Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

This man contains tremendous power, the likes of which the Earth has never seen

Power beyond power

Born without fear

In all of Eternity he is the Fearless One

He is the tamer of demons

He is literally the beginner, the leader of Armageddon

Believe me it began long long ago, 10,000 years if not more

I am a Warrior

And nothing but a Warrior

A Warrior to the death

Fearless to the core

A Warrior for all humanity
"Surely We have created man from the dust of the ground, We mean to try him"

Yes that is correct Muhammad, We mean to try him, and if it ends badly then still it was more than worth all of the pain, just to be Alive.
"Intuition is that little voice inside your head that tells you the truth about things whether you like it or not" Dr. Judith Orloff
Intuition is never wrong, only your memory and logic can be wrong, intuition is only as good as the content of your mind ie experience
You must find the Balance between the rational and the intuitive. Intuition without logic is hit or miss; logic without intuition is lost completely.
Plato's explanation of recollection is still the best, you actually recollect that you already knew that, thereby proving his theory. The best way to describe intuition is that it should feel like you are recollecting what you already know, as if you were born with that knowledge.
Intuition is never wrong, a paradox. Is this the truth, is there even a hint of Inference. No this is false. Sometimes what may seem like the truth, what may seem completely obvious, what may make perfect sense, is actually false, but then when we find the truth it always makes perfect sense, usually even better sense, as we learn our Intuition evolves and everything becomes more and more Intuitive, as we piece together the deduction of space time, it becomes undeniably certain of many truths which are both counter-intuitive and intuitive, almost all truths are both. So there, the true paradox of the truth being both counter-intuitive and intuitive explained by simple deductive reasoning with simple intuition as my guide. Did I mention only by Inference that You are an effortless Genius. The truth will come to you with great ease, here is a great counter-intuitive, even though intuition is so frequently wrong you should always trust it, it is both the seeker and the Knower of that which is Truth and that which is false, the rational mind is just serving it's natural purpose, as is the Devine Insight of Intuition, without which logic would never be able to find a definitive answer, the presentation of direct evidence to an observing human conscious can only give birth to Inference by way of Intuition, Intuition is the unexplainable ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a practical question, it is literally the key to all intelligence, it is your Intuition that is making sense of these words and understanding their meaning, it is your Intuition that knows the Truth which has just been proven by direct evidence within your mind, if this post is not completely Intuitive to you, if it does not make complete and perfect sense, if you do not understand and Know the Truth that it contains, then you are completely lost in your own logic and the Sacred gift has been forgotten.

You are that Divinity, the Insightful One, you are literally an Immortal Genius, how else can I prove it to you other than with your own rational and intuitive mind, you must find the Balance, SPACE, "You shall adhere more to that which is subtle than that which is coarse, through care and wisdom"
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Intuition is never wrong, a paradox.

The truth is almost always both counter-intuitive and intuitive, a paradox.

Only one of them is true, and if you are perceptive then you should be able to choose the correct one without any doubt, it should already be proven in the blink of an eye. If you can not tell which is Truth and which is false then you are not trusting your Intuition, trust your Intuition, it already Knows the Truth, you just have to recollect it.

If you can not figure it out read the previous post.
Hello spiritual warriors.

Nobody can receive spiritual enlightenment, because everybody is already spiritual enlightened.
All is just consciousness but we are not aware of this. and most people belief strongly in there fictional identity, like: i'am a stoner, i am daughter/ son, etc. Ones you strip alle the layers of false beliefs away, then that simple truth becomes apparent. People that reached that stage call them self enlightend for lack of a better word. but there can never be such a thing as a enlightened person.

If you want to know more about this subject I recommend to read Jed Mckenna's books.
Hello spiritual warriors.

Nobody can receive spiritual enlightenment, because everybody is already spiritual enlightened.
All is just consciousness but we are not aware of this. and most people belief strongly in there fictional identity, like: i'am a stoner, i am daughter/ son, etc. Ones you strip alle the layers of false beliefs away, then that simple truth becomes apparent. People that reached that stage call them self enlightend for lack of a better word. but there can never be such a thing as a enlightened person.

