I wonder why that is.thats what i mean. through all the bullshit no one has even heard my point. i dont hate guns. im not scared of guns. i like firing guns. im not trying to ban hunting. i like hunting. im not a commie. or a hippie. (although i love led zepp and the doors.) i just wondered if anyone else was worried about all the idiots/rascist/fascist/survivalists/mentally unwell people who had guns. (no offence louis) my point is nobody has even read my posts. i have been accused of everything but asked nothing. could any of you look me in the eye and tell me you like the fact that you cant have a good old fashioned fist fight in america without worrying if your going to see your kids/louis again? that would piss me off! i know why you all have guns. , if i thoits human natureught i was in a bar and everyone had a knife, i would take a knife. i understand. but im talking about utopia. if we could change it. no ifs and no buts. if you could be sure when you went out NOBODY had a gun would you need one? would you want one? lets talk straight. ive listened and all ive heared is the same 10 qoutes all the way through. i get accused of being a commie/hippie by people who have seen the headline and gone for the jugular.its out of order. i respect your opinions. i dont ask that you respect mine but at least have the common desencey to read it before you shoot it down.
That guy dropped that scum bag mighty fast.this is why we Americans need our guns, with a ban criminals will always have guns. Video speaks for itself.
strangerdude ive got to say i liked the vid. hardcore. i actually work in a bookies and was robbed last year. a guy came in with a big knife put it in my face and im not ashamed to admit i shit my pants! but the outcome was similar. he took the money no one was hurt and he was arrested and jailed two months ago. apparently he had a bad drug habit and had dealer debts to pay. after i had sick thoughts running through my head.if i had a gun i would have shot him. that why im glad i didnt.
bigtomatofarmer said:Hey steve, maybe you mentioned it already, maybe you didnt.
What exactly is your issue with guns? Why so much hatred for them?
I know they are responsible for many deaths worldwide, but even still, not nearly as many deaths as cars, or knives, or mcdonalds/
So what gives man?
I just got a woody from reading that postWe've kept guns becasue one day in the not so distant future america is going to have another revolution.
I just got a woody from reading that post
another revolution is exaclty what we need, this Obama fucker has gone too far
im not against guns! i just think violence perpetuates violence. and when guns get involved it gets dangerous. nobody anserwed any of my questions. as usual. would you prefer to go out knowing NO ONE had a gun? please will someone at least try to reply to my question. in the old days they said live ny the sword, die by the sword. i guess you know what im going to say.
LOLjesus i bet bin laden has a woodie. he wants to destryo america and all you guys want to revolt for him. i call that treason.