Does hearing Cheeto Jesus on TV make anyone else feel ill??

it's hard for me to fathom that someone who had access to some of the best schools in the country and has been some what successful as a businessman can have such a limited vocabulary, but every time he opens his mouth, he proves just how wrong i am..

I was watching a show (I think it was Bill Maher) that had a compilation of clips from Donald Trump interviews from the 80' S until now. He was very articulate in his early interviews.
His vocabulary and syntax now are either coldly calculated to reach the average education level of the visible majority of his supporters or the signs of a diminishing brain.
Rawn Pawl is racist as fuck. Not just a little racist, not just throwing the word racist around for effect, he is a full blown racist piece of shit and just about all of the most racist people in the US supported him for years.
Ridiculous. Guilty by association. Like Obama to his preacher.
I was watching a show (I think it was Bill Maher) that had a compilation of clips from Donald Trump interviews from the 80' S until now. He was very articulate in his early interviews.
His vocabulary and syntax now are either coldly calculated to reach the average education level of the visible majority of his supporters or the signs of a diminishing brain.
I agree, he sounded sane in the past actually.
Nothing about his platform was racist to me at the time. If I knew he was racist I wouldn't have voted for him. Politics is a dirty business. There are all kinds of groups out there donating. I agreed with most of what he said running, if there was a racist element to his political platform I wouldn't have. Yes, it has come out that racist groups donated to his campaign. Guilty by association.
Nothing about his platform was racist to me at the time. If I knew he was racist I wouldn't have voted for him. Politics is a dirty business. There are all kinds of groups out there donating. I agreed with most of what he said running, if there was a racist element to his political platform I wouldn't have. Yes, it has come out that racist groups donated to his campaign. Guilty by association.
His platform? He was opposed to the civil rights act based on 'muh propertee'. He profited off of a very racist newsletter full of some of the most bigoted screeds that have been published too.

Rawn Pawl is as racist as any politician in the recent past and then some.
Nothing about his platform was racist to me at the time. If I knew he was racist I wouldn't have voted for him. Politics is a dirty business. There are all kinds of groups out there donating. I agreed with most of what he said running, if there was a racist element to his political platform I wouldn't have. Yes, it has come out that racist groups donated to his campaign. Guilty by association.
Did you read the article? He also had racist staffers and profited from a racist newsletter. He can say he's not a racist all he wants. He never even has to say a racist word his whole life but his actions speak volumes.
He also claimed he didn't know Don Black after that photo came out showing the KKK leader with him but a subpoena regarding the planned paramilitary invasion of Dominica attests to the falsehood of this.
I did read the article. If there were racist policies promoted by him in his campaign I would like to hear that. There were political associations that were guilty of this. I'm still waiting for the perfect political entity to emerge, aren't you? My god man.
If you were to say you liked him until you found out he was racist as fuck, that is one thing. Why are you continuing to defend such a racist piece of shit?
I can understand your distaste for Ron Paul because of his affiliations. I have them too. Ok, it may come down to the lesser of evils. I don't know what the answer is to the mess that is our government. I can only say RP was a stalwart in congress and voted every time on what he believed and not on special interest. And that I agree almost exclusively on his votes. This is very rare for any politician. In fact, nonexistent that I know of.
No candidate EVER (before or since) has said we need to pull out all our troops and end this policing of the world OR we need to end to end the drug war completely and end criminalizing what people choose to put in their own bodies OR we need to end the private Fed from collecting our money without ANY government audit or oversight. Fuck. I'll vote for him still today.