.

there are very few people I know who are heavy smokers that would be considered mentally healthy.

Most are self medicating and like you mentioned seem to lose their shit at the drop of a hat when sober.

But then there’s maybe two or three guys I know who consume absurd amounts of bud and dabs Every. Single. Day. And they’re fine. Totally normal socially and two own successful businesses.

there are very few people I know who are heavy smokers that would be considered mentally healthy.

Most are self medicating and like you mentioned seem to lose their shit at the drop of a hat when sober.

But then there’s maybe two or three guys I know who consume absurd amounts of bud and dabs Every. Single. Day. And they’re fine. Totally normal socially and two own successful businesses.

Oh ofc, always exceptions. I only know one person like that, and he will probably be fine so long as his financial situation doesn't change. A few others have already lost partners due to smoking more than they can really afford, although no doubt there were other separate issues going on.

It does bug me quite a lot when people say MJ is just a plant, medicine, it is fine, smoke as much as you like. I've genuinely seen it destroy people, in various ways.
That’s insane people are getting into financial trouble and losing relationships over weed.

I just hope those guys never try real drugs that grab your mind in a much stronger way than weed ever could.
Getting pleasure from growing is unsurprising. I love growing, from the times humans figured out they could repeatably grow a plant to feed their family they started growing more and more, that's not addiction that's innate humanity. It took them very little time to start including weed in their crops. I'd love to expand, grow more, have more lights, but I simply don't have the space. So I've got my little 10sq ft micro grow that makes me very happy and saves me $1600 every month by not going to the dispensary (that's their cheapest weed too). Even using expensive nutes I can't make going to the dispensary more cost effective.

So I'd have to kick someone out of my house to take over their room or buy a new house to expand at all, I mostly like my family most the time so I'll keep them around for now. If I had more space to play with, I could tech myself broke at the grow store but probably wouldn't, I'm a grow what ya need kind of person.
Oh ofc, always exceptions. I only know one person like that, and he will probably be fine so long as his financial situation doesn't change. A few others have already lost partners due to smoking more than they can really afford, although no doubt there were other separate issues going on.

It does bug me quite a lot when people say MJ is just a plant, medicine, it is fine, smoke as much as you like. I've genuinely seen it destroy people, in various ways.
I find growing pot improves my financial situation. Not in making money from selling it, more in not having to spend much to get it. I rarely buy weed. I had a spree when it first went legal here and it’s easy to overspend. I pay myself for my weed and I budget 5 grams a day at $4 a gram. Not much different than being a cigarette smoker in Canada, I think they’re close to $20 a pack and I still know a few pack a day smokers. That’s 20 by 365 for $7300 a year to get high or smoke cigarettes; I know people who do both. I spend on my grow, pay the bills and smoke the good with the bad and consider myself very fortunate.
I have never seen pot destroy anybody and I know some people with pretty addictive personalities, myself included. Not saying it doesn’t happen, Just never thought of pot being that way.
I know in my case I had a few friends back in the 90’s who were party people and I was into the pot and the drinking part of it, but they all went to coke and pretty much kept trying to stay there. I’ve never done coke and weed is the reason. I wake up most mornings wanting to catch a buzz, but it’s a weed buzz I’m after. I’m pretty sure if I knew how great coke felt then I’d want that instead. Weed let me know that about myself before I went there. Coke still scares me, I’m sure it feels wonderful, but I love the ganja and it saved me in a way, you know.
I had a similar discussion with one of my friends about this just last month. He said,” coke/crack feels great, but It’ll take your house”. I don’t need to know that feeling, it’s safer without it.
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That’s insane people are getting into financial trouble and losing relationships over weed.

I just hope those guys never try real drugs that grab your mind in a much stronger way than weed ever could.

I don't think it's financial trouble per say.. but the money they spend on heavy smoking could be going on a holiday, days out with the family, etc.. along with being more sociable. Lets not forget, staying high all day requires you have access to places you can actually get high. That rules certain places out, especially family oriented places. So imagine them going to such places not high, and they become ratty. Sounds like a fun day out.

Because weed is becoming more culturally accepted, it is easier for it's associated problems to sneak in the back door. Plenty of people who began drinking ''a few cans'' in the house, have went down a similar path and fell into the trap of alcohol dependency, some even develop into functional alcoholics. It is sad to admit but many people I know have developed one serious problem or the other, weed, drink, coke, on-line gambling, sugar driven obesity, so many traps that are considered to be ''what normal people do''. You should see the looks I get when I go out on the drink and turn a line of coke down. Like there is something wrong with me. I would imagine the lower class areas in America are even worse?.

I do smoke cigarettes btw, not perfect either.
I find growing pot improves my financial situation. Not in making money from selling it, more in not having to spend much to get it. I rarely buy weed. I had a spree when it first went legal here and it’s easy to overspend. I pay myself for my weed and I budget 5 grams a day at $4 a gram. Not much different than being a cigarette smoker in Canada, I think they’re close to $20 a pack and I still know a few pack a day smokers. That’s 20 by 365 for $7300 a year to get high or smoke cigarettes; I know people who do both. I spend on my grow, pay the bills and smoke the good with the bad and consider myself very fortunate.
I have never seen pot destroy anybody and I know some people with pretty addictive personalities, myself included. Not saying it doesn’t happen, Just never thought of pot being that way.
I know in my case I had a few friends back in the 90’s who were party people and I was into the pot and the drinking part of it, but they all went to coke and pretty much kept trying to stay there. I’ve never done coke and weed is the reason. I wake up most mornings wanting to catch a buzz, but it’s a weed buzz I’m after. I’m pretty sure if I knew how great coke felt then I’d want that instead. Weed let me know that about myself before I went there. Coke still scares me, I’m sure it feels wonderful, but I love the ganja and it saved me in a way, you know.
I had a similar discussion with one of my friends about this just last month. He said,” coke/crack feels great, but It’ll take your house”. I don’t need to know that feeling, it’s safer without it.

Yeah I've been trying to quit smoking for years, complete and utter waste of money. At-least weed actually has an effect, and a medical use. I've managed to not take any hard drugs, or drink too much.. but unfortunately I got on the cigarettes when very young, and well, it is a horrendous addiction. Why it is even legal is imo worse from our governments than what the Nazis did. Think of all the deaths related to cigarettes.. a completely pointless activity that gets kids hooked, with a solid chance of killing them later in life, costing them a fortune in the process. Evil.

Honestly I am not knocking weed. It would seriously be the last drug I would ban, it has many upsides, while the downsides are far slower to kick in and easier to deal with, unlike genuine physical addictions/downsides like cigarettes, coke, heroin, etc. I guess what it really comes down to is lifestyle choices, some people with their social connections and mindsets just don't do well with weed. It seems the specific area/culture I am from, people have been using weed heavily as a coping mechanism, it's a mistake, you clearly have a whole other experience with it.
There’s good in weed too. All the terpenes and cannabinoids are being studied medically and I personally think there’s something to that. Hell I know lots of people who switched from prescription medicine for bowel troubles, aches and pains (my friends are oldish) and just to feel better, to CBD. We’re getting more varieties of weed aimed at specific areas, whether it’s medical or recreational. Check out my CBG post (shameless self-promotion, I know), it’s a whole new type of weed, it says anti-carcinogenic. That’s huge, at least in my age group.

lol the genius of cocaine isn’t that it even feels good. In fact after a few hours it feels pretty shitty.

but- the main effect of coke is an overwhelming urge for more coke even though it’s not fun anymore.

it’s the perfect system.