Donald Trump

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Your argument is erroneous. Christians have been killing in the name of Christ since basically the start (as has been pointed out to you many times now) But if you want to continue thinking "you're" interpretation of God is the "right one" because_____......well go right ahead if it makes you feel special. But you dont have moral authority high ground here based on perceived greater good. You want to play that game Buddha wins.

Either you can wrap your head around the concept that ALL religious dogma is subjective and open to interpretation (or at least that ALL religious people do that by definition) or you cant. Just cause some folks choose to kill in the name of Allah and rationalize it through an interpretation does not damn the whole bunch. By that logic I guess YOU'RE responsible for shooting black folks in churches because some wingnut interpreted the message of Christ a particular way. Hitler believed he was doing a personal favor to God by clearing out the "mud races", was that you too?

The KKK were well ingrained into the infrastructure of our country in the 1860's but I wouldn't saythey represented our country as a whole.
How is the word YES open to interpretation?

Is English not your native language?
How is the word YES open to interpretation?

Is English not your native language?
Is denial yours?

Christians kill people in the name of god all the time.

You lot are no exception to the rule.
You have no moral high ground.
You are not "better".
Get over it.

You want to show me you're "better?"

Start being a good christian and help some refugees.

Show me being "better" through action and good works. Don't simply tell me you're "better" because "their" worse.
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Islam promotes murder and deception. Insult religion however you like, but that doesn't change the fact that nearly 2 billion people believe these teachings. There is no twisting, there is no misunderstood meaning. Mohammad said "YES" to both murder and deception. There is not one mirrored quote that can be found that can be attributed to Jesus Christ. Islam is NOT Christianity.

Do you just not read history? Your premise is downright laughable.
Is denial yours?

Christians kill people in the name of god all the time.

You lot are no exception to the rule.
You have no moral high ground.
You are not "better".
Get over it.

You want to show me you're "better?"

Start being a good christian and help some refugees.

Show me being "better" through action and good works. Don't simply tell me you're "better" because "their" worse.

Must be a "yes" regarding how much trouble you have with contractions and homophones, not to mention reading comprehension.

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you've failed preschool?
Must be a "yes" regarding how much trouble you have with contractions and homophones, not to mention reading comprehension.

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you've failed preschool?

Way to ignore the facts (again) being presented. That 20 yr olds preschool zinger blew my mind. But you're doing yourself no favors continuing to make ignorant statements underlining a general prejudice. Im sorry if you find my lack of respect for your argument insulting but your desire to paint a whole creed of people as an enemy because of a passage in their holy text is just ridiculous. No one is coming for you...I doubt they feel you're that important, dont worry.

Im not saying you're not a "good" Christian, I dont know you.

If you want to argue about the exact words in a book....ok....dumb...
Want to argue about the meaning behind the words? slightly less dumb...
Want to have a discussion and learn as much about the words as we can teach each other? Cool, valid.
Want to condemn a whole creed of people for some of the words written regardless of how many of those people see it as a cry to violence and the still fewer number that are crazy enough to act on that?

oh I dont just seems a little extreme for my tastes. Just of a different denomination.

The very fact you seem unable to even acknowledge the comparison of religions (regardless of to what degree) comes off as you being as myopic about your faith as anyone (maybe your not...cant tell).

Despite not agreeing with you I appreciate the conversation. Just wish it was more of a conversation.
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Start being a good christian and help some refugees.

Show me being "better" through action and good works. Don't simply tell me you're "better" because "their" worse.

I think BarryO has a christian group helping him settle refugees in the USA now.

Who would of thunk?
Way to ignore the facts (again) being presented. That 20 yr olds preschool zinger blew my mind. But you're doing yourself no favors continuing to make ignorant statements underlining a general prejudice. Im sorry if you find my lack of respect for your argument insulting but your desire to paint a whole creed of people as an enemy because of a passage in their holy text is just ridiculous. No one is coming for you...I doubt they feel you're that important, dont worry.

Im not saying you're not a "good" Christian, I dont know you.

If you want to argue about the exact words in a book....ok....dumb...
Want to argue about the meaning behind the words? slightly less dumb...
Want to have a discussion and learn as much about the words as we can teach each other? Cool, valid.
Want to condemn a whole creed of people for some of the words written regardless of how many of those people see it as a cry to violence and the still fewer number that are crazy enough to act on that?

oh I dont just seems a little extreme for my tastes. Just of a different denomination.

The very fact you seem unable to even acknowledge the comparison of religions (regardless of to what degree) comes off as you being as myopic about your faith as anyone (maybe your not...cant tell).

Despite not agreeing with you I appreciate the conversation. Just wish it was more of a conversation.
Your posts are full of assumptions and generalizations. I have presented a simple quote from the Prophet Mohammed telling his follower to deceive and murder. I also stated that nearly 2 billion people believe in what this man said and ordered.

I'm starting to think that you didn't even read the script despite the fact that it was in very simple English.

You counter fact with HUGE assumptions time after time. I don't believe that I once offered my own policy. I merely present facts and you take them and run with them. I show that Mohammad was petty, brutal, and ordered his men to deceive and murder in plain words easy to understand that have been cited, yet you profess that his simple "yes" is open to interpretation. You make assumptions about myself and instead of addressing the fact that the holy prophet Mohammed was in fact a man of deceit and murder you drag in other religions as if that is a valid argument. Instead of throwing out your rebuttal as anyone should, I played along: Mohammad promotes deception and murder, show me where Christ does the same.

You can't. You haven't; so instead this dance of words continues where I present fact and you dance around them in broken English.
Your posts are full of assumptions and generalizations. I have presented a simple quote from the Prophet Mohammed telling his follower to deceive and murder. I also stated that nearly 2 billion people believe in what this man said and ordered.

I'm starting to think that you didn't even read the script despite the fact that it was in very simple English.

You counter fact with HUGE assumptions time after time. I don't believe that I once offered my own policy. I merely present facts and you take them and run with them. I show that Mohammad was petty, brutal, and ordered his men to deceive and murder in plain words easy to understand that have been cited, yet you profess that his simple "yes" is open to interpretation. You make assumptions about myself and instead of addressing the fact that the holy prophet Mohammed was in fact a man of deceit and murder you drag in other religions as if that is a valid argument. Instead of throwing out your rebuttal as anyone should, I played along: Mohammad promotes deception and murder, show me where Christ does the same.

You can't. You haven't; so instead this dance of words continues where I present fact and you dance around them in broken English.
Wait, are we still pretending like these books aren't works of fiction?
I would love to "match wits" with the average Trump supporter. I would imagine it to be quite the interesting conversation.


The democratic liberal control of RIU has censored my free speech so you have that going for you.

Good luck with Hillary after Trump crushes her. Drip , Drip.
Your posts are full of assumptions and generalizations. I have presented a simple quote from the Prophet Mohammed telling his follower to deceive and murder. I also stated that nearly 2 billion people believe in what this man said and ordered.

I'm starting to think that you didn't even read the script despite the fact that it was in very simple English.

You counter fact with HUGE assumptions time after time. I don't believe that I once offered my own policy. I merely present facts and you take them and run with them. I show that Mohammad was petty, brutal, and ordered his men to deceive and murder in plain words easy to understand that have been cited, yet you profess that his simple "yes" is open to interpretation. You make assumptions about myself and instead of addressing the fact that the holy prophet Mohammed was in fact a man of deceit and murder you drag in other religions as if that is a valid argument. Instead of throwing out your rebuttal as anyone should, I played along: Mohammad promotes deception and murder, show me where Christ does the same.

You can't. You haven't; so instead this dance of words continues where I present fact and you dance around them in broken English.
Your posts are full of assumptions and generalizations. I have presented a simple quote from the Prophet Mohammed telling his follower to deceive and murder. I also stated that nearly 2 billion people believe in what this man said and ordered.

I'm starting to think that you didn't even read the script despite the fact that it was in very simple English.

You counter fact with HUGE assumptions time after time. I don't believe that I once offered my own policy. I merely present facts and you take them and run with them. I show that Mohammad was petty, brutal, and ordered his men to deceive and murder in plain words easy to understand that have been cited, yet you profess that his simple "yes" is open to interpretation. You make assumptions about myself and instead of addressing the fact that the holy prophet Mohammed was in fact a man of deceit and murder you drag in other religions as if that is a valid argument. Instead of throwing out your rebuttal as anyone should, I played along: Mohammad promotes deception and murder, show me where Christ does the same.

You can't. You haven't; so instead this dance of words continues where I present fact and you dance around them in broken English.

So your argument is that religion isnt open to interpretation? And that all muslims believe the west should die? Because of 1 passage?

And IM the 1 generalizing?

Your a fucking genius all right.

P.S. assuming all muslims have it out for non-muslims because a passage gives a man permission to "kill for god" is in itself a "huge assumption"....truly the only assumption im making at this point is that you seem to have as big a problem as any extremist with the concept that the writen word is a falible message which at best was created to teach through naritive.
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