Donald Trump

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So your argument is that religion isnt open to interpritation? And that all muslims believe the west should die? Because of 1 passage?

And IM the 1 generalizing?

Your a fucking genius all right.

Please, please, watch some Sesame Street or something. Your posts make me cringe every time you butcher simple English. Your last post is so ironic yet I doubt you even know why.

I cited a verse that CLEARLY states Mohammad sponsored deception and murder. Tell me where I said that all Muslims think the West should die.

Hopefully you can cite better than you can write.
Please, please, watch some Sesame Street or something. Your posts make me cringe every time you butcher simple English. Your last post is so ironic yet I doubt you even know why.

I cited a verse that CLEARLY states Mohammad sponsored deception and murder. Tell me where I said that all Muslims think the West should die.

Hopefully you can cite better than you can write.
The bible is riddled with the same dangerous bullshit
Please, please, watch some Sesame Street or something. Your posts make me cringe every time you butcher simple English. Your last post is so ironic yet I doubt you even know why.

I cited a verse that CLEARLY states Mohammad sponsored deception and murder. Tell me where I said that all Muslims think the West should die.

Hopefully you can cite better than you can write.

You said this...
Quote Jesus telling his followers to kill non followers.

In response to this..
No I'm saying it's stupid to say "Christianity is tolerant." It is literally one of the most intolerant religions on the face of the Earth. And guess what? Islam directly stems from Christianity. They think Jesus Christ was one of the greatest prophets along with Abraham and Mohammed. As a lot of people say here "the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree," when making fun of Islam and it's warlike tendencies with the history of Mohammed. It really does not seeing as how when the Crusaders took Jerusalem they wrote that they put the populace (men, women, and children) to the sword and waded through streets of blood.

With Christianity there were almost 2,000 years of warfare and atrocities justified "in the name of Christ." Pogroms were done by Eastern Orthodox, the Inquisition by Catholics, slave trade largely by Protestants. To say Christianity does not have its faults is to be willfully ignorant and not even begin to a attempt to understand the history of the world.

This implies you believe Christianity differs in that it doesn't tell its followers verbatim to kill in its name. My whole point is that is erroneous.

Look dude...backtrack all you want. Its the reason you cited that passage that leads 1 to their conclusions.

Even if im exploring avenues in your logic train you weren't. Your still a bigot.

We get it.

Im not writing you a paper on my phone here professor...I was an NBC and used to work for Stanford. I'm sure i spent as much time in class as you've been alive. But I'll still take bad grammar and syntax over being a bigot any day.
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You said this...

In response to this..

This implies you believe Christianity differs in that it doesn't tell its followers verbatim to kill in its name. My whole point is that is erroneous.

Look dude...backtrack all you want. Its the reason you cited that passage that leads 1 to their conclusions.

Even if im exploring avenues in your logic train you weren't. Your still a bigot.

We get it.

Im not writing you a paper on my phone here professor...I was an NBC and used to work for Stanford. I'm sure i spent as much time in class as you've been alive. But I'll still take bad grammar and syntax over being a bigot any day.

You still haven't quoted Jesus instructing his followers to kill.

People are bigots now for being able to properly utilize language, read comprehensively, and cite correctly?
ok... here...
Zechariah 13:3 NAB
If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through.

Leviticus 26:7
You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you.

Zephaniah 1:2-6 NLT
"I will sweep away everything in all your land," says the LORD. "I will sweep away both people and animals alike. Even the birds of the air and the fish in the sea will die. I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble, along with the rest of humanity," says the LORD.

New Testiment
Jesus killing his enemies:

Revelation 2:22-23
"So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

There is a long list of evil, terrorism, pedophilia and mass murders in the Bible.

Also you keep saying "Jesus said"...wouldn't "God said" be the fair comparison since you cited Allah's command to kill? Or are you 1 of those Jesus IS god folk? Which still wouldn't change the fact that the Christian God kills and commands people to kill for him ALOT!

So whats next? You going to go the semantic route an argue that Jesus didn't instruct OTHERS to kill making you still somehow technically correct in your statement? (Even if not by the point you were trying to make)

P.S. Man...having a God who tells you to kill, conquer, subjugate and discriminate in his name while hiding behind the guise of a V.P. spokesman promoting everlasting love, eternal understanding, forgiveness and compassion truly does suit the hypocritical (borderline Sociopathic) American mindset.
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So whats next? You going to go the semantic route an argue that Jesus didn't instruct OTHERS to kill making you still somehow technically correct in your statement? (Even if not by the point you were trying to make)

Once again: cite Jesus Christ instructing his followers to kill on his behalf. ...point.

