does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
You must be one of those people who live in a fairy tale world.You also most likely think That the whole world can just get along and be happy.
Wake up,We have been killing each other since the start and it WILL NEVER CHANGE.


Well-Known Member
You're done, then you post 6 lines complaining about getting attacked for questioning our countries' fundamental beliefs. Just go.


Well-Known Member
still no intelligent response. just because weve killedsince the dawn of time does that make it right? and louis i bet your young.


Well-Known Member
What do Ireland and America have in common?

We want the English to keep their noses out of our business.

Your empire is done. Your opinion has been noted several times and round filed.

Your points are not valid...and have not changed anyone's previous thoughts on the matter. Go back to your pub and bitch about the ignorant yanks who are too snooty to be re-educated by your superior English mind.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with anjisan.

What have the english ever done for us?

All they do is get in the way. Who here thinks we should buy england and turn it into a disneyland?


Well-Known Member
im impressed. i think your fellow americans have deserted you two. it must be survival of the intellectual fittest. guess who came last. lol. do you two ever think before you post? i think you might be embarrasing your nation. i love america. but does america love you two? lol. when god gave out brains you thought he said trains............................and missed yours!


Well-Known Member
im impressed. i think your fellow americans have deserted you two. it must be survival of the intellectual fittest. guess who came last. lol. do you two ever think before you post? i think you might be embarrasing your nation. i love america. but does america love you two? lol. when god gave out brains you thought he said trains............................and missed yours!
You are a English one at that. That means your teeth are twice as fucked up as other trolls.


Well-Known Member
im impressed. i think your fellow americans have deserted you two. it must be survival of the intellectual fittest. guess who came last. lol. do you two ever think before you post? i think you might be embarrasing your nation. i love america. but does america love you two? lol. when god gave out brains you thought he said trains............................and missed yours!
Yeah, it's us. It doesn't have anything to do with you getting flamed for 13 pages.....


Well-Known Member
i love it when people resort to insults. it shows more about you than it does about me. do you even know what this discussion is about? why the english taunts? do you support your military? if so then why do you insult the british? who in the world is a better friend to america than the british? no one. so before you talk on behalf of your nation at least be sure you know what your talking about.


Well-Known Member
Normally when you beat the living shit out of someone they either avoid you at all costs, or spend the next 200 years kissing your ass. That about sums up our relationship with england.


Well-Known Member
i enjoyed this thread untill you guys came and started getting personal. why dont we leave this thread for what it was intended and ill start a new thread now. i'll call it - personal insults against the british and irish by people who should know better.


Well-Known Member
i enjoyed this thread untill you guys came and started getting personal. why dont we leave this thread for what it was intended and ill start a new thread now. i'll call it - personal insults against the british and irish by people who should know better.
Doesn't mean I'll stop laughing when you post dumb shit in this one.


Well-Known Member
who in the world is a better friend to america than the british? no one. .

Hey steve, maybe you mentioned it already, maybe you didnt.

What exactly is your issue with guns? Why so much hatred for them?

I know they are responsible for many deaths worldwide, but even still, not nearly as many deaths as cars, or knives, or mcdonalds/

So what gives man?



Well-Known Member
you can intice me as much as you like but i have more control than you. you dont speak for america. thank god. im sure your average american respects their relationship with britain.


Well-Known Member
you can intice me as much as you like but i have more control than you. you dont speak for america. thank god. im sure your average american respects their relationship with britain.
You have more control? Let me go pick up a gun and we'll see about that. :) ;)


Well-Known Member
thats what i mean. through all the bullshit no one has even heard my point. i dont hate guns. im not scared of guns. i like firing guns. im not trying to ban hunting. i like hunting. im not a commie. or a hippie. (although i love led zepp and the doors.) i just wondered if anyone else was worried about all the idiots/rascist/fascist/survivalists/mentally unwell people who had guns. (no offence louis) my point is nobody has even read my posts. i have been accused of everything but asked nothing. could any of you look me in the eye and tell me you like the fact that you cant have a good old fashioned fist fight in america without worrying if your going to see your kids/louis again? that would piss me off! i know why you all have guns. its human nature, if i thought i was in a bar and everyone had a knife, i would take a knife. i understand. but im talking about utopia. if we could change it. no ifs and no buts. if you could be sure when you went out NOBODY had a gun would you need one? would you want one? lets talk straight. ive listened and all ive heared is the same 10 qoutes all the way through. i get accused of being a commie/hippie by people who have seen the headline and gone for the jugular.its out of order. i respect your opinions. i dont ask that you respect mine but at least have the common desencey to read it before you shoot it down.
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