does anyone see that mexican brick weed by bulk anymore????


I'm in florida now but when I use to live in Ohio I use to frequently come across large quantities of this mexican brick weed. I never really smoked it but I do remember a few times when the shit was actually decent at times. I could buy 10 pounds of it for approx $6000. I use to associate with guys that moved weight fast so if they were dry Id pick up 10 pounds and drop it off and make 2-3 grand. well that was 10 years ago and life is different now but I did come across a guy that moves this mexican reggie fast and I was asking older friends about this to acquire some to make a few bucks because I lost my job. most said they don't come across it that often in weight. a few said they might be able to find a pound but laughed at the thought of 10 pounds. They said good luck finding 10 pounds of anything! I just remember the days where i could go buy anywhere from a pound to 80 pounds of this shit. maybe because I've been out the game my connects aren't as good and I'm just getting old lol ( early 30's here)
But here's my theory. with states starting to legalize it and states like california growing great quality stuff, is there just a smaller market for the commercial weed?
is it because more Americans are growing their own legal or not? are the borders better protected? lol or is it just my lame ass?
just want feedback on this most everyone on here are great ppl with advice they truly believe to be correct a few asses here and there but this is a great sight.
I know ppl are going to have negative shit to say about me buying and selling yadayada but it's my life my choices and me facing the consequences like a man so please keep the negative shit to yourself and just tell me what you think or know and if you so happen come to florida with weight at a good price find me Thanks smokers!


Well-Known Member
i don't often see mexican brick weed, but i don't see why someone would wish you luck on finding 10 pounds of anything. i don't even move tree anymore but know for a fact i could make a few phone calls and procure a large quantity of decent quality commercial weed (not even compressed), assuming i have cash of-course. maybe, "good luck finding a 10 pound front".

if you got cash you will find the connects. just get back into the game a little bit i suppose.


Well-Known Member
No mex brick is still around. 400 a lb in my area...though hybridizing with indicas and getting dense uncompressed bud is quite common now days, most of the true bricks are coming out of Columbia imo

Its sad really. I miss the good brick, its an art that was developed overtime to allow stringy sativas to cure wonderfully and allow you to smoke the strings of calyxes with ease.. I only grow land races, many do not appreciate the art and tradition in bricking. It wasn't developed by cartels for smuggling. Quality brick tastes delicious and is very potent.. sadly most of the country never sees the good stuff as it doesn't leave the border states and the true dank rarely leaves Mexico


Well-Known Member
No mex brick is still around. 400 a lb in my area...though hybridizing with indicas and getting dense uncompressed bud is quite common now days, most of the true bricks are coming out of Columbia imo

Its sad really. I miss the good brick, its an art that was developed overtime to allow stringy sativas to cure wonderfully and allow you to smoke the strings of calyxes with ease.. I only grow land races, many do not appreciate the art and tradition in bricking. It wasn't developed by cartels for smuggling. Quality brick tastes delicious and is very potent.. sadly most of the country never sees the good stuff as it doesn't leave the border states and the true dank rarely leaves Mexico
i was under the impression that bricks were developed by cartels for the purpose of smuggling. if this isn't true, then what is? do you know why bricking was developed? i'd love to know.


Well-Known Member
yeha i used to love the old REGS. Got if for 7 a lb just for buyin 1 at a time. so i can only imagin how cheap wed get em if we got 10 at a time.

we were always amped when wed buy an oz or 2 and only find like 4 seeds in the whole thing. aaah good times

But as of lately i still see it but everyone i know has converted to kuh.

I could find it if i wanted, but id rather just throw a handfull of seeds in the woods and come back 3 months later.


Well-Known Member
A true landrace south/central American sativa grows like a Dr grinspoon. Extremely airy, basically only growing strings of calyxes, an 8inch fox tail isn't uncommon. Because the budsgrow like this you can't just take a nug and grind it to smoke, there aren't nugs to grab. So they take these strings of calyxes and compress them into a brick. They do this after drying for a week, it then cures and developes in the brick. If left in the open they are so airy they dry up very quickly and never get a good aroma. This is a very traditional process similar to other places turning their bud into hash.. in the brick it is extremely stable not receiving light or oxidizing on the inside. Moisture levels are constant throughout as well...
cartels started producing poor quality weed and then harvesting improperly while not drying properly and storing properly lead to nasty bricks that most people are used too... a good brick smells delicious when broken up and very sticky. Usually limes and rotten mangoes


Well-Known Member
hahaha it is though. Thats how regs is made. Seeds from last years harvest tossed all along the field. No males get weeded out. Come back maybe once a month to give em some nutes and thats it. hahaha deer will eat a few, wind will knock a few down. some will probably just die. But youd end up with a few lbs of some good ole downtown brown. haha


New Member
I'm in Washington state now and haven't seen cheap brick weed since I've been here...but my friend in Florida said that's all he could get there. I have friends in Wisconsin who say about the same...sometimes good weed comes through, but then theyre back to schwag. It existed in abundance in El Paso when I was stationed there in 2007ish (though I did not partake) and could be had for $20/oz by a friend (which is probably a lot for that area).