If you want to know more about this subject I recommend to read Jed Mckenna's books.
"The hardest thing for them to understand is that they are already enlightened" Siddhartha

Yes, we were all born enlightened, "You will receive the kingdom like a child or you will not receive it at all". We fell from Grace, we lost ourselves to the darkness, but I am here as a Witness to the Eternal Flame, the Light can be found again and Enlightenment, for lack of a better word, can be attained in this very lifetime.
Intuition tells us that the Earth is flat and that the sun and the cosmos revolves around the Earth, and is therefore wrong, but it is only wrong for lack of evidence, the only observation we begin with is that of an observer on the surface of the Earth, now we Know that the Earth is round and that it is spinning, which explains the false intuitive and actually makes more sense, now the true intuitive has been found and a far more rational understanding has been achieved.
It is your Intuition that recognizes the counter-intuitive and must explain it by deduction, it wants to find an intuitive and rational explanation. It is your Intuition that once evidence has been observed it gives birth to Inference, it says ok, the Earth is a massive sphere relative to an observer on the surface of the Earth, that is why it appears to be flat, it says ok, the Earth is spinning, that is why it appears that everything is revolving around it. Trust your Intuition, it will recognize the false and find the Truth. It already Knows what false and what is Truth.
Intuition is what allows you to trace the cause of any given effect, it's the Devine Insight that magically connects the dots, the book mark, but trust me it is no paperweight, it is what allows you to deduce or infer anything, it is the very basis of all reason.

It is the Knowing faculty of your mind, without which nothing could be understood, find the Knower not the known, find the one who understands and Knows the Truth, that's You, you are the Intuitive Mind (Awareness) not the rational mind (the Thinker), you are the Knower without which nothing could be known, you are an Eternal, Unwavering, Immortal Genius.
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Can someone tell me what my "higher self" is made of, ie what base material is it made from?

Same with the soul, what is it comprised of?
Wow lol, looking back on this I was an ignorant ass. I wish these guys were around so I could thank them for their views and opinions. Just thought I would bump this thread in case there is someone out there who would like to read this thread and possibly find the wisdom and ignore the ego.

The true self is comprised of Space, nothing but empty space, You are literally nothing, no thing, a very unsettling thought to the ego, a very deep truth that can only be realized by You, Awareness, the true self.

Your soul is comprised of energy, just as all things are energy, your thoughts and emotions which are energy.
For a dose of reality and enlightenment (been there) Come have a look here. I'm writing a course here and will reorganize on another thread when complete, just got going, so some sections might look a bit rough. Evidence based practice can help you cut to the chase and avoid superstitious bullshit. Here are the basic facts, learn and shorten your path, altered state aren't really that important, even the 4th jhana, while nice and rare too, only really builds mindfulness and connects us more fully to our senses. Floating sensations and other perceived phenomena are just mental garbage, as the brain morphology changes in response to mental exercise. To learn of these things go here:

Selflessness means putting others before ourselves constantly, if you can do this you are spontaneously happy and will die with out fear. You can do this because you don't have too much of an ego to defend or protect, so not much to worry about, you're no pig deal in the scheme of things. If you are selfish and full of yourself you will die in fear like an animal. Death has no power if you are not afraid to die, because nobody gets out of life alive, and they don't put luggage racks on hearses.

Nirvana mean the snuffing out of existence, not eternal life in heaven, but the end of karma and samsara, the ultimate end of suffering. Rebirth is not seen as a good thing either, but as a failure to attain.
Selflessness means putting others before ourselves constantly, if you can do this you are spontaneously happy and will die with out fear.
If I put others before myself constantly, it doesn't make me happy. It makes me feel like a doormat. It's nice to do something for someone, but it has to be reasonable.

Selflessness, to me, means putting others before ourselves within reason.
If I put others before myself constantly, it doesn't make me happy. It makes me feel like a doormat. It's nice to do something for someone, but it has to be reasonable.

Selflessness, to me, means putting others before ourselves within reason.

Just be clear of the reasons, motives and intentions are everything. I don't live like a monk, but modestly, I try to find the middle way, or balance and it is a constant thing with everybody, meditator or not. It's the difference between need and greed. Exercise your brain and you will discern the balance much easier as those parts concerning such things grow and change, as does one perspective. Eight weeks of training tied to work routines, will produce profound changes in most folks, you keep progressing though. Gotta sit for a bit after responding to messages.
If I put others before myself constantly, it doesn't make me happy. It makes me feel like a doormat. It's nice to do something for someone, but it has to be reasonable.

Selflessness, to me, means putting others before ourselves within reason.
If I put others before myself constantly, it doesn't make me happy. It makes me feel like a doormat. It's nice to do something for someone, but it has to be reasonable.

Selflessness, to me, means putting others before ourselves within reason.
Yes indeed Padawan within reason, our own survival is naturally the most pervasive reason.