Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

Do you really see the problem ?

  • yes, big chesseburgers meaning it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • yes fucking of course i fucking do !!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • yes my brain needs rechecking ... it is a problem but i'm not worried

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • are you worried ?

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
Ha yea ok buddy if it were a hold down the house situation you'd be dead be4 you ever placed the dynamite or c4 you have to get to the house to place those charges I could pick you off with a 308 at up to 600 yards and that's just my shot other people can shoot further

Pffft fly a fucking drone and drop the shit......I mean You dont even have to get close anymore to kill people.
Pffft fly a fucking drone and drop the shit......I mean You dont efen have to get close anymore to kill people
Another student of history LOL


Yes. The pro-ban reasoning was condors and eagles were being poisoned by eating vermin killed with lead and lost game from hunters. Outdoor shooting ranges were leaching massive amounts of lead into the water table. I even read an article beseeching the release of lead dust into the atmosphere with every pull of the trigger.

So now ammo costs more and defeats soft body armor. The bullet technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade or so.

Of course, January 1st, we will have to pay for and submit to a background check to purchase ammo. In a store that is

California's Prop 63 is phased in over 3 years. Large capacity magazine ban: July 1, 2017 is when I'll be guilty of an infraction. Ammo background check and permit: January 1, 2019. Plenty of time to stock up.
00 buckshot is over kill man it will punch right out someone's back if shot into them at close range. That shotgun is only there incase someone wants to rob my house in the middle of the night ( and that's only if they make it past the dogs). If we're taking about holding done a house against attackers or some shit then that's a different story and that's when the rifles and pistols come out to play
I know you think that bird shot will kill close range, but it might not.

At point blank range it will put wad and all through you. Ten foot away, maybe not. I say the intruder will still turn and leave. Maybe not. Maybe they are armed and they get time to let a round off at you.

We were having problems with coyotes bothering our calves I grab the shot gun and load it with 00 buck and head off. What I didn't realize is the first shell wasn't a 00 buck. It was a high brass #7 Very high brass. Identical shells and the writing had wore off.

We were walking and looking for a lost calf and looking for coyotes. I came across one, drew and took aim, fired and watched as it ran off. I had to track it a ways and shoot it again. I was close to it. As close as an intruder would be. It was a bad wound but a shallow one.

I mean police have reported leather jackets stopping up to 9mm.

Although it possible, the bird shot would have to be used at close range. Closer than I am comfortable with. It would also have to hit a soft tissue point. Either the neck or gut. Neck is a small target at night and a moving target. Gut is just a horrible way to shoot someone. I mean what if the intruder is still alive and armed. Either they are laying on the floor and you have to shoot at again at closer range. Who wants that? What if it doesn't wound them bad enough? They have a gun with more ammo and gain fire superiority? Bad place to be and try to grab a second weapon.

To each their own. I joked about rock salt. I used it one time on a dog thief. It was probably stupid but breeding and training papered hunting dogs takes a lot of time and a couple go missing that is thousands of dollars lost. It was a good distance away.

Bird shot might work, might not.
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ha ha !! wow

you guys really have a way to turn the tables and not answer questions straight up .....votes in, you all fucked.

good bye as god should have said ha !! when will you ever learn ?
ha ha !! wow

you guys really have a way to turn the tables and not answer questions straight up .....votes in, you all fucked.

good bye as god should have said ha !! when will you ever learn ?

Don't worry if we run out of good useable land......there is always UP^:fire:

Which should be nice and warm in a couple decades! :P

If anyone's's not the U.S.
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00 buckshot is over kill man it will punch right out someone's back if shot into them at close range. That shotgun is only there incase someone wants to rob my house in the middle of the night ( and that's only if they make it past the dogs). If we're talking about holding down a house against attackers or some shit then that's a different story and that's when the rifles and pistols come out to play
Home intruders rarely come alone, its nice to get them all in one shot. I too keep buck shot in the 12ga.
Another student of history LOL



Those would be considered slow and not that long range.......but they do work if you dont have someone else with modern warfare.

A Drone on the other hand! :D can be controlled for miles and never seen and outfitted with some very high tech gear.
00 buckshot is over kill man it will punch right out someone's back if shot into them at close range. That shotgun is only there incase someone wants to rob my house in the middle of the night ( and that's only if they make it past the dogs). If we're talking about holding down a house against attackers or some shit then that's a different story and that's when the rifles and pistols come out to play

In my family, I consider exit wounds from such an event unlikely. #00 ftw!

~edit~ on a reread, this sounds like I want to shoot my family. Faiiiil
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No I'll keep my kids over here in America where they have the right and freedom to pick up a gun see its about know how to use a gun that's important my kids have shot actual rifles since age 5
View attachment 3855553
My AR build looks similar to the second one from the left. I started dressing it up in foliage green, which looks more like an urban grey to non-military folks. Cool look, knocks em dead all the same. I bought two lowers, so I'm itching to build another. I'm thinking really short barrel.,1352
One of the places I shop, gotta love the South. Great prices too.