"He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday. Events can change; this man's beliefs never will." -Colbert
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ok... here...
Zechariah 13:3 NAB
If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through.

Leviticus 26:7
You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you.

Zephaniah 1:2-6 NLT
"I will sweep away everything in all your land," says the LORD. "I will sweep away both people and animals alike. Even the birds of the air and the fish in the sea will die. I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble, along with the rest of humanity," says the LORD.

New Testiment
Jesus killing his enemies:

Revelation 2:22-23
"So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

There is a long list of evil, terrorism, pedophilia and mass murders in the Bible.

Also you keep saying "Jesus said"...wouldn't "God said" be the fair comparison since you cited Allah's command to kill? Or are you 1 of those Jesus IS god folk? Which still wouldn't change the fact that the Christian God kills and commands people to kill for him ALOT!

So whats next? You going to go the semantic route an argue that Jesus didn't instruct OTHERS to kill making you still somehow technically correct in your statement? (Even if not by the point you were trying to make)

P.S. Man...having a God who tells you to kill, conquer, subjugate and discriminate in his name while hiding behind the guise of a V.P. spokesman promoting everlasting love, eternal understanding, forgiveness and compassion truly does suit the hypocritical (borderline Sociopathic) American mindset.

I cited Mohammad clearly telling his follower to deceive and kill. You cannot find a single passage where Jesus Christ gives the same command.

I never cited Allah, you did that all on your own.
I cited Mohammad clearly telling his follower to deceive and kill. You cannot find a single passage where Jesus Christ gives the same command.

I never cited Allah, you did that all on your own.
you are cited Mohammad not Allah. My apologies.

We can ignore my point (the irrefutable one)....being that Christians are JUST as violent as Muslims regardless of if their magic spokesman told them to be or not. (which would make it better or worse in the eyes of their God I wonder? hhhmmm)

Better question. WHY do you think this distinction matters then? Why do you think it affects 2 billion people and how? If im wrong in how ive judged your statement how am I wrong?

Show your work, if you would.
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you are cited Mohammad not allah. (though neither did I)

We can ignore my point (the irrefutable one)....being that Christians are JUST as violent as Muslims regardless of if their magic spokesman told them to or not.

Better question. WHY do you think this distinction matters then? Why do you think it affects 2 billion people and how? If im wrong in how ive judged your statement how am I wrong?

Show your work, if you would.

My citations are a part of my posts while your posts are full of implications. When you did finally cite you mentioned the Old Testament and a Revelation about condemning an angel to her sick bed and the death of her children. I can however cite what Jesus said about murder:

1 John 3:15

New International Version
Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

If you cannot see the importance in the founder of Islam commanding his followers to deceive and murder, then nothing I say will enlighten you.
My citations are a part of my posts while your posts are full of implications. When you did finally cite you mentioned the Old Testament and a Revelation about condemning an angel to her sick bed and the death of her children. I can however cite what Jesus said about murder:

1 John 3:15

New International Version
Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

If you cannot see the importance in the founder of Islam commanding his followers to deceive and murder, then nothing I say will enlighten you.

You're not familiar with Christianity, are you?
He will clearly only acknowledge a literal example of his statement.

Old religious trick...cite something specific for example in text, then ignore the reality of that things literal impact (or lack there of) on the world.

e.g. Jesus doesn't tell followers to kill for him in scripture = Christians killing in the name of Jesus doesn't happen? Or at least that when it does happen it doesn't really represent (his) Christianity (argument of interpretation).

Mohammad tells followers to kill in scripture = All 2 billion Muslims are ingrained with the notion its ok to murder.

This guy seems to actually believe literal interpretation of the bible to be the correct and only way to view his religious text, contrary to how many rewrites...languages...authors..or centuries between each his book has gone through. Thus it seems in his mind, the same is true for every other scripture.

If you cannot see the importance in the founder of Islam commanding his followers to deceive and murder, then nothing I say will enlighten you.
If YOU cannot see the similarities between that and the Christian God (despite what Jesus did or didn't say...hes not God) then you are truly just making it up as you go. If you can pick and choose whats true for you in your book why do you think Muslims incapable of the same?

Way to cop out rather then show your work. Its not that "you cant teach me" its that you have nothing more to say. I can admit a valid point when its presented. You WERE right about your citing and I apologized for my mistake. If you actually expressed anything other then Muslims=bad I would at least politely hear you out but so far it just looks like you wont cause someone would rip it apart for basic unfounded bigotry.

Ive already made good headway there. Except maybe to other bible thumpers your semantic argument (which doesn't change the reality of violent christian nature 1 iota) is already pretty weak.

You might as well just come clean and admit Muslims scare you and your voting trump cause (at least in part) you want to keep out Syrians. Hows that for an assumption?

“Most world religions denounced war as a barbaric waste of human life. We treasured the teachings of these religions so dearly that we frequently had to wage war in order to impose them on other people.”
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He will clearly only acknowledge a literal example of his statement.

Old religious trick...cite something specific for example in text, then ignore the reality of that things literal impact (or lack there of) on the world.

e.g. Jesus doesn't tell followers to kill for him in scripture = Christians killing in the name of Jesus doesn't happen? Or at least that when it does happen it doesn't really represent (his) Christianity (argument of interpretation).

Mohammad tells followers to kill in scripture = All 2 billion Muslims are ingrained with the notion its ok to murder.

This guy seems to actually believe literal interpretation of the bible to be the correct and only way to view his religious text, contrary to how many rewrites...languages...authors..or centuries between each his book has gone through. Thus it seems in his mind, the same is true for every other scripture.

If YOU cannot see the similarities between that and the Christian God (despite what Jesus did or didn't say...hes not God) then you are truly just making it up as you go. If you can pick and choose whats true for you in your book why do you think Muslims incapable of the same?

Way to cop out rather then show your work. Its not that "you cant teach me" its that you have nothing more to say. I can admit a valid point when its presented. You WERE right about your citing and I apologized for my mistake. If you actually expressed anything other then Muslims=bad I would at least politely hear you out but so far it just looks like you wont cause someone would rip it apart for basic unfounded bigotry.

Ive already made good headway there. Except maybe to other bible thumpers your semantic argument (which doesn't change the reality of violent christian nature 1 iota) is already pretty weak.

You might as well just come clean and admit Muslims scare you and your voting trump cause (at least in part) you want to keep out Syrians. Hows that for an assumption?

“Most world religions denounced war as a barbaric waste of human life. We treasured the teachings of these religions so dearly that we frequently had to wage war in order to impose them on other people.”

You continue to bring up "God" and "Allah". I've quoted Jesus Christ and Mohammad. Their stance on murder and deception are polar opposites. You continue to try and lump the two religions together.
Im pretty sure its as inevitable as having a black president ruling your states. A full out clearly facist president for a change not a pretend not to be one.
i honestl;y think you yanks have let shit go on waaay too fucking long.
Most populations under a facist regime in the ''developed'' world managed to realize what was going on before the fucking 90s. Meaning techonology wasnt so advanced that the state couldnt have an overall supremacy over the masses like we see nowadays.
Im very sure if yanks managed to get shit sorted and tried to overthrow the entities in power theyd be raped so far up their ass with drones and ignorant mind washed civilian killers (aka cops) and have media paint it in such a way that that all you walmart going fuckers would turn against yourselves and civil war would break out.
i gotta admit its almost cunning to see how america has been transformed in the 20th century. Such a shame
My citations are a part of my posts while your posts are full of implications. When you did finally cite you mentioned the Old Testament and a Revelation about condemning an angel to her sick bed and the death of her children. I can however cite what Jesus said about murder:

1 John 3:15

New International Version
Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

If you cannot see the importance in the founder of Islam commanding his followers to deceive and murder, then nothing I say will enlighten you.
Citing Christianity nonsense to explain Islamic nonsense only works if you are an idiot.
Explain what exactly? I'm merely pointing out that they are polar opposites in regards to how the founders of each religion view deception and murder.
You are pointing out what you would like to believe. The truth is that both religions are made up stories and constructed to deceive their followers with fantastical myths.

Santa Clause is much better role model. He gives you things and you don't have to follow any pointless rituals nor admit that you at fault for something that you've done. He just loves you and gives you things.
Explain what exactly? I'm merely pointing out that they are polar opposites in regards to how the founders of each religion view deception and murder.
The point of "pointing out" being what exactly?

(No guys im just pointing at that not trying to make a statement or infer about what it means in any relevant worldly way...its not like Im saying that Muslims are violent by nature because their god says so or just saying it "is" a thing literally....therefore Im still right and not Islamophobic) :roll:

P.S. So before when I said that I thought you were a bigot please dont misunderstand....its not that i think you're a bigot....its just the words I happened to write down in a particular order at the time expressing as much.
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