Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

Do you really see the problem ?

  • yes, big chesseburgers meaning it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • yes fucking of course i fucking do !!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • yes my brain needs rechecking ... it is a problem but i'm not worried

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • are you worried ?

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
California's Prop 63 is phased in over 3 years. Large capacity magazine ban: July 1, 2017 is when I'll be guilty of an infraction. Ammo background check and permit: January 1, 2019. Plenty of time to stock up.
Do you have kids you want to enjoy the same amount of freedom you do?

Stock up, think of the children.
I sure hope he aimed up a few more inches, geez! People sure can be ugly. I will never relinquish my rights to own a firearm, ever.
I was noticing the same thing. It underlines that war is the problem and not the weapon. Odd that OP is ignoring the Liopleurodon in the pool.

My AR build looks similar to the second one from the left. I started dressing it up in foliage green, which looks more like an urban grey to non-military folks. Cool look, knocks em dead all the same. I bought two lowers, so I'm itching to build another. I'm thinking really short barrel.,1352
One of the places I shop, gotta love the South. Great prices too.
458 SOCOM: When a regular caliber is just not quite enough!! Protection is in the eyes of the beholder....Come and let me behold it!458 SOCOM (2).JPG
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I want both these from kel tec. The sub 2000 in 9mm to match my carry pistol. Both will take Smith and Wesson 30 round clips.

The 12 gauge is a bull pup pump action. two mag tubes with a switch between. Holds seven on either side. 7 slugs on one side and seven 00 buck on the other. Hell yea.

Yes I know the story of the guy shooting his hand off with it. He put a forward grip for an air soft on it. It broke during rapid action and pulled the trigger with his hand in front of the barrel. If he would have used quality parts and not removed the wrist strap it would not have happened.