Does hearing Cheeto Jesus on TV make anyone else feel ill??

But still, can you tell me any racist policies promoted by his campaign? This I would like to know.
Was it the campaign or the man? The man has published a lot of racist shit and retracted none of it.

How to Gun Down an “Urban Youth”

From the Ron Paul Political Report, October 1992 (PDF), under the subtitle “Blast ‘Em?”:
“If you live in a major city, you’ve probably heard about the newest threat to your life and limb, and your family: carjacking.

“It’s the hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos. The youth simply walk up to a car they like, pull a gun, tell the family to get out, steal their jewelry and wallets, and take the car to wreck. Such actions have ballooned in recent months.

“What can you do? More and more Americans are carrying a gun in the car. An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth, you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such a gun cannot, of course, be registered to you, but one bought privately (through the classifieds, for example.)”

There are years of examples. All done under his name and practically all of it reviewed by him before it went to press.
It is sad. That was a newsletter unfortunately associated with him. And racist. Was he aware? Your'e right, he should have been.
His policies , if implemented, would have rolled back a racist system beyond anything before. That is what matters to me.
Hillary supported the Drug War wholeheartedly. Donny is a demon of the corrupt law enforcement cabal. Excuse me for having hope for something better.
You didn't provide any evidence that any of Ron Paul's policies were racist or he was racist himself, dude.
It is sad. That was a newsletter unfortunately associated with him. And racist. Was he aware? Your'e right, he should have been.
Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say
The Republican presidential candidate has denied writing inflammatory passages in the pamphlets from the 1990s and said recently that he did not read them at the time or for years afterward. Numerous colleagues said he does not hold racist views.

But people close to Paul’s operations said he was deeply involved in the company that produced the newsletters, Ron Paul & Associates, and closely monitored its operations, signing off on articles and speaking to staff members virtually every day.

“It was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product. . . . He would proof it,’’ said Renae Hathway, a former secretary in Paul’s company and a supporter of the Texas congressman’s.
That said, I'd be hard pressed if I had to choose between Trump and Ron Paul for prez. I think I'd go for Paul.

Now about those newsletters,

Ron Paul's Shaggy Defense

Be that as it may, I think it's extremely important that the discerning consumer understand that the problem isn't merely that Ron Paul claims that the newsletters are a bizarre forgery, but that when initially asked about them Paul actually defended the letters.

As Matt Welch reported back in 2008, In 1992, Paul published a newsletter in which he claimed:

Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.

Paul defended this statement citing criminal justice stats and saying, "These aren't my figures," Dr. Paul said Tuesday. "That is the assumption you can gather from" the report.
Fill in your own assumptions in between his actual words and what the writer interjects into the story. Remember that all liberal media outlets were against him taking votes from their own candidate. I'll take the record of votes of the man and his policies put forth by his campaign. Believe whatever you chose to believe. Tell me I'm wrong and I'm a racist for believing in that campaign. Whatever, cheers. I want something better for all people, regardless of race or skin color. Ending the Drug War would have turned this country around and now we have an idiot pushing for a police state. Congratulations.
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