dogs and weed?

My best friend (growing up) had a beagle named katie, when we were teens, she used to come running when we smoked! lol...she loved it...My opinion on this subject is not to force it on the animal, thats just wrong...Now if the dog comes running over during smoke break and wants to catch a contact buzz, I see nothing wrong with it... Just my 2 cents..
i got this pitbull that allwaaaaays comes running when i smoke a blunt and damn near stands on top of me just to get a whiff.
i usually just chase him away, but he seems to like it.
another day he ate my big boy brownies =O i thought if the cannabis wont kill him, the chocolate will. he survived, but he was actin real weird man haha
got up in the couch where he mos def isnt pose to be doin. just chillin.
Yeah my dog likes cunt i have to ask Girls if they are on the rag or it gets kinda ugly he dont like or take NO for a answer you sound like a bitch can my dog have your face for a minute. My cat would claw me if i didnt smoke it out but he didnt love MJ right your a tool.... Sounds like you dont need to be on a MJ site blasting what the whole forum is about the right to use and grow If you have never been around a pothead animal then shut the fuck up you dont know what your talking about and remove your head but from the sounds of it, its been up there for most of your life and might be stuck in the anal tube. Just a thought.
after reading through a few of the last posts it seems people are getting mixed up a bit, nobody is really slagging weed on a cannabis site, they are slagging people giving weed to there pets. this forum is about growing weed for human consumption. the day this forum becomes about growing weed for giving to your dog then thats a different story. also i cant believe some of you are naive as to think just because your dog is wagging its tail and licking you it loves weed. if you put out a bowl of rat poison they would lap it up, they dont know better. im not saying dogs are stupid, they arent. you are responsible for your animals so get a bit of cop on and start acting like mature owners, because reading some of the stuff on here a lot of you are falling far short of the mark. there are 2 types of dog owners, ones that fuck there dogs out the back and feed them cheap shit. then theres the other kind that look after there pets, give them lots of attention and always try and do whats best for there animals.
dont get me wrong, passive weed smoke is one thing but deliberately getting your dog stoned is another. on the whole scheme of things though this isnt half as bad as some of the shit thats going on with pets nowadays.
Only a complete cunt gets a dog high, any fucker who does this deserves a fucking pasting.

What about when it's the animals CHOICE?

Just another ignorant person.
People as close minded and blind like this don't realize it but they're mimicking the american government.
Think about it.......
What about when it's the animals CHOICE?

Just another ignorant person.
People as close minded and blind like this don't realize it but they're mimicking the american government.
Think about it.......

Talking out your fucking arse mate, animals choice LMFAO. How the fuck am i the ignorant one you really are a dippy cunt arent ya how would a non stoner react to people getting there pets monged. It does fuck all but make us all look like fucking A holes, Jesus fucking christ some people are just bell ends who think its funny to get there dogs stoned, i dont, it has fuck all to do with mimicking the american government its called being a responsable dog owner you muppet.
Who gives a fuck about non stoners they are the fucking enemy you idiot they are the sheep that follow the flock its natural and grows in ALL parts of the world not just from one tiny little part of the world it was made for US animals to consume do you know anything about plants? Why do you think we are drawn to it like every other animal it gets us high we move its seeds for it. Think about it you eat it then walk 10 miles take a dump and there you go what the fuck do you think fruit is thats how the plant spreads its seeds ya really think 1000's of seeds were ment to be dropped at the base of the plant no its meant to be eaten and then shat out miles away.........Hmmmm and i think animals were doing this long before humans..... I mean shit man you dont sound like you even support MJ you sound like a cop a snitch a square so what one are ya?
ok so now ive backed up thousands of years of usage from animals what you got? You have no common sense only gov feed knowledge step outside the box buddy its GREENER on this side.
Talking out your fucking arse mate, animals choice LMFAO. How the fuck am i the ignorant one you really are a dippy cunt arent ya how would a non stoner react to people getting there pets monged. It does fuck all but make us all look like fucking A holes, Jesus fucking christ some people are just bell ends who think its funny to get there dogs stoned, i dont, it has fuck all to do with mimicking the american government its called being a responsable dog owner you muppet.

Hey, everybody is entitled to their opinion, but all you're doing is providing even more proof of your ignorance and maybe a touch of illiteracy.
Unless you can show where I've stated I think getting a dog high is funny, it's probably best if you STFU.

Watch, I'll bet he deletes his posts out of embarrassment like so many others have once they've realized their ignorance and stupidity.
Mine stand strong i dont delete my shit:-) If i dont have first hand proof then i dont open my mouth i hate people who read some shit dont even see if for themselves and then for the rest of their little sheep lives follow blindly i know links are frowned upon but i think everyone needs to watch and listen to this song it has truth in it plus its a DAMN good smokin song im going to partake myself RIGHT NOW and we'll see who comments on this guy and what kinda coments it will show who you truly are to everyone on RIU.

Enjoy my friends and LISTEN up you non supporters;-)
Back in the '90's my retriever ate about a 5 gram chunk of my buddies black hash off the table while he was passed out. The dog slept for 2 days. It only got up to go pee and when it lifted it's leg, it fell over and pissed all over itself. I was not a happy camper at the time though its a funny story today.
Re read what I wrote, where does it say you get your dog high? I'm just wondering what's the point to blowing smoke in your dog's face. You make no valid points, and you are too fuckin dumb to realize you just emphasized my point. Your puppy tried to eat your plants? I'm sure he tried to chew everything because that's what puppies do. Clearly they are dumb creatures who will not benifit from a retarded owner blowing already inhaled smoke in their face. Learn a lil about how dogs breathe threw their nose, I'm sure even a dimwit like you can figure out that they aren't wired to have smoke blown towards their noses. So to answer your question, your missing the point is wtf I'm saying (never knew dudes used text talk feels as lady like as I thought it would)
Here we go with the name calling so I'm dumb huh? Well your a fucking asshole with his head up a asshole and as of learning how a dog breathes come on dude I own 2 pit bulls wouldn't you think I know a little something about dogs?Just face it you're not on my level of understanding but it's ok you'll be there one day when you grow up and stop the name calling or I will clown you.