You know what's available when you have the money for it? ANYTHING.

Kow your local market


I don't know many ppl in Florida and my wife is a professional so it's hard to fit that conversation piece in the daily mix. i did find one guy but he told me $1200 a p ( we haven't talked since )
Thats funny 10 years ago I use to know this guy who was in his late 20's he literally filled a uhaul hooked to the back of his truck and drove from washington state just dropping off pounds along the way. he said if he still had some left he would go all the way to new york but usually ran out by the time he got to cleveland and detroit. I occasionally wonder what he is doing and wish i would've stayed in touch with him and many others but life and kids take you in a different direction at times. Id be willing to go as far as texas but man I'm scared lol ppl have told me texas is no joke as far as breaking the law goes but I just read 2 days ago how most states are telling the judges that they don't have to follow minimum sentencing guidelines for drug offenses so that's proof there relaxing on the buds and if I can make a lil dough so be it. i'm not looking for a front but if someone did half n half i wouldn't turn it down. I'm looking to spend about 2500 with someone the first time and if theres mutual trust we would go from there. but from what ppl are inboxing me I need to go to Texas.


Active Member
Back in the 70's we bought it for 375 a LB Really shitty weed by todays standards. It's not around for a good reason no one would smoke that rag weed.


Active Member
Why would you fuck around with it. They put you in jail for a pack of papers in TX. Sounds like you are conspiring to traffic. Have fun with bubba in jail.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see the mexi brick all the way up here in NE. It goes for 600-800 a lb depends on the quality the nice greener stuff is more expensive the black and brown cheap as fuck. I used to sell this shit in high school I'd sell it like 10-15 1/8th depends if I liked you. Of course my bois would just get freebies I didn't care then it was a good gig I had going. As soon as I graduated I didn't have much clientel and got out of the game. Now I just like to smoke my own shit and chill. No need risking prison time especially when I got a 4 year old to take care of.


Yeah I see the mexi brick all the way up here in NE. It goes for 600-800 a lb depends on the quality the nice greener stuff is more expensive the black and brown cheap as fuck. I used to sell this shit in high school I'd sell it like 10-15 1/8th depends if I liked you. Of course my bois would just get freebies I didn't care then it was a good gig I had going. As soon as I graduated I didn't have much clientel and got out of the game. Now I just like to smoke my own shit and chill. No need risking prison time especially when I got a 4 year old to take care of.
Ya I'm doubting traveling now i have 3 year old daughter but I'm not going to lie if i found it within a hour or two from me and just had to drop it off somewhere to make decent money I would. but ya leaving the state doesn't sound so hot.
Bendover billy you sound like a cop get off my thread! i'm not conspiring shit I'm asking hypothetical ?'s here


New Member
i used to live in phoenix, you could buy that shit for like 300/lb, and it was everywhere. not up here in big sky country anymore though, mostly because we quit running it up here!


New Member
I see cartel crap weed now and then in hands of people living close to Detroit . Same game as back in the day , some bricks are winners and others are beyond lost . I have not smoked this shit for years and it would really be a crime for me to smoke anything that resembles such . I do grow some sats that remind me of true mex before the Indicas took over the scene .


Well-Known Member
I know a bunch of mexicans, here around STL we get all sorts of bulk shit in bricks, purp, brown, green, all colours, and depending on how far up the food chain you are, or which gang you are in (or which one your dude is in) it usually goes for 300-600 an elbow, maybe a bit cheaper if you buy in bulk. I was locked up with a mexican who said he had someone rip of 35 Ps of some orange kush from him, I'm pretty sure the ripper is not breathing anymore


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone get involved with that shit. No money to be made, cann't sell it, to cheap to transport it and yes getting through texas checkpoint is almost impossible, even i know that and Im in Canada! 15 years ago it was well worth the effort to move a truck load, now head to Colorado and get as much kick ass as you want. Thats what i hear anyways lol. Unfortunately im not allowed to go there lol.


New Member
Why would anyone get involved with that shit. No money to be made, cann't sell it, to cheap to transport it and yes getting through texas checkpoint is almost impossible, even i know that and Im in Canada! 15 years ago it was well worth the effort to move a truck load, now head to Colorado and get as much kick ass as you want. Thats what i hear anyways lol. Unfortunately im not allowed to go there lol.
You got kicked out of Colorado? Haha badass.
I went there once in the 90's for an omelette, wound up with a nasty hangover and a pretty tasty pizza. Never did get my Denver omelette